
Who are the people who are talking about farming? What are they afraid of? In the end, who is the farmer and who is the farmer?

author:Hongchen self-media

Recently, I have frequently seen articles or videos on the Internet criticizing "agricultural trouble", who are these people? Why are these people so afraid of the peasants speaking out or those who speak for the peasants, in their eyes, anyone who speaks for the peasants is called "peasant trouble"! Is it the peasants who are making trouble, or are they the people who are making trouble? Today, I will share my views on this topic!

Who are the people who are talking about farming? What are they afraid of? In the end, who is the farmer and who is the farmer?

If you want to say "agricultural trouble", you must first understand what is the real agricultural trouble? After searching on the Internet, agricultural trouble is actually a positive and negative word, which is used in different contexts and has different meanings! The peasants' reasonable demands and the peasant troubles of telling the truth for the peasants are a kind of righteous voice, but the unreasonable demands and the situation of seeking certain interests in the name of the peasants are the real peasant troubles! So what's the most criticized on the internet? That is the topic of farmers' pensions, as long as it is an article or a video that is related to this, a bunch of people will jump out of the comment area and start to say unpleasant words, saying that they want pension pensions if they don't pay social security, they want to eat white food, what they say more to pay, what they don't pay, etc., and even some people take out the social security law to rise to the legal level to say things, everyone's views are different, but the voice of farmers and the voice of farmers is said to be a farmer's trouble, this is a bit on the line, not to, if farmers really want to make trouble, It's not the current situation!

Who are the people who are talking about farming? What are they afraid of? In the end, who is the farmer and who is the farmer?

So, second, why are these people so afraid of peasant voices? You must know that the peasants of all dynasties, as an important group of the country, have made great contributions! The reason why these people are afraid of the peasants' voices is that they are afraid that the peasants will wake up and lose the good life they are enjoying now! Most of these people don't know about the peasants, don't know the sufferings of the peasants, and always think that they are from the city when they live in the city, but they don't know that counting up to three or five generations, their ancestors are farmers! The contribution made by the peasants, the contribution to the country, and the contribution to the city cannot be seen, or pretended to be invisible! A simple question, if all the peasants do not grow food, vegetables and fruits, will they dare to shout like this? Do you dare to say that the peasants make some noises, say something, and make some demands?

Who are the people who are talking about farming? What are they afraid of? In the end, who is the farmer and who is the farmer?

Thirdly, what the peasants have contributed to the country and what they have paid for it, these people who shout every day to crack down on the peasant troubles do not understand at all, or do not understand at all! Next, I will talk about what the peasants have done for the country, and after listening, do these people still dare to say that the peasants are peasants? 46 years ago, how many people still remember the payment of public grain, the payment of retention, the three mentions and the five unifications, and the voluntary work? After paying the public grain, it is handed over and retained, and when there is a production team, the production team will hand it over, and the field will be distributed to the household after the contract is delivered to the household, and it will be paid by itself! Three items are reserved for the management of the provident fund and public welfare fund, and the five items are for the township and township co-ordination, including education expenses, preferential care expenses, transportation expenses, militia training expenses, and family planning expenses. So what should the three mentions and five unification fees be handed over to the state? It is mainly to support national defense construction, education, and urban construction, including the payment of public grain and voluntary work at that time, which are also for the country's infrastructure construction, and the peasants farm and pay grain to support national defense logistics and food guarantees, and secondly, to ensure that urban residents have food to eat, and the main purpose of volunteer work is to support the national farmland and water conservancy infrastructure! Up to now, how many cities still have drinking water sources that are in play by the water conservancy projects built by the peasants in those years, and generally speaking, the peasant rural areas are the rear of the country's construction! Without the hard work and selfless dedication of farmers, how can there be a good life now!

Who are the people who are talking about farming? What are they afraid of? In the end, who is the farmer and who is the farmer?

Let's talk about it now, although the country is rich and the cities are developing well, the gap between the lives of rural peasants and the cities is still very large! The cities are modern and prosperous, and the rural areas are depressed and backward, so that many people in the cities now look down on the peasants in the countryside and always think that they are superior to others! As everyone knows, it is the simplicity, kindness and diligence of the farmers who are contributing to the people in the city! However, in some things, the city people obviously have an advantage, such as the gap between pensions and pensions, and the farmers also want to improve and improve, in fact, this kind of call is not malicious, because the gap does exist, but because of these calls and demands, it is said to be a peasant trouble, which is a bit too much! It is even more smear and extreme disrespect for farmers!

Who are the people who are talking about farming? What are they afraid of? In the end, who is the farmer and who is the farmer?

In short, now the country is rich and powerful, but the contribution of the peasants to the country cannot be ignored, whether it is the city people or the peasants, the lives of all people have been greatly improved, in the face of some things, it is normal for the peasants to have different voices, but social harmony is more important, do not give the peasants the voice at every turn to button the peasant trouble, the hat of the peasant ruffian, or not!

Okay, that's all for today's video, do you agree with my point of view, welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, thank you for watching, see you next time!