
What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

author:Collect the sights and hears
What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

This article is long, and it is the personal experience of netizens, carefully organized, and it will definitely shock you! The back is super exciting!!

Everyone has their favorite food in their lives, but what is it like when your family knows that you like to eat a certain food that you can see at the table?

After the confinement, I ate crabs for more than a month, and when I ate Pipi shrimp for the second time, I couldn't help but say it again, and I liked to mention Pipi shrimp for more than a month.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

My younger brother likes to eat canned hawthorn, I like to eat dumplings, and these two things take turns at home during the summer vacation.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

It's really a blessing to meet such a father-in-law and mother-in-law.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

You put a few more chopsticks on the table, and your husband thinks you like to eat this dish, so he will get it for you.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

Grandma finally knows what her eldest grandson likes to eat, and she has to serve it at every meal.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

Dad will take what you say to heart, and it's really nice to have a dad like that.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

At least take your words to heart.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

Yes, it's nice to have someone to love.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

It seems that if you like a certain food, you will get bored of eating it every day.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

When I meet a family with a heart, life is really happy.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

Grandpa thought you liked to eat onions, and he took it to heart.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

I don't like to eat it, but I have to eat a little, it's from my father-in-law and mother-in-law.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

The whole family knows your preference, and they will tell you in advance if they don't make this dish.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

Not to mention anything else, 100 pounds of flour dumplings, how long do you have to buy a big freezer to freeze it? .

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

No matter how much I like to eat a certain dish, I can't stand eating it all at once.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

Hahahaha, this one is too cute.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

It is a blessing to marry into such a family.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

After watching so much, you are the only one that makes me feel heartbroken.

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

When you meet a dish you like to eat, quietly eat two more bites, don't say you like [tears] [tears]

What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

Write at the end

Your family will give you your favorite dishes every time, which is a manifestation of loving you and loving you, and it is a kind of happiness to live in such a family.

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What is it like when a family member finds out that you like a certain food? Netizen: I can eat until I vomit

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