
It is getting harder and harder to withdraw 13 yuan on weekends, and it takes two days to earn 13.57 yuan

author:Sister Hong shared


It's another three-day weekend red envelope, how much have you received, have you found that there are fewer tasks this week, is the goal of challenging 13 yuan going to fail?

Every week, Sister Hong is sharing that she should pay attention to some small details and master some tips when receiving weekend red envelopes, and she can withdraw 13 yuan every week.

At the beginning, there were still thirty or forty chances left, and I had already received 13 yuan.

Because of my weekend red envelope, I don't need to invite friends to help, nor do I need to go to the mall to place an order, and I can still withdraw 16 yuan, so that many friends have successfully challenged.

Could it be that there are too many friends who have received 16 yuan red envelopes, so now the difficulty has been increased, which discourages us, or the platform can't afford to pay salaries, so they deliberately reduce the task.

I don't know if you found it when you made the weekend red envelope, this week's weekend red envelope, compared with last week, is the task the same or less?

This weekend, the red envelope is still 6 platforms to participate, but Tomato Free Novel suddenly reduced two tasks, one is to read comics for 5 minutes and have three chances, and the other is to browse popular models for 30 seconds to have 5 chances.

It is getting harder and harder to withdraw 13 yuan on weekends, and it takes two days to earn 13.57 yuan

Even if you can only get 0.01 yuan for each task, you can get 0.24 yuan after three days. If it is a difference of 0.2 yuan to reach the threshold of 13 yuan, isn't it a pity?

On weekends, red envelopes still have a time to release water

Now take everyone to see, the weekend red envelope still has a moment of water release on Saturday.

Sister Hong also shared before that the cumulative amount of red envelopes earned on weekends is about 9 yuan, whether it is after 9 yuan or before 9 yuan, there may be a time when water is released.

This time it's in the Douyin volcano version, and when I completed the task of watching the video in the lower left corner, 0.14 yuan appeared. Because usually this position is 0.01 yuan. After looking at it again, the total amount has reached 5.86 yuan.

It is getting harder and harder to withdraw 13 yuan on weekends, and it takes two days to earn 13.57 yuan

With the addition of 3 yuan in withdrawal, it is a cumulative income of 8.86 yuan. There was also an extra chance to receive an extra red envelope, and when the countdown was over, I got another 0.13 yuan.

It is getting harder and harder to withdraw 13 yuan on weekends, and it takes two days to earn 13.57 yuan

Let's go to another platform next, Douyin Extreme Edition.

The other tasks of this platform have been completed, and there is only one shopping task left, but there are 10 chances to go shopping. After 30 seconds, I got 0.49 yuan.

It is getting harder and harder to withdraw 13 yuan on weekends, and it takes two days to earn 13.57 yuan

There is also a red envelope for stealing a friend, usually I go to steal my friend's red envelope in the morning, because I can't steal it if I'm lazy. However, there are few tasks today, so I want to save it for stealing when there is a release.

The result is really good, there are 5 chances, and the amount of red envelopes is quite large.

It is getting harder and harder to withdraw 13 yuan on weekends, and it takes two days to earn 13.57 yuan

Another task is that the platform has given a chance to help.

It is getting harder and harder to withdraw 13 yuan on weekends, and it takes two days to earn 13.57 yuan

It is also when the water is released that you can receive more than 0.1 yuan, and it is usually a penny when you receive it.

It is getting harder and harder to withdraw 13 yuan on weekends, and it takes two days to earn 13.57 yuan

The video in the lower left corner of Tomato Listening has been received, and the tasks in the task bar have also been completed, and there are only 4 tasks.

It is getting harder and harder to withdraw 13 yuan on weekends, and it takes two days to earn 13.57 yuan

Tomato Free Fiction has fewer tasks this week. There are three chances to read comics, and there are no five chances to browse popular models in 30 seconds.

In the lower left corner, if you want to unlock the red envelope to watch the video, the process is a bit complicated.

First browse the mall for 60 seconds, and then watch the video in the upper left corner for 45 seconds After receiving the gold coins, the tasks of the 100 gold coins that appear in the task bar must be done, and then the red envelope will appear to get 0.02 yuan.

It is getting harder and harder to withdraw 13 yuan on weekends, and it takes two days to earn 13.57 yuan

It takes a little more time here, Sister Hong is not afraid of trouble, just see if she can reach the threshold of 13 yuan, because there are too few tasks.

The red envelope for watching the video in the lower left corner of the watermelon video has also been received, and this position was fixed at 0.03 yuan for the first few weeks, but this week it has become 0.02 yuan. And the two-minute task of watching the short drama is gone, and the task of placing an order is still not done.

It is getting harder and harder to withdraw 13 yuan on weekends, and it takes two days to earn 13.57 yuan

Headline Search Speed Edition here, there are still 8 missions.

There are still 4 tasks left to do when the water is released. After 30 seconds of browsing the mall, I got a big red envelope.

It is getting harder and harder to withdraw 13 yuan on weekends, and it takes two days to earn 13.57 yuan

Now that the tasks of the 6 platforms have been completed, there are only three chances left for the Douyin Volcano version of the limited-time flame mission, because he has to wait 20 minutes each time, so he has to be a little slower.

Let's take a look at my total red envelope amount, which is at 13.35 yuan.

It is getting harder and harder to withdraw 13 yuan on weekends, and it takes two days to earn 13.57 yuan

By 10 p.m., all the tasks were finally done.

It is getting harder and harder to withdraw 13 yuan on weekends, and it takes two days to earn 13.57 yuan

According to past experience, it costs about 13.7 yuan, and it is easier to withdraw 13 yuan on Sundays. But this week's task has been reduced again, so is it really impossible to withdraw 13 yuan this week?

Go rest first, get up early tomorrow, continue the challenge, and get 16 yuan.

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