
China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

author:Wind and Smoke Food Record


In China, a fertile land with a long history and profound cultural heritage, snacks are not only a feast for taste buds on the tip of the tongue, but also a carrier of emotions and memories of Chinese children, carrying thousands of years of customs and cultural inheritance. Since ancient times, snacks have been an indispensable part of it, like cultural treasures scattered among the people, shining brightly.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

"The people take food as the sky", this old proverb expresses the respect and love of Chinese for food. As early as in the Book of Songs, it is said that the ancients collected and ate natural ingredients such as wild vegetables, and these primitive eating habits may be the abuse of many snacks today.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

During the Tang and Song dynasties, with the economic prosperity and cultural exchanges, such as the Hu cakes in Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty and the soup dumplings in Kaifeng in the Song Dynasty, they were all popular snacks at that time and were deeply loved by the people. In the Song Dynasty, the elder Meng described in detail the prosperous scene of the capital Kaifeng in "Tokyo Menghualu", which makes people feel as if they have traveled through time and space to witness the excitement and prosperity with their own eyes.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the snack culture developed to a new height, forming its own distinctive local flavors. The sweet glutinous water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, the spicy in the land of Sichuan and Chongqing, and the noodle art in the north...... Behind every flavor is a profound embodiment of regional culture. Such as Su Shi's "Dongpo Meat"; The eggplant mentioned in "Dream of Red Mansions", although fictional, also reflects the exquisite life of the Qing Dynasty aristocracy, so snacks are endowed with more cultural and emotional connotations.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

In modern times, with the development and changes of society, snacks are not only a simple existence to satisfy the appetite, they have gradually become a bridge connecting the past and the future, carrying nostalgia and memory. From the bean juice in Beijing, the Goubuli buns in Tianjin, to the morning tea in Guangdong, and the strings of incense in Sichuan, every flavor snack is a microcosm of local history, telling the story of one side of the water and the other people. Do you know which "snacks" are the most popular in China? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

1: Malatang, a traditional snack originating from Sichuan, has a long history, and its history can be traced back to the wharf culture in the Yangtze River Basin. The core of Malatang lies in the mellow soup base, which combines numb, spicy, fresh and fragrant, and the basic ingredients include butter, chili, Sichuan pepper, star anise and other spices, and different regions have their own unique recipes. Sichuan prefers heavy spicy and spicy flavors, while Chongqing prefers the richness of butter, while in the north, it may pay more attention to the mellow soup base and the variety of ingredients, and the eastern coastal areas may add seafood to enhance freshness.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

Malatang has evolved from simple cooking to a modern consumption model of self-service selection and weighing by catty, and customers can choose vegetables and other rich and diverse ingredients according to their personal preferences. In terms of taste, Malatang is not only limited to the traditional spicy, in order to meet the needs of a wider range of consumers, it has also developed a variety of flavors such as bone broth, tomato, sauerkraut, etc., but no matter what kind of changes, the unique numb, spicy, fresh and fragrant is always its soul, which makes people have endless aftertaste.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

2: Pancake fruit, a traditional snack originating from northern China, carries a deep historical heritage and local customs, and its historical traces can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty, especially the pancake fruit in Tianjin.

The basic form of pancake fruit is a thin and soft pancake, usually spread out into a round pancake, beaten with an egg in the center, and quickly fried until golden brown. Subsequently, depending on the diner's preference, add the steamed bun (fried dough stick) or the thin crispy "steamed grate", and. The production process is open and transparent, and it is eaten while cooking, which is a common breakfast scene on the streets.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

3: Changsha stinky tofu, a traditional snack originating from Hunan, has a long history, dating back to the Ming Dynasty, and is a wonderful flower in Hunan cuisine. There are many legends about its origin, one of which is related to the indigenous cuisine of Xiangyin County, highlighting the profound local cultural heritage.

Changsha stinky tofu presents, which appropriately embodies the culinary aesthetics of "charred on the outside and tender on the inside". Its production process is quite exquisite, it needs to be fried at high temperature, the skin forms an attractive golden yellow color, and the inside remains as white as jade.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

Changsha stinky tofu has a strong smell at first, but after the mouth, it makes its taste layered, forming a unique flavor that challenges and conquers the taste buds of countless diners.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

4: Chongqing hot and sour noodles, a traditional snack carrying the charm of the mountain city, its historical story is rich and colorful, and it is widely spread. One can be traced back to the Three Kingdoms period, and symbolizes the friendship is long, sweet and sour, which has evolved into this authentic food that integrates sour, spicy, fresh and fragrant. Another theory locates its origin in the Ming Dynasty, where the unique flavor created by the mountain people with home-cooked ingredients has become a classic taste bud in the hearts of Chongqing people after the baptism of time.

Chongqing hot and sour noodles are made of handmade sweet potato flour or pea starch as the main raw material, which is formed into moderate thickness and elasticity through the traditional leakage process. Served with a carefully prepared hot and sour soup base, common ingredients include crushed peanuts, coriander, soybeans, sprouts, etc., which are colorful and tempting to the appetite.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

The essence of Chongqing hot and sour noodles lies in the word "hot and sour". acids, derived from; Spicy, yes. In addition, it is also cleverly integrated into the complex layers of hemp, freshness and fragrance to form an irresistible compound flavor, which is both stimulating and harmonious, making people taste unforgettable. Its flavor is unique, and it is the so-called "the world's first powder", which is well deserved.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

5: Pork Sandwich Bun, an ancient snack originating from Shaanxi Province, China, has a history dating back to the Warring States Period and has evolved for thousands of years, and is still a shining pearl in Chinese food culture. It is known as the "Chinese hamburger", not only because of its unique way of eating, but also because of its deep cultural heritage and broad public base.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

Meat sandwich buns are divided into two parts: steamed buns and meat. Bun. Meat, yes. When making, the stewed meat pieces are minced, an appropriate amount of marinade is added, and then stuffed into the pre-cut bun, and an authentic meat sandwich bun is born.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

The meat sandwich bun is known for its unique "preserved sauce" flavor, and the mellow and slightly sweet preserved sauce complements the simple taste of the bun. Tongguan Meat Sandwich Bun adds a point, while Xi'an's Baiji Meat Sandwich Bun is a perfect combination of softness and toughness. In addition, according to personal preference, the flavor of the whole meat sandwich bun is more rich and diverse.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

6: Hot dry noodles, as the iconic food of Wuhan, have a long history and unique flavor, dating back to Hankou in the 30s of the 20th century. Legend has it that a food vendor named Li Bao accidentally cooked the unsold noodles and dried them, and the next day to prevent the noodles from sticking, he added sesame oil and mixed them well, and sold them with sesame paste and other seasonings, accidentally creating this delicious snack that would later become popular all over the country.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

Hot dry noodles are used, so the noodles have a distinctive yellow color, and the roots are distinct, elastic and chewy. Before serving, the noodles are quickly blanched in hot water to keep them smooth, and the core seasoning, rich sesame paste, is added, etc., to create a bowl of hot dry noodles with both color and flavor.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

Hot dry noodles are characterized by "dryness" and "fragrance". Dry, yes; The fragrance comes from the mellow of sesame seeds, the spicy aroma of chili oil, and the crispness of the ingredients, which together create a rich taste experience with a long aftertaste.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

7: Snail noodles, a local specialty snack originating from Liuzhou, Guangxi, have a short history, but they quickly became popular all over the country and even the world. There are several versions of its origins, one of which dates its history back to the late 70s of the 20th century, and there is even a legend that the Tang Dynasty writer Liu Zongyuan tasted the wonderful combination of snails and rice noodles for the first time when he was in Liuzhou, thanks to the creativity of chef Zhou Wanfu, thus starting the culinary journey of snail noodles.

The most unique feature of snail noodles is its soup base——。 Rice noodles are usually smooth but not greasy, absorbing the essence of the soup, while the variety of side dishes adds a rich taste and layer.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

Snail noodles are known for their iconic characteristics, which come from sour, spicy, fresh, and cool. This unique combination of flavors, especially the subtle "smelly" aroma of sour bamboo shoots, makes snail noodles a love-hate delicacy that has attracted a large number of loyal fans.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

8: Cheong Fun, a traditional snack originating from the Lingnan region of China, is especially famous for the bula sausage in Xiguan, Guangzhou. Dating back to the end of the Qing Dynasty, it may have been created to address food shortages and has since evolved into a beloved delicacy. Cheong fun is made of rice milk, which is steamed from rice milk, and is named because it resembles a pig's intestine, and is often rolled or striped.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

Cheong fun is divided into two categories: salty and sweet. Salty rice rolls usually; Sweet cheong fun is used. Cheong Fun in Guangdong tends to remain pure in its original flavor, while other variants, such as Teochew, may contain a wider variety of ingredients with their own characteristics.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

9: Liangpi, a traditional snack originating in Shaanxi, China, has a long history of more than 2,000 years, and is said to have originated during the reign of Qin Shi Huang. It shows the wisdom of the ancients and the ultimate pursuit of food.

Cool skin, light and thin as paper, but can carry a rich flavor. After cutting into thin strips, it is paired with a variety of seasonings and accessories, such as etc., which are colorful and tempting to the appetite.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

Liangpi is known for its uniqueness, and its sour and spicy taste is its signature feature. Sour and spicy, the combination of the two, especially in the hot summer, a bowl of cool skin belly, cool and refreshing, evocative.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

10: Hu spicy soup, a traditional breakfast soup originating from Henan, China, has a long history, according to legend, originated in the Northern Song Dynasty, originally prepared for officials for breakfast, and then spread to the people and gradually became popular. Its exact place of origin is believed to be Beiwudu Town, Zhoukou City, Henan Province, and has now been recognized as "Chinese Famous Food" by the China Cuisine Association.

Hu spicy soup is a dense soup with a variety of ingredients, such as (commonly beef or lamb), showing a rich and varied texture.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

Hu spicy soup gets its name from its unique "Hu spicy" flavor, which combines the spicy aroma of pepper and chili pepper, spicy but not dry, and is accompanied by the compound aroma of Chinese herbs, forming a unique taste. Not only does this whet your appetite, but it also has a warming effect, especially during the cold season, when you can warm up your whole body in a bowl.

China, which "snacks" are the most popular? After selection, these 10 kinds are on the list, do you like them?

Okay, that's it for today, I'm Fengyan Shilu. In a complex and ever-changing world, we must stick to our beliefs and dreams, move forward bravely, not afraid of difficulties and setbacks, strive to pursue ideals and goals, and write wonderful life stories for ourselves. After the baptism of wind and rain, you can enjoy the beauty of the rainbow. Come on, stranger......

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