
I found a strange phenomenon in the system, most of the people in the system will say that their work is not good

author:Bigeye fish see the world

Jobs within the system have always been a job that many people aspire to. But if you ask the people around you in the system, are they doing a good job? So nine times out of ten, these people will say that their work is not good, and it can be summed up as a sentence of more money and less tiredness.

I found a strange phenomenon in the system, most of the people in the system will say that their work is not good

So what is the reason why such a job that everyone envies to eat with an iron bowl has become the chicken ribs in their mouths?

I think any work has its own era, and everyone often says that 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi is this truth. In other words, the same job, in different eras, will have different feelings. For example, in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, everyone was proud to enter the factory as a worker, and after the opening up, everyone came out one after another and decided to go to the sea.

I found a strange phenomenon in the system, most of the people in the system will say that their work is not good

Because in those days, being a worker had a status bonus. Not only is the social status high, but most of the time their work is relatively easy. Generally speaking, they go to work on time and leave work on time. Some large state-owned enterprises are simply self-contained, not only divided into houses, but also have their own kindergartens and primary schools. Workers can even bring their children to work, with someone taking care of them. In short, although the material conditions at that time were average, the factory really regarded the workers as family.

I found a strange phenomenon in the system, most of the people in the system will say that their work is not good

When it opened, the wind from outside blew in. Due to poor market competitiveness and poor management, many factories have failed to pay workers' wages or even closed down. In this way, many people are forced to choose to be laid off and go to the sea, and go out of another day.

I found a strange phenomenon in the system, most of the people in the system will say that their work is not good

Now the situation in the system is somewhat similar to the above, the good old days are gone, and it is not as easy as before.

Everyone envies the work in the system, which is nothing more than yearning for the life of "a cup of tea and a newspaper for a day". But it is certain to tell you that such times have long passed.

I found a strange phenomenon in the system, most of the people in the system will say that their work is not good

In recent years, improving work style has always been the focus of all work. Not only is the work more demanding, but the interior is also getting more and more volatile. Overtime in the system has become the norm, but if you are a little self-motivated, you will unconsciously involute. I feel that as long as I work hard, I will have the opportunity to be promoted and raised.

I found a strange phenomenon in the system, most of the people in the system will say that their work is not good

However, the system is different from the outside system, and the promotion and salary increase channels here are very narrow. Many times hard work does not necessarily lead to the opportunity to be promoted, and many people have spent many years in exchange for only one empty game. So in despair, he sank and collapsed.

And those who are lucky enough to be in power also have the feeling of holding power and overlooking the world. Because now the rights and responsibilities are unified, the higher the position, the greater the responsibility, many times not only will you lose your position, but there is even a risk of entering. Moreover, after the liquidation of dispatched and seconded personnel, many units have run out of people who can do their jobs.

I found a strange phenomenon in the system, most of the people in the system will say that their work is not good

Now that everyone is smart, drawing a pie doesn't work anymore. When faced with the dilemma that no one can use it, and the top is still urging, in desperation, only the leader himself goes up, which is not only the leader, but also the cultivated cattle.

Therefore, many people who are promoted, not only do not enjoy the joy of promotion and salary increase, but fall into a cycle of fatigue, and boil out gray hair in a few months.

I found a strange phenomenon in the system, most of the people in the system will say that their work is not good

But this is also the actual situation, and you can't blame others for your choices, who doesn't know well in advance?

So now in the system, those who go up are tired, and those who don't go up are also tired, so everyone will complain to their friends that the work is not good, so let everyone not come in.

I found a strange phenomenon in the system, most of the people in the system will say that their work is not good

In fact, if you think about it, most of these situations have work. It's just that there is a "siege" effect, everyone thinks that other jobs are good, and what you can't get is the most fragrant. But think about it, in fact, all kinds of professions have their own advantages and their own sufferings, and they just know their own warmth and coldness.



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