
Must read for patients with high blood pressure: 80% of blood pressure control is in daily life, are you doing it right?

author:Dr. Koppwang

High blood pressure, known as the "silent killer", has become a common problem in the health of the elderly in mainland China. But, you know what? In fact, 80% of blood pressure control is in our daily life, but you may not be doing it right. Today, let me give you a science popularization of how patients with hypertension should correctly control their blood pressure in their daily life.

Must read for patients with high blood pressure: 80% of blood pressure control is in daily life, are you doing it right?

First of all, we want to talk about diet. People with high blood pressure should avoid excessive salt intake because salt causes the body to retain water, which increases blood volume and increases blood pressure. In addition, excessive fat intake, especially saturated fatty acids, should also be avoided, as they can cause thickening of the walls of blood vessels, increasing blood pressure. So, what should people with high blood pressure eat? Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fish rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

Secondly, we are talking about sports. Moderate exercise can help people with high blood pressure lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular function. So, what kind of exercise is suitable for people with high blood pressure? You can choose aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, etc., and each exercise time is controlled within 30 minutes, at least 3 times a week.

Must read for patients with high blood pressure: 80% of blood pressure control is in daily life, are you doing it right?

Again, we're talking about sleep. Getting enough sleep can help the body relax and lower blood pressure. People with high blood pressure should get 7-8 hours of sleep a day and avoid staying up late and overexertion.

Finally, we're going to talk about drugs. While we emphasize the importance of daily life for blood pressure control, medications are also essential. Patients with high blood pressure should take their medications on time and in the right amount under the guidance of their doctors, while paying attention to the side effects of the medications.

Must read for patients with high blood pressure: 80% of blood pressure control is in daily life, are you doing it right?

In general, patients with hypertension should pay attention to four aspects of diet, exercise, sleep and medication in their daily life. Only by doing these things well can you effectively control your blood pressure and reduce the risk of complications. Are you doing it right? #高血压 ##头条创作挑战赛##妙笔生花创作挑战#

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