
73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!

author:Grape Grepp

The heavy "youth code" a few days ago

As a well-known showbiz figure in Asia, Liu Xiaoqing subverts our inherent perception of "old". Now 73 years old, she always maintains a girl's heart, and with her excellent skin care and extraordinary self-confidence, she claims that she has enough youthful vitality and charm to challenge young roles, even girls. Such astonishing remarks can't help but make us want to explore what makes Liu Xiaoqing so confident and thus exudes a lasting youthful glow.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!
73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!

The epoch-making concept of youth

Liu Xiaoqing, a veteran actor who has been deeply involved in the entertainment industry for many years, has won the applause of all audiences with his outstanding interpretation skills and unique charm. However, the most impressive thing is not only her acting skills, but her free youthful attitude.

Even at the age of 73, her skin is still as smooth as a girl, which is amazing. This has to be attributed to the careful care she has always had, as well as the confidence that defies her age.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!
73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!

"I look young because I'm young." For Liu Xiaoqing, age is just a number. Even in the face of the passage of time, her self-confidence and vitality are still as smart as a girl, which is her attitude towards life and her firm recognition of self-worth.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!

In the mirror, she saw a spirited, energetic self, not an old man limited by age. This self-confidence even led her to claim that she could play the role of a girl, because deep down, she held the soul of a girl.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!

However, although Liu Xiaoqing's self-evaluation transcends the boundaries of age, the public opinion is not satisfactory. Some netizens quipped: "Time is a pig-killing knife, but Liu Xiaoqing seems to have found the secret of the immune knife." ”

Some netizens praised her self-confidence and perseverance, believing that Liu Xiaoqing definitely has the strength to challenge young roles. Whether it is agreed with or refuted, all this has formed a heated discussion about Liu Xiaoqing's concept of youth.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!
73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!

Hot topic: strength and controversy coexist

In front of Liu Xiaoqing's young mentality and beautiful face, the public's reaction can be described as a hundred schools of thought. Although some people are skeptical about Liu Xiaoqing still acting as a girl at such an age, many people express admiration. In the face of doubts, Liu Xiaoqing still insisted on herself and firmly believed that she had the ability to play the role of a girl, and this self-confidence and perseverance won the admiration of many people.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!

Liu Xiaoqing's remarks are not only her personal opinions, but also reflect the rethinking of age and role positioning in modern society.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!

As we all know, the traditional concept often has certain restrictions on the age and role setting of actors, but Liu Xiaoqing subverts this concept and challenges the traditional ideas of society through self-maintenance and dedication to acting. Regardless of the outcome, she has demonstrated a courage not to be defined by her age, to live her true self, and to pursue what she loves.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!
73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!

Despite the skepticism, Liu Xiaoqing did not waver. She insists that as long as she is young in mind, she can challenge new roles at any time and live one dynamic acting career after another. This enthusiasm and confidence for the future is equally admirable.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!

Maverick "Youth Faith"

Liu Xiaoqing, a person who is obsessed with himself and insists on maintaining youthful vitality in his mentality. Her unyielding youth stems from her love for life, her dedication to acting, and her firm recognition of her self-worth.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!

Liu Xiaoqing, in his unique way, conveys a kind of vitality, an interpretation of youth, that is: live authentically, live with enthusiasm. Her presence and words not only challenge our understanding of age, but also encourage us to live our true selves and stay true to our passion for life.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!

She once said, "I'm young because I'm young." This is Liu Xiaoqing's self-confidence, and it is also her understanding and pursuit of youth. Liu Xiaoqing's story makes us understand that youth is not a year, but a state of mind. No matter how we get older, "youth permanence" can always be a possibility in our lives. Thank you Liu Xiaoqing, let us see the possibility of youth, let us see the courage and strength to pursue youth.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is full of confidence and wants to play Daji, saying that he is in good condition and is not a problem to play 20 years old!

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