
After drinking apple water for two weeks, the whole person is completely comfortable.

author:Gluttonous Rice Bucket Diary

Useful for personal test sharing, no exaggerated content!

My mother loves apples, but she never buys fresh, she always buys the kind with flaws, a pound for a dollar

It's that kind of suffocation that doesn't affect eating, my mother buys a few pounds every time I come back, and I can eat it in the refrigerator for a week!

But my mom never ate apples raw, she always steamed them or boiled them in water!

After drinking apple water for two weeks, the whole person is completely comfortable.

In the winter we just eat steamed and drink water in the summer!

Apples are good for cooking and eating: they are good for glass stomachs, late-night cats, yellow skin, and especially for girls!

Insist on drinking about 3 times a week, the little face is ruddy, and the beauty without makeup is super good-looking!

If you don't like to drink water, then drink this, it's better than drinks, and you don't have to worry about not drinking water anymore!

After drinking apple water for two weeks, the whole person is completely comfortable.

Mom's formula, Amway is in the picture!

After drinking apple water for two weeks, the whole person is completely comfortable.

On dog days in summer, girls really want to drink more of this water!

I wish all women a beautiful day and shine!

After drinking apple water for two weeks, the whole person is completely comfortable.

Eat the flesh of the apple, too!

It's quite delicious, the soft and glutinous flesh, the soup is sweet and sour, and it feels so appetizing and greasy!

After drinking apple water for two weeks, the whole person is completely comfortable.

No kidding you, this one is really useful!

I insisted on drinking it myself for two weeks, and the whole person was comfortable, and every day was smooth and comfortable!


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