
2024 China staple fiber acrylic fiber industry research report

author:Beijing Boyan Zhishang Information Consulting Co., Ltd., 2010

2024 China staple fiber acrylic fiber industry research report

2024 China staple fiber acrylic fiber industry research report

Report Number: 1767694

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  According to the report of the industry research agency, the market size of China's acrylic acid industry in the early part of the year was about 131 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 3.4%, and it will continue to grow in the later part of the year, with a scale of 167 million tons and a growth rate of 3.9%.

  With the acceleration of economic development, the demand for acrylic acid industry will continue to increase, and the market size will continue to expand. The government's strong support for the environmental protection industry and the implementation of environmental protection regulations will have a positive impact on the industry, thereby promoting the development of the acrylic acid industry.

  It is expected that China's acrylic acid industry will continue to grow with economic development, and the market size will show a stable development trend, and will continue to maintain an upward trend in the next few years.

  The technical level of China's acrylic acid industry will also continue to improve, and the product quality will be improved to meet the needs of more industries. The industry will continue to increase investment to promote the green development of the industry to meet the requirements of environmental protection, so as to promote the sustainable development of the industry.

  The market size of China's acrylic acid industry has maintained a high growth, with a market size of about 131 million tons in the early part of the year, which will continue to rise in the next few years, and China's acrylic acid industry will continue to develop in the next few years, the technical level and quality will continue to improve, and the industry will continue to increase investment to promote the green development of the industry, so as to achieve sustainable development.

1. Overview of the staple fiber acrylic fiber market

1.1 Product Definition and Statistical Scope

1.2 According to different product types, staple fiber acrylic fiber can be mainly divided into the following categories

1.2.1 Growth Trend of Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber by Product Type in China 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030

1.2.2 Acrylic wool

1.2.3 Acrylic-viscose

1.2.4 Acrylic nylon

1.2.5 Acrylic cotton

1.2.6 Miscellaneous

1.3 From different applications, staple fiber acrylic fiber mainly includes the following aspects


1.3.2 Textiles and clothing

1.3.3 Furniture upholstery

1.3.4 Industrial filter materials

1.3.5 Building and Construction

1.3.6 Automobiles

1.3.7 Miscellaneous

1.4 Development status and future trend of staple fiber acrylic in China (2019-2030)

1.4.1 Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Revenue and Growth Rate in China Market (2019-2030)

1.4.2 Sales volume and growth rate of staple acrylic fibers in China market (2019-2030)

2. Analysis of Major Staple Fiber Acrylic Manufacturers in China Market

2.1 Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Sales, Revenue and Market Share of Major Manufacturers in China Market

2.1.1 Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Sales Volume by Major Manufacturers in China Market (2019-2024)

2.1.2 Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Revenue by Major Manufacturers in China Market (2019-2024)

2.1.3 Revenue ranking of staple fiber acrylic fiber of major manufacturers in the Chinese market in 2024

2.1.4 Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Price by Major Manufacturers in China Market (2019-2024)

2.2 Distribution of headquarters and production areas of major manufacturers of staple fiber acrylic fiber in the Chinese market

2.3 Establishment time of major manufacturers in China market and commercialization date of staple fiber acrylic fiber

2.4 Major manufacturers in the Chinese market: staple fiber acrylic fiber product types and applications

2.5 Analysis of the concentration and competition degree of the staple fiber acrylic fiber industry

2.5.1 Concentration analysis of staple fiber acrylic fiber industry: market share of China's top 5 manufacturers in 2024

2.5.2 China's staple fiber first, second and third echelon manufacturers (brands) and market share in 2024

3. China Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Market Key Company Analysis

3.1 Aksa Acrylic Chemical Industry Inc.

3.1.1 Basic information of Aksa Akrilik Kimya Sanayii AS, staple fiber acrylic production base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.1.2 Aksa Akrilik Kimya Sanayii AS 短纤维丙烯酸纤维产品规格、参数及市场应用

3.1.3 Aksa Akrilik Kimya Sanayii AS在中国市场短纤维丙烯酸纤维销量、收入、价格及毛利率(2019-2024)

3.1.4 Aksa Acrylic Chemical Industry Inc.公司简介及主要业务

3.1.5 Aksa Akrilik Kimya Sanayii AS企业最新动态

3.2 Thai Acrylic Fibre Co. Ltd (TAF)

3.2.1 Thai Acrylic Fibre Co. Ltd (TAF) Basic Information, Staple Fiber Acrylic Production Base, Head Office, Competitors and Market Position

3.2.2 Thai Acrylic Fibre Co. Ltd (TAF) 短纤维丙烯酸纤维产品规格、参数及市场应用

3.2.3 Thai Acrylic Fibre Co. Ltd (TAF) Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Sales Volume, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin in China Market (2019-2024)

3.2.4 Thai Acrylic Fibre Co. Ltd (TAF)公司简介及主要业务

3.2.5 Thai Acrylic Fibre Co. Ltd (TAF)企业最新动态

3.3 Jilin Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.

3.3.1 Jilin Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. Basic Information, Staple Fiber Acrylic Production Base, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

3.3.2 Jilin Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. 短纤维丙烯酸纤维产品规格、参数及市场应用

3.3.3 Jilin Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.'s Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Sales Volume, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin in China Market (2019-2024)

3.3.4 Jilin Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.公司简介及主要业务

3.3.5 Jilin Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.企业最新动态

3.4 Taekwang Industry Co. Ltd.

3.4.1 Taekwang Industry Co. Ltd. Basic Information, Staple Fiber Acrylic Production Base, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

3.4.2 Taekwang Industry Co. Ltd. 短纤维丙烯酸纤维产品规格、参数及市场应用

3.4.3 Taekwang Industry Co. Ltd. staple fiber acrylic fiber sales volume, revenue, price and gross margin in China market (2019-2024)

3.4.4 Taekwang Industry Co. Ltd.公司简介及主要业务

3.4.5 Taekwang Industry Co. Ltd.企业最新动态

3.5 Indian Acrylics Ltd.

3.5.1 Basic information of Indian Acrylics Ltd., staple fiber acrylic production base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.5.2 Indian Acrylics Ltd. staple fiber acrylic fiber product specifications, parameters and market application

3.5.3 Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Sales Volume, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin of Indian Acrylics Ltd. in China Market (2019-2024)

3.5.4 Indian Acrylics Ltd.公司简介及主要业务

3.5.5 Indian Acrylics Ltd.企业最新动态



3.6.2 CHEMTEX GLOBAL CORPORATION 短纤维丙烯酸纤维产品规格、参数及市场应用




3.7 Vardhman Acrylics Ltd

3.7.1 Basic information of Vardhman Acrylics Ltd, staple fiber acrylic production base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.7.2 Vardhman Acrylics Ltd staple fiber acrylic fiber product specifications, parameters and market application

3.7.3 Vardhman Acrylics Ltd Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Sales Volume, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin in China Market (2019-2024)

3.7.4 Company profile and main business of Vardhman Acrylics Ltd

3.7.5 Vardhman Acrylics Ltd Corporate Update

3.8 Pasupati Acrylon Ltd

3.8.1 Pasupati Acrylon Ltd Basic Information, Staple Fiber Acrylon Production Base, Headquarters, Competitors and Market Position

3.8.2 Pasupati Acrylon Ltd staple fiber acrylic fiber product specifications, parameters and market application

3.8.3 Pasupati Acrylon Ltd Staple Fiber Acrylon Sales Volume, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin in China Market (2019-2024)

3.8.4 Paspati Acrylon Ltd

3.8.5 Pasupati Acrylon Ltd企业最新动态

3.9 Japan Exlan Co. Ltd

3.9.1 Basic information of Japan Exlan Co. Ltd, staple fiber acrylic production base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.9.2 Japan Exlan Co. Ltd staple fiber acrylic fiber product specifications, parameters and market application

3.9.3 Japan Exlan Co. Ltd Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Sales Volume, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin in China Market (2019-2024)

3.9.4 Japan Exlan Co. Ltd公司简介及主要业务

3.9.5 Japan Exlan Co. Ltd企业最新动态

3.10 Kaneka Corporation

3.10.1 Basic information of Kaneka Corporation, staple fiber acrylic production base, headquarters, competitors and market position

3.10.2 Kaneka Corporation staple fiber acrylic product specifications, parameters and market application

3.10.3 Kaneka Corporation Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Sales Volume, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin in China Market (2019-2024)

3.10.4 Kaneka Corporation Company Profile and Main Business

3.10.5 Conek Corporation企业最新动态

Chapter 4: Analysis of Different Types of Staple Fiber Acrylic Fibers

4.1 Sales volume of staple fiber acrylic by product type in China market (2019-2030)

4.1.1 Sales volume and market share of staple fiber acrylic fiber by product type in China market (2019-2024)

4.1.2 Sales Forecast of Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber by Product Type in China Market (2025-2030)

4.2 Scale of staple fiber acrylic fiber by product type in China market (2019-2030)

4.2.1 Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Scale and Market Share by Product Type in China Market (2019-2024)

4.2.2 China Market Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Scale Forecast by Product Type (2025-2030)

4.3 Price trend of staple fiber acrylic by product type in China market (2019-2030)

Chapter 5: Analysis of staple fiber acrylic fibers by application

5.1 Sales volume of staple fiber acrylic by application in China market (2019-2030)

5.1.1 Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Sales Volume and Market Share by Application in China Market (2019-2024)

5.1.2 Sales Forecast of Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber by Application in China Market (2025-2030)

5.2 Scale of Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber by Application in China Market (2019-2030)

5.2.1 China Market Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Scale and Market Share by Application (2019-2024)

5.2.2 China Market Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Scale Forecast by Application (2025-2030)

5.3 Price trend of staple fiber acrylic in China market by application (2019-2030)

Chapter 6: Industry Development Environment Analysis

6.1 Development analysis --- development trend of staple fiber acrylic fiber industry

6.2 Analysis of the development of staple fiber acrylic fiber industry --- barriers to manufacturers

6.3 Analysis of the development --- driving factors of the staple fiber acrylic fiber industry

6.4 Analysis of the development --- staple fiber acrylic fiber industry

6.5 SWOT analysis of staple fiber acrylic fiber Chinese enterprises

6.6 Analysis of the policy environment of the staple fiber acrylic fiber industry

6.6.1 Industry authorities and regulatory systems

6.6.2 Industry-related policy trends

6.6.3 Industry-related planning

Chapter 7: Industry Supply Chain Analysis

7.1 Introduction to the industrial chain of staple fiber acrylic fiber industry

7.2 Analysis of the short fiber acrylic fiber industry chain - upstream

7.3 Analysis of staple fiber acrylic fiber industry chain - midstream

7.4 Analysis of short fiber acrylic fiber industry chain - downstream: industry scenario

7.5 Procurement model of staple fiber acrylic fiber industry

7.6 Production mode of staple fiber acrylic fiber industry

7.7 Sales model and sales channels of staple fiber acrylic fiber industry

8. China Local Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Production Capacity and Yield Analysis

8.1 Supply and demand status and forecast of staple fiber acrylic fiber in China (2019-2030)

8.1.1 Capacity, Output, Capacity Utilization Rate and Development Trend of Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber in China (2019-2030)

8.1.2 Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber Production, Market Demand and Development Trend in China (2019-2030)

8.2 Analysis of import and export of staple fiber acrylic fiber in China

8.2.1 Main Sources of Imports of Staple Fiber Acrylic Fiber in China Market

8.2.2 Main export destinations of staple fiber acrylic fiber in the Chinese market

Chapter 9: Research Findings and Conclusions

Chapter 10 Appendix

10.1 Research Methodology

10.2 Data Sources

10.2.1 Secondary Sources

10.2.2 Primary Sources of Information

10.3 Data Interaction Verification

10.4 Disclaimer of Warranties

2024 China staple fiber acrylic fiber industry research report

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