
Huang Zitao's agent was arrested: I learned that the contract ticket price was different from the selling price 10 minutes before the opening

author:Fog and rain review room

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Huang Zitao's agent was arrested: I learned that the contract ticket price was different from the selling price 10 minutes before the opening

It is not certain who has the right to speak in the entertainment industry, but the artist is in front of the stage, and the agent is behind the scenes. The internal relationship in the entertainment industry is intertwined, and the companies under the names of artists and agents are criss-crossed, making it difficult to completely sort out the relationship.

Huang Zitao, who had developed in South Korea, focused on personal performances and other activities after returning to China, and his itinerary and schedule were almost handled by his agent, and the relationship between the two should be very close, but Huang Zitao didn't expect the agent to stab him in the back.

Huang Zitao held a concert in October last year, but his agent adjusted the selling price of the tickets for profit, and he didn't know about it until he came to the stage, which made Huang Zitao both angry and sad, he didn't expect the agent to do such a thing.

Huang Zitao's agent was arrested: I learned that the contract ticket price was different from the selling price 10 minutes before the opening

【Broker Backstabbing】

Huang Zitao has returned to China for so many years, and his former agent has accompanied him for most of the time when he returned to China. The two fought side by side for ten years, and the things they experienced and the friendship they established during this period cannot be explained in one or two sentences.

Although Huang Zitao's development has been tepid over the years, there are still many things that need to be handled and negotiated. His former agent started out as a small assistant and then slowly became his agent, and the change in status meant increased responsibility.

Huang Zitao is full of trust in his former agent, and he almost never suspects that the agent will betray him or do something bad. Many companies under Huang Zitao's name have the shadow of former agents, and even the other party once became the CEO of the company.

Huang Zitao's agent was arrested: I learned that the contract ticket price was different from the selling price 10 minutes before the opening

When Huang Zitao's father died, his former agent also entered the company left by his father, which shows Huang Zitao's trust in him. However, sometimes sincerity cannot be changed for sincerity, and the other party is not grateful because of Huang Zitao's trust.

In fact, long before the concert incident, the company under the agent's name faced an investigation. And there have been rumors that his agent leaked the company's information, which had a very bad impact on the company.

When Huang Zitao found out about the concert, he gradually learned that his agent had done a lot of unsightly things behind his back. Whether it was a leak or embezzlement, the agent paid the price for it, and was finally taken away for investigation for dereliction of duty.

Huang Zitao's agent was arrested: I learned that the contract ticket price was different from the selling price 10 minutes before the opening

Although the agent was punished, it took a lot of time for Huang Zitao's inner depression to dissipate. Not long ago, he talked about this incident in the live broadcast room, and there was no lack of sadness and disappointment in his words, and the other party brought him a great shadow.

Trust often takes a long time to build, but it only takes a moment to collapse. Huang Zitao's agent ignores the feelings between the two and only cares about his own interests, which is destined to destroy Huang Zitao's trust and psychological defense.

【A life that is constantly being tested】

Huang Zitao's development in the entertainment industry over the years has actually been a little tepid, which is completely different from his development in the EXO boy group back then. After returning to China, he participated in TV series, participated in various programs and variety shows, and had more labels attached to him.

Huang Zitao's agent was arrested: I learned that the contract ticket price was different from the selling price 10 minutes before the opening

There is nothing to talk about him more than "true temperament". The word seems to some people to be positive and some to be derogatory. But on Huang Zitao, it is indeed more suitable.

He entered the Korean entertainment industry at the age of 17, stood out among the fiercely competitive trainees, and survived his debut. At that time, it was not talent that made his successful debut, but diligence and hard work.

Compared with positive remarks, Huang Zitao is more questioning and criticizing him. He talked about his dream of promoting Chinese pop music in front of the camera, but he faced a wave of ridicule.

Huang Zitao's agent was arrested: I learned that the contract ticket price was different from the selling price 10 minutes before the opening

Maybe Huang Zitao didn't succeed in this, but he persevered. In many things, Huang Zitao doesn't mind expressing his truest thoughts, nor does he mind revealing his ambitions, and insists on what he wants to do.

It is precisely because he does not hide his thoughts at all that Huang Zitao is not tactful in the entertainment industry, he always puts what he thinks on the surface, and his preference for a person is also very obvious. Such a character makes the audience's opinion of him very polarized.

Over the years, Huang Zitao has faced many doubts and ridicules, and I don't know how he resolved them. The death of his father, who had always loved him, last year, coupled with the exposure of his agent's bad behavior, Huang Zitao can be said to have experienced a low point in his life.

Huang Zitao's agent was arrested: I learned that the contract ticket price was different from the selling price 10 minutes before the opening

He admitted that the concert he held last year was the most uncomfortable concert in his heart, and he didn't know what kind of mood he was in to sing it. And these words, he didn't confide until now.

It's hard to imagine what kind of pressure Huang Zitao, who was giggling and smiling in the audience in the show last year, although he was depressed, he never brought this emotion to work, and did not bring the audience a heavy impression.


There are always many ups and downs in life, and what matters is how we digest the emotions that these things bring us. Although Huang Zitao has lived in a privileged environment since he was a child, his life is not completely smooth sailing.

Huang Zitao's agent was arrested: I learned that the contract ticket price was different from the selling price 10 minutes before the opening

Whether it is true temperament or betrayal, treating others with the most sincere attitude is an account of our conscience. We can't control what others think and do, and we don't have to blame ourselves for it.


"Huang Zitao: Not Growing into the Appearance of Most People", Encyclopedia for Middle School Students, 2017

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