
It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

author:Sister Hong shared

It's getting harder and harder to get red envelopes on weekends, if you don't invite friends to help, and you don't go to the mall to place an order, you can't get the 13 yuan of the second threshold.

It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

Sister Hong went to look through the records of the collection, and received the first 13 yuan from Sunday, April 28, and then withdrew 16 yuan every week for 8 consecutive weeks.

It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week
It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

I have withdrawn $13 for 9 consecutive weeks

This week starts on June 28th and ends on Sunday today, June 30th. The tasks of all 6 platforms were completed, and only 12.72 yuan was earned.

It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

There is still 0.28 yuan away from the threshold of 13 yuan, and even if the difference does not reach 13 yuan, it cannot be withdrawn.

Sister Hong analyzed and summarized that this week's challenge failed because Tomato Free Novel was missing two tasks and lost 8 opportunities, and three days was 24 opportunities.

It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

There are three chances to read comics in 5 minutes, and 5 chances to hit a 30-second style. None of them are gone

Even if it's only a penny per opportunity, it's easy to reach the goal of $13.

It seems that Sister Hong shared a few weeks ago that we want to get 16 yuan for the weekend red envelope, and on Friday, the red envelope should receive about 5.5 yuan. On Saturdays, you have to earn more than $13.7.

Let's take a look at this week's claims, I only earned 5.26 yuan this Friday.

It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

After completing all the tasks on Saturday, I only earned 13.57 yuan.

It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

If it weren't for the opportunity to steal friends' red envelopes and the opportunity to invite friends given by the platform, I wouldn't have earned so much yesterday.

It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

Now I'll show you the situation of receiving red envelopes on my 6 platforms, and I really haven't let go of every task, except for the rewards for placing an order and inviting friends to help.

Douyin Speed Edition

There is no difference from previous weeks, but on Sunday, shopping for 30 seconds, although there are 10 chances, but each time you get fewer red envelopes, and there is no chance to receive additional red envelopes.

It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

Tik Tok Volcano Edition

This platform is not much different from the previous few weeks, it is all when the water is released, the red envelope is high, and when the water is not released, it is all a penny.

It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

Tomato Free Novel

It's this platform that has lost two tasks this week. Even after receiving the gold coins in the shopping mall, the unlocked red envelopes did not allow Sister Hong to reach the goal of 13 yuan this week.

It can be seen how much influence there is with two missions missing and 8 opportunities lost.

It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

Tomato listening

This platform has a reward for placing an order, and Sister Hong thought about it for a while, if she did this task, she would increase her penny at most, and it wouldn't make a big difference.

Do you have any friends who have placed an order, and is the reward for placing an order a little higher?

It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

Watermelon video

The reward for placing an order on this platform was not done, and the two-minute task of watching a skit disappeared. However, the red envelope received by watching the video in the lower left corner has recovered to 0.03 yuan today.

It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

Headline Search Extreme Edition

The mission of this platform has not changed, but Sister Hong wrote a letter shared by a headline friend that it is easier to get a big red envelope by entering from this entrance. But after Sister Hong tried it, she found that it had no chance to receive additional red envelopes.

It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

This picture is the platform that you entered in turn on Friday, and other platforms have the opportunity to receive additional red envelopes, but there is no headline search version.

Today is Sunday, and the situation of receiving it is not satisfactory.

And yesterday when I received the extra red envelope, I made a small mistake, and I clicked out when there was a second left in the countdown, and I didn't receive the 0.03 yuan.

It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

Fortunately, there is still a difference of 0.28 yuan, if it is only 0.03 yuan, I will definitely regret slapping my thigh!

It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

So on the 6 platforms, Sister Hong took the task seriously. However, the boss of Byte doesn't want us to receive another 16 yuan, and there will always be some difficulties for us to break through.

Just like drawing red envelopes every day, we received 8 yuan in the first three weeks. After tasting the sweetness, as soon as I saw the red envelope drawn every day, I hurried to do the task, but we were disappointed for the next 6 weeks.

It is getting more and more difficult to get red envelopes on weekends, and I received 13 yuan for 9 weeks, and I only earned 12.72 yuan this week

Is your weekend red envelope mission still there? Is it the same as Sister Hong's mobile phone? Did you get $16 this week? If the claim is successful, share your joy in the comment area, let Sister Hong also be happy, and see if I can succeed in the challenge next week?

Keep up the good work and don't give up!

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