
Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64

author:Shantai Liquefy

Xinyuan Street actively carries out investment promotion actions

Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64
Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64

On June 24, led by Nie Xiaodong, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and deputy head of the district, led by Xinyuan Street, the District Economic Cooperation Center and the Hantai Branch of Natural Resources cooperated to carry out investment promotion actions, and invited Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. to Xinyuan for on-site inspection and on-site research and judgment of project guarantee elements. At present, a preliminary consensus has been reached with the enterprise on the construction project of the Chinese herbal medicine planting base. (Correspondent Zhou Hui)

Laojun Town pays close attention to the deep integration of agriculture, culture and tourism

Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64
Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64

Relying on the construction of Huangtang 3A-level scenic spot, Laojun Town continues to polish the gold-lettered signboard of "Rape Flower Sea", and comprehensively builds the "World Landscape Horticulture - Huangtang Scenic Area - IP Animation Village - Green Circular Agriculture Demonstration Park - Farming Culture Research Center" agricultural, cultural and tourism integration sightseeing line. Innovatively launched a number of characteristic agricultural brands such as "Huangtang" series of organic shrimp and rice, freshly squeezed rapeseed oil, clear water crayfish, fresh peach and small miscellaneous fruits, etc., to promote education and research, tourism and tourism efficiency upgrading. In the first half of the year, it received more than 600,000 tourists, generating an income of 8 million yuan, driving more than 1,500 tourism jobs, and achieving three consecutive increases in the number of tourists and tourism income. (Correspondent Chen Kangli)

Hanwang Town has carried out the "Safety Production Month" activity

Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64
Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64

In the past few days, Hanwang Town has closely focused on the theme of "Everyone Stresses Safety, Everyone Will Respond to Emergencies - Smooth Life Channel", and has carried out the "Safety Production Month" activity. Organize town, village, and group cadres to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on production safety, watch safety warning education films, and carry out "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day" activities to publicize and explain safety emergency knowledge to merchants, enterprises, and the masses in the jurisdiction. At the same time, it focuses on key areas such as schools, residential communities, and enterprises above the designated size, and carries out emergency drills such as food safety emergencies and fire fighting, so as to effectively enhance the emergency response ability to respond to safety emergencies. (Correspondent Zhang Han)

Many towns and streets in our district carried out activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64
Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64

On June 27, Hedongdian Town held a celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" commendation conference. At the meeting, the secretary of the town party committee gave a lecture to all party members and cadres and led all party members to review the oath of joining the party with the title of "promoting the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth in "learning discipline, knowing discipline, knowing discipline, and abiding by discipline"; The conference also commended the advanced grassroots party organizations, outstanding party workers and outstanding communist party members in 2023. (Correspondent Yang Minjie)

Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64

On June 28, Puzhen held a commendation and theatrical performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The performance kicked off with a wonderful martial arts performance; The 2023 advanced grassroots party branches, outstanding party workers, and outstanding communist party members will be commended on the spot; Reserve party members took a solemn oath; During the event, the wonderful programs prepared by the Puzhen People's Government, schools in the district, Hanyun Art Troupe and other units won warm applause from the audience. (Correspondent Yan Meng)

Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64

On June 27, Zhongshan Street Street organized and carried out the theme activity of "Inheriting the Torch and Celebrating the Party's Grace, Social Workers Pursuing a New Journey of Dreams" under the leadership of the Party Building to lead the five societies. More than 300 people from district-level departments, grassroots party organizations in various communities, social organizations, and resident representatives were invited to participate in the event. Through poetry recitation, dance, melodrama, picture book drama, cheerleading, gesture dance and other literary and artistic forms, review the party's glorious history, eulogize the party's great achievements, and carry forward the party's fine traditions. At the same time, 17 advanced grassroots party organizations, social workstations (rooms), and social organizations in Zhongshan Street were commended in 2024; 42 outstanding party workers, Communist Party members, and advanced social workers. (Correspondent Kumaba)

Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64

On June 28, Xu Wangzhen carried out the "July 1st" activity of "Party Building Leads Strong Mission, Recalls the Glory and Solidifies the Original Heart". In Xujiawan Village, all party members and cadres visited the clean government culture corridor and the family style museum, reviewed the oath of joining the party, reviewed the original intention of joining the party, and received clean government culture education. At the same time, the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" was awarded to the old party members, and the outstanding party members and outstanding party workers in 2023 were commended, and the "political birthday" was also celebrated for the party members who joined the party this month, and further guided the majority of party members and cadres to strengthen the party's consciousness and party member awareness, and strengthen the confidence and determination to feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, and follow the party. (Correspondent Cui Chenyang)

Wuxiang Town carried out the "6.26 International Anti-Drug Day" publicity activities

Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64
Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64

On the occasion of the 37th International Anti-Drug Day, in order to increase anti-drug publicity and education, on June 26, a number of relevant units in Wuxiang Town carried out the theme publicity activity of "Cherish Life, Stay Away from Drugs - 6.26 International Anti-Drug Day" in Lianxin Road, Jizhen. At the event site, the staff publicized and explained the types and harms of drugs to the masses by setting up propaganda points, hanging propaganda banners, distributing brochures and publicity materials, and giving on-site explanations, so as to enhance the people's ability to resist drugs and their awareness and determination to participate in the anti-drug struggle. A total of more than 300 brochures, more than 200 promotional color pages, and more than 100 leaflets were distributed during the event. (Correspondent Zeng Hongju)

Dongguan Street carried out a series of "five-minute" micro-propaganda activities

Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64
Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64

Recently, the Dongguan Street New Era Civilization Practice Institute (Station) carried out a series of "five-minute" micro-propaganda activities around the central work, combined with the habits that the people like to enjoy the cool, drink tea, and gossip, and successively invited the storytelling teachers of Dongguan Tea House to carry out "storytelling and reasoning" around the Dragon Boat Festival activities, and invited the public welfare lecturer Qinghua to carry out "on-site simulation teaching" around the elderly emergency care, and sent the party's innovative theories to the people for the first time in a language that the masses can understand and like to listen to. Realize the transformation of grassroots theory preaching from flood irrigation to precise drip irrigation. (Correspondent Chen Minzhang)

A fire safety rescue drill was held in Qili Street

Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64
Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64

On June 26, Qili Street took the opportunity of the national "Safety Production Month" to jointly hold a fire safety rescue drill in Area A of Guanghui Community in conjunction with Linjiang Community, Qili Fire Station, Police Station and other units. At the event site, the Qili Fire Station and the property personnel of the community formed a rescue team, and the fire fighting team, medical group, emergency response group, and rescue team quickly carried out fire fighting and rescue drills in accordance with the principle of "clear division of labor and orderly rescue". Subsequently, the use of fire extinguishers, fire hydrants and other fire-fighting equipment was taught on site and operated on site to comprehensively improve fire prevention and emergency response capabilities. (Correspondent Li Jinman)

Zongying Town carried out the "6.25 National Land Day" publicity activity

Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64
Hantai District Town Street Week Highlight Work Exhibition | Issue 64

On June 25, Zongying Town launched a publicity campaign with the theme of "saving intensive land and strictly abiding by the red line of cultivated land". Through the establishment of on-site consultation desks, the placement of publicity display boards and the distribution of publicity materials, etc., the knowledge of land laws and regulations is carefully interpreted to the masses, and at the same time, the laws and policies such as the registration and issuance of integrated certificates for rural housing, the prevention and control of geological disasters, and the investigation and handling of illegal land use are explained on the spot. A total of more than 200 brochures were distributed and more than 60 people were consulted on the spot, and through this publicity activity, the public's awareness of the national land regulation and control policy, cultivated land protection, rural land consolidation, basic farmland protection and other related policies was improved. (Correspondent Ma Lihan)


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