
Can Dongfang Selection still bring out the next Dong Yuhui?

author:Colorful cola soup

In recent years, Dongfang Selection has sprung up in the field of self-media and live streaming, attracting a large number of fans with its unique style and distinctive personality. However, with the passage of time, the company seems to have encountered a lot of problems in its internal management and development strategy, and even frequently "dismantled" its own family. Behind this series of problems, it reflects the many challenges faced by Dongfang Selection on the road to becoming a leading MCN company.

Can Dongfang Selection still bring out the next Dong Yuhui?

Dong Yuhui's success can be said to be a trump card of Dongfang Selection, he not only won the love of the audience with his outstanding personal charm and professionalism, but also brought considerable traffic and income to the company. However, after Dong Yuhui, Dongfang Selection did not launch another anchor that was equally attractive. This not only raises questions about the company's ability to cultivate new talents, but also reflects its shortcomings in strategic layout.

Why is Dongfang Selection always "demolished" by its own people?

In the process of observing the development of Dongfang Selection, it is not difficult to find some problems in its internal management. Conflicts and disputes within the company occur from time to time, which not only affects the cohesion of the team, but also damages the company's image. What's more, these internal problems are often magnified by the outside world and become the focus of public opinion, making the company's image in front of the public more complex and negative.

In addition, Dongfang Selection also has a certain confusion in brand positioning and market strategy. The company does not seem to have found a clear direction of development, neither continuing to deepen its original areas of strength, nor opening up new business growth points. This strategic uncertainty makes the company unable to cope with the fierce market competition.

Can Dongfang Selection still bring out the next Dong Yuhui?

Can Dongfang Selection still bring out the next Dong Yuhui?

Judging from the current situation, Dongfang Selection does face a lot of challenges in bringing out the second Dong Yuhui. First of all, the company needs to carry out drastic reforms in internal management, solve internal contradictions, and improve the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the team. Secondly, the company needs to find a clear direction of development in terms of brand positioning and marketing strategy, continue to innovate, and launch more attractive content and products.

The most important thing is that Dongfang Selection needs to re-examine and adjust its own training mechanism to provide more development opportunities and platforms for newcomers. Only in this way can we be invincible in the fiercely competitive self-media and live streaming market.

Can Dongfang Selection still bring out the next Dong Yuhui?

In short, the future of Oriental Selection is full of challenges and opportunities. Whether or not a "Dong Yuhui" can be recreated not only depends on the company's internal management and strategic layout, but also requires a series of systematic reforms and innovations. Only in this way can Dongfang Selection stand out in the fierce market competition and become a real head MCN company.

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