
Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

author:Two ancestors

The "renewal" of the Haiqing Magnolia Award scene sparked heated discussions: a gorgeous turn under the suspicion of medical beauty?

Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

Under the bright night of the Magnolia Awards at the Shanghai TV Festival, actor Haiqing, who has always shown a fresh and natural image, appeared in front of everyone with an unprecedented appearance, which aroused widespread attention and discussion in public opinion.

Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

In this appearance, Haiqing not only amazed the four with a high-definition dress, but also became a hot topic on social media because of the significant changes in his face.

Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

Many viewers and netizens have raised questions about whether Haiqing has undergone medical aesthetic surgery, resulting in a slightly stiff facial expression, especially the eye-catching "pouting lips", which has become the focus of different opinions.

The "big face" on the red carpet

Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

Walking on the red carpet of the Shanghai TV Festival, Haiqing wore a neatly cut haute couture dress with a classic green color, which not only set off her slender figure, but also added a bit of mystery and nobility.

Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

However, what caught the eye more than the fancy dress was her face, which seemed to have become extraordinarily different overnight.

Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

The original trademark gentle smile now looks a little stiff at certain angles, especially the lips, which are full in shape, like carefully carved "pouting lips", which are similar to her in the natural state of the past.

Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

Is the face after medical beauty somewhat similar to Jin Chen?

Hot discussion on the Internet: the mystery of medical beauty?

Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

As Haiqing's new image spread rapidly on the Internet, netizens turned on the "detective mode" and launched a heated discussion about her facial changes.

Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

Some netizens directly raised questions about medical aesthetics, believing that such a significant change in facial features is most likely the result of receiving non-surgical aesthetic treatments such as fillers or injections.

Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?
Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

They point out that Haiqing's smile doesn't look as natural as before, and the range of motion of the facial muscles seems to be limited!

Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

In particular, the shape of "pouting lips" when the corners of the mouth are raised is reminiscent of some common phenomena after aesthetic surgery.

Take a look at Mr. Wu Yue on the same stage! The state of the whole person is very natural!

Although he is 52 years old, there are no wrinkles on his face at all! Just a few strands of gray hair on the sideburns!

Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

Although there are a few wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, they look very comfortable!

Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

On the same stage with Haiqing, it is easy to infect the audience when you laugh!

Haiqing Medical Beauty is not the first time that there are doubts!

Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

When she participated in the event before, she was questioned by netizens because of her stiff face when she laughed and her face looked smiling: It is the sequelae of medical beauty!

Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

At that time, she also skillfully resolved the questions of netizens: she directly posted by herself: Her eyes are as big as Tongling!

Haiqing Magnolia "changed its face"! The face is stiff and the mouth becomes "pouting lips"! Questioned about plastic surgery?

I don't know how Mr. Haiqing will reply to the netizens' questions this time?


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