
Attention to those who love to eat yellow skin, doctor: there are 3 benefits to the body, but it is not suitable for these 2 types of people

author:Mr. Yajun said in traditional Chinese medicine
Attention to those who love to eat yellow skin, doctor: there are 3 benefits to the body, but it is not suitable for these 2 types of people

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"Are you sure you want to eat this? I heard that eating too much is not good for your health. Chen Lili pointed to the mountains of yellow skins on the stall, with a hint of worry in her tone.

"It's okay, the doctor said that eating yellow skin is good for the body, and I don't eat much, so I'll try it." Li Ming smiled and peeled off a yellow skin and handed it to Chen Lili, "Come, taste it, it's sweet and sour, it's very appetizing." ”

Chen Lili hesitated for a moment, but still took the yellow skin and took a bite gently. The sweet and sour juice bursts in the mouth, and it is indeed appetizing.

Attention to those who love to eat yellow skin, doctor: there are 3 benefits to the body, but it is not suitable for these 2 types of people

"Really, the doctor said that eating yellow skin is good for the body?" Chen Lili asked curiously.

"Well, the doctor said that yellow peel is rich in vitamin C, potassium and fiber, and has three benefits for the body: first, it can enhance immunity and prevent colds; second, it can lower blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular diseases; Third, it can promote digestion and prevent constipation. Li Ming explained while eating the yellow skin.

"Did the doctor say that yellow skin is not suitable for anyone?" Chen Lili asked.

Attention to those who love to eat yellow skin, doctor: there are 3 benefits to the body, but it is not suitable for these 2 types of people

"The doctor said that people with yellow skin and cold spleen and stomach deficiency and pregnant women had better eat less, otherwise it is easy to cause diarrhea or other discomfort." Li Ming replied.

Chen Lili nodded, put down the yellow skin in her hand, and thought thoughtfully. "What's wrong?" Li Ming asked.

"Nothing, I just think it's a little weird." Chen Lili said, "I remember that the old people used to say that the yellow skin should not be eaten too much, it will cause diarrhea, and the skin of the yellow skin is very thin, easy to rot, and it is easy to get angry when eaten." ”

Attention to those who love to eat yellow skin, doctor: there are 3 benefits to the body, but it is not suitable for these 2 types of people

"Maybe it's because people's eating habits and living environment were different in the past." Li Ming said with a smile, "Now that medicine is so developed, doctors must know more about the nutritional value and food taboos of yellow peel than the old people." ”

Chen Lili didn't say anything more, just silently observed Li Ming.

Li Ming didn't notice Chen Lili's strange appearance, and continued to eat the yellow skin with relish.

Attention to those who love to eat yellow skin, doctor: there are 3 benefits to the body, but it is not suitable for these 2 types of people

A few days later, Chen Lili searched for information about yellow peel on the Internet and found that there are different theories about the efficacy and contraindications of yellow peel on the Internet, some say that yellow peel can lower blood pressure, some say that yellow peel can raise blood pressure, some say that yellow peel can prevent colds, and some say that yellow peel can cause colds.

The more Chen Lili looked at it, the more confused she became, and she didn't know who to believe. She decided to go to the hospital to consult a doctor.

"Doctor, I recently heard that eating yellow skin is good for the body, is it true?" Chen Lili asked.

Attention to those who love to eat yellow skin, doctor: there are 3 benefits to the body, but it is not suitable for these 2 types of people

"Yellow peel is indeed rich in vitamin C, potassium and fiber, which has certain benefits for the body, but it is not suitable for everyone."

The doctor replied, "People with cold yellow skin, spleen and stomach deficiency and pregnant women had better eat less, otherwise it is easy to cause diarrhea or other discomfort." In addition, yellow peel contains fruit acid, which can easily irritate the gastric mucosa and cause stomach pain or excessive stomach acid if eaten too much. Therefore, it is recommended that you eat it in small quantities and not be greedy. ”

"Doctor, is it true that the Internet says that yellow skin can lower blood pressure?" Chen Lili asked.

Attention to those who love to eat yellow skin, doctor: there are 3 benefits to the body, but it is not suitable for these 2 types of people

"Yellow peel contains potassium, potassium can help regulate blood pressure, but the effect of yellow peel on blood pressure is not obvious, and yellow peel also contains fruit acid, eating too much will stimulate the gastric mucosa, cause stomach pain or excessive gastric acid, is not conducive to the control of blood pressure." The doctor explained.

"Doctor, is it true that the Internet says that yellow skin can prevent colds?" Chen Lili asked again.

"Yellow peel contains vitamin C, vitamin C can enhance immunity and prevent colds, but the vitamin C content of yellow peel is not high, and yellow peel is cool, eating too much is easy to cause diarrhea, but it is not conducive to resisting colds." The doctor said.

Attention to those who love to eat yellow skin, doctor: there are 3 benefits to the body, but it is not suitable for these 2 types of people

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Chen Lili finally understood that the effects and contraindications of yellow peel on the Internet are different, because the nutritional value and food taboos of yellow peel are relatively complex, and everyone's physique is different, and the reaction to yellow peel is also different.

Chen Lili returned home and told Li Ming the doctor's explanation. After hearing this, Li Ming was also surprised.

"So that's the case, I thought that yellow skin really has a lot of benefits for the body." Li Ming said.

Attention to those who love to eat yellow skin, doctor: there are 3 benefits to the body, but it is not suitable for these 2 types of people

"Yes, a lot of information on the Internet is unreliable, we still have to trust the science and the doctor's advice." Chen Lili said.

Since then, both Chen Lili and Li Ming have reduced their eating of yellow skin, and they no longer blindly believe in the information on the Internet, but pay more attention to scientific eating habits.

Disclaimer: This article is for reference only, and the medical knowledge described is true and well-founded, but it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any health problems, please consult a doctor or other


* [Nutritional value and food contraindications of yellow skin] ( yellow skin / 1057760)

* [Efficacy and function of yellow peel] (

* [Nutritional value and food taboos of yellow peel] (

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