
By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

author:A small town girl, Ah Yue

At present, all countries in the world are striving to make breakthroughs in science and technology, especially high-precision technology, and as a major country in science and technology, the United States has made innovations and breakthroughs in the field of high technology, which many countries look forward to.

However, the Chinese, who are good at transformation, not only use technology to make the United States admire us, but also wool on the top technology company Apple.

There is such a female entrepreneur, she earns tens of billions of profits from Apple alone every year. Some netizens even claimed: If her company is discontinued, then more than half of the world's mobile phones will not be produced.

By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

And in such a good company, the female boss is actually a nurse.

The businesswoman's name is Wu Chunyuan.

A life as calm as water

She was born in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province in 1971, because of her poor family background since she was a child, she has always been instilled with a concept that she should learn the major of employment and go out to work early to make money.

After Wu Chunyuan graduated from junior high school, her parents asked around what major was better for employment, and finally learned that it was easier to find a job in a hospital, so Wu Chunyuan entered Changzhou Health School.

By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

Being a nurse was not Wu Chunyuan's idea, she only completed her studies in school, and after graduation, she was assigned to a small hospital and started the profession of nurse.

The salary I get every month is not much, but I can meet the food and clothing, and I can also subsidize the family, and the life is as calm as water, without any waves.

This is already content for Wu Chunyuan's parents.

They hope that Wu Chunyuan can continue to do this job for the rest of her life.

By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

When she reached the marriageable age, Wu Chunyuan listened to her parents again, and met a man named Pan Zhengmin on a blind date, and this man's job is also an iron rice bowl in the eyes of the elders: the people's teacher.

Nurses and teachers are a perfect match in the eyes of the elders.

So I didn't know too much, so I quickly entered the marriage hall under the arrangement of my parents. The life after marriage is still as calm as water, without the slightest waves.

It's just that Wu Chunyuan is not destined to be a person who is satisfied with the status quo.

By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

Go to the sea to do business

At that time, it was a time of opening up, and all kinds of waste were waiting to be rebuilt, especially the vigorous development of economic and trade areas, and there were many opportunities like cattle hairs, and gold was everywhere.

Many new industries have also emerged.

Many places also encourage foreign talents, and even have a lot of policies to attract high-end talents, as for some business-minded people, in the coastal areas are working hard to make a world.

Wu Chunyuan and Pan Zhengmin also saw this once-in-a-century opportunity.

By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

As long as they work together, they will definitely be able to do something.

After the couple had a common idea, they came to Shenzhen in 1993, and after investigation, study and planning, they finally established AAC Technology Co., Ltd., the main product is micro acoustic equipment.

Why would they choose this product? And not without reason.

At that time, they looked at a lot of projects, but they were a little unsure. After thinking about it, I decided to refer to the opinion of Pan Zhengmin's father, Pan Zhonglai.

By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

Pan Zhonglai is a technician of a hardware and electrical company, the main production is alarm, there are already "electromagnetic alarms" abroad, and the core technology is in Japan.

He has a good understanding of foreign machines and knows that foreign technology-based machines are developing rapidly, so he has always had a wish, that is, to break through technical barriers, so that China can also have the technology of "electromagnetic signal".

But for several years, I have been stuck in place and unable to progress.

By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

Went to Shenzhen to set up a factory

Every time he talked about it, he was resentful, until one time, Pan Zhonglai discussed with the technicians in the factory to go out and start a business and do it himself.

With outstanding technology and rich experience, the factory was quickly set up, because Pan Zhonglai has been researching core technology for so many years, although it is not as good as foreign countries, but at least it belongs to his exclusive technology.

Therefore, with innovative technology, Pan Zhonglai soon occupied the market.

In just two years, their factory has earned two million.

By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

They are already leaders in the miniature acoustic equipment industry and have a pivotal role in the development of this area. For this reason, Wu Chunyuan and Pan Zhengmin decided to use the resources they have to develop in this direction.

With the savings they had saved over the years, they set up a factory in Shenzhen. At the beginning, they just rented a few private houses, and in order to save money, the couple lived in a prefabricated house, and they usually ate boxed lunches, and they had to do everything themselves.

But this is not the key to success, hard work and putting it in shape are just the prerequisites for them to have success.

At that time, Wu Chunyuan would often go outside to study and study, and she went to the United States many times alone. She lowered her posture and kept learning like a sponge, and finally learned a lot of professional knowledge and business concepts outside.

By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

However, there is one fact that cannot be changed, that is, AAC Technologies has just been established, and in the eyes of many bigwig brands, they are not mature enough in all aspects, so it is common for them to be rejected.

They have approached business giants such as Motorola, but they have all closed their doors without exception.

Get Motorola

Until later, Motorola planned to develop a new flip phone, which has very high technical requirements for some electronic accessories, and the Japanese manufacturers who originally cooperated with Motorola did not plan to do this unnecessary upgrade, so they tore up the cooperation agreement with Motorola.

By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

Motorola was dumbfounded, without this accessory, let alone the new mobile phones after that, even the current mobile phones could not be produced.

Just when they were in a hurry, Wu Chunyuan learned the news and took the initiative to call Motorola, and when Motorola's executives heard the words "China Ruisheng", they were stunned for a moment, because they had never heard of it before.

So he put forward a lot of requests, and AAC accepted them all, and said that he could do better. Now Motorola became interested and accepted the cooperation agreement.

By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

And the time they gave AAC was fifteen days.

It's a huge test and a huge opportunity.

Actually, they aren't 100% sure, but how do you know without giving it a try?

So, Pan Zhengmin approached a professor at Nanjing University, who specializes in electroacoustics and has a high reputation in this area, and with the help of the professor, they finally finalized that they could produce this batch of products.

By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

Fifteen days passed in a flash, and Wu Chunyuan took the first batch of finished products and handed them over to Motorola.

After testing, all products meet Motorola's requirements.

Wu Chunyuan officially signed her name on the cooperation agreement with Motorola.

Become a big man in the industry

Since then, Motorola has handed over tens of millions of orders to AAC every year, and AAC, which was once unknown and had only a few employees in the board room, has also continued to develop, with its own several floors of workshops, as well as high-precision instruments and laboratories......

By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

In just one year, they have become one of the best companies in this field.

By 2005, the world's major brands had come to AAC because it was the only company that could meet their requirements in terms of technology.

Wu Chunyuan and Pan Zhengmin know very well that in order to maintain the position of the leading boss, they must continue to upgrade and progress in technology. So, they put all their money into research and development.

Until Apple's slow rise, Wu Chunyuan also seized the opportunity, relying on its own strength, quickly reached cooperation with Apple, and became Apple's largest accessories supplier.

By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

Earn tens of billions of profits from Apple every year

In 2010, AAC became an irreplaceable supplier to Apple.

The cooperation between the two sides has changed from Apple's superiority at the beginning to an equal position, and AAC, as a Chinese supplier company, has an absolute right to speak.

Moreover, AAC Technologies can earn tens of billions of profits from Apple every year.

By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

Any of Apple's suppliers doesn't make as much money as AAC.

However, AAC has not forgotten its original intention, and Pan Zhonglai broke through the core technology in order to make Chinese manufacturing and Chinese science and technology rise, so they also have a lot of convenience in cooperating with Chinese technology companies such as Huawei.

The other is the consistent concept, to take out all the money earned and put it on research and development, so that technology can advance by leaps and bounds.

By selling small parts and earning tens of billions of profits from Apple, why is she so good as a nurse

And Wu Chunyuan and Pan Zhengmin have worked hard for AAC all their lives, and they don't need to work so hard anymore, they can do what they want to do, and they can slow down for life.

They know very well that the future is here.

The pace of human technology will only move forward, and they may not be able to become giants in the field of technological development forever, but they can contribute to human technology.

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