
Smart people can see it! The economy is not doing well, but these industries are getting hotter and hotter

author:Fish are superfluous

When the economy is good, everyone can earn money and live a good life, but when the economy is not good, it feels that prices are rising gradually, and every penny of the people has to be spent on the blade. But you know what? Some industries are like mushrooms after a rain, and the worse the economy, the more prosperous they are. Let's talk about which industries are so amazing today.

Smart people can see it! The economy is not doing well, but these industries are getting hotter and hotter

1. Second-hand goods trading

The economy is tight, and the big guys are too tight, so they can save it. As a result, the second-hand market became popular. What second-hand cars, second-hand houses, second-hand mobile phones, second-hand clothes, as long as the things are good and the price is right, buyers and sellers are happy. In this way, the market for buying and selling second-hand goods is getting bigger and bigger, and both buyers and sellers get benefits.

Smart people can see it! The economy is not doing well, but these industries are getting hotter and hotter

2. Education and training

The economy is unstable and it is difficult to find a job, so everyone wants to improve their abilities and learn more. Therefore, various training courses, language schools, and postgraduate entrance counseling are particularly popular. Whether it is an online paid course or an offline training institution, there are many people who consult and learn. People want to learn to make themselves more competitive or find new job opportunities.

Smart people can see it! The economy is not doing well, but these industries are getting hotter and hotter

3. Pet industry

Some people are under great pressure in the face of the economy, and people are prone to panic. Especially when I think of having a child, I feel that from childhood to adulthood, whether it is milk powder money, education costs, buying a house when I grow up, getting married, etc., I feel that this is the case for my life, so don't harm the next generation, and it feels good to have a pet with me. Therefore, things related to pets, such as pet food, pet medical treatment, and pet grooming, are all on fire. Even if the owners are frugal, they don't want to be wronged by their pets, and the potential of this market is still very large.

Smart people can see it! The economy is not doing well, but these industries are getting hotter and hotter

4. Discounted retail stores

The economy is sluggish, and everyone pays more attention to the price when buying things, and discount stores and tail goods markets are particularly popular. The things in these places are cheap and of good quality, which just satisfies everyone's psychology of wanting to save money.

Smart people can see it! The economy is not doing well, but these industries are getting hotter and hotter

5. Online office and remote services

Online office and remote services have been good since the epidemic. After more than a year of economic downturn, and now that technology is becoming more and more developed, many companies have begun to let employees work from home, saving office costs. As a result, online office software, remote meeting tools, cloud services, etc., are used more. Moreover, things like telemedicine, online consultation, online legal services, etc., are also becoming more and more popular because they are convenient, time-saving, and labor-saving.

The above are the five major industries that are not very popular but are becoming more and more popular. What do you think, or have anything to add, please leave a message in the comment area, and let's talk about it together!

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