
Several foods that cancer cells are "most afraid of" are recommended by oncologists to eat often, and they are worth reading!

author:Health Road Plue

"Cancer" is a major killer of human health, and the mortality rate it causes is second only to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and there is no specific drug for the treatment of cancer. Traditional Chinese medicine also believes that cancer prevention is very important. Cancer prevention can start with diet.

Several foods that cancer cells are "most afraid of" are recommended by oncologists to eat often, and they are worth reading!

Natural "penicillin" - garlic

Several foods that cancer cells are "most afraid of" are recommended by oncologists to eat often, and they are worth reading!

Garlic is known as "penicillin that grows in the ground" and contains a variety of nutrients, including allicin and selenium, which are effective in preventing cancer from progressing and therefore help improve the body's immunity.

Several foods that cancer cells are "most afraid of" are recommended by oncologists to eat often, and they are worth reading!

Improves immunity - red dates

Several foods that cancer cells are "most afraid of" are recommended by oncologists to eat often, and they are worth reading!

The vitamin A, polysaccharides, polyphenol oxides, and flavonoids in jujube all have certain anti-cancer effects, and eating a few pills in moderation every day can also improve the body's immunity, which is very beneficial to the body.

Several foods that cancer cells are "most afraid of" are recommended by oncologists to eat often, and they are worth reading!

The healthiest "drink" - tea

Several foods that cancer cells are "most afraid of" are recommended by oncologists to eat often, and they are worth reading!

People who like tea have nearly half the chance of developing cancer than those who don't.

Several foods that cancer cells are "most afraid of" are recommended by oncologists to eat often, and they are worth reading!

The Fruit of the Wonder - Kiwi

Several foods that cancer cells are "most afraid of" are recommended by oncologists to eat often, and they are worth reading!
Several foods that cancer cells are "most afraid of" are recommended by oncologists to eat often, and they are worth reading!

Kiwifruit contains a substance called anti-mutagenic glutathione, which is conducive to inhibiting cancer gene mutations and has a certain inhibitory effect on liver cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer and other cancer cell lesions.

Several foods that cancer cells are "most afraid of" are recommended by oncologists to eat often, and they are worth reading!

Dragon grass beads - raisins

Several foods that cancer cells are "most afraid of" are recommended by oncologists to eat often, and they are worth reading!

Raisins contain an ingredient called resveratrol, which is effective in preventing cell malignancy or inhibiting the growth of malignant tumors and preventing cancer cells from spreading.

In addition, many vitamins contained in dishes have been found to be related to cancer prevention, and the classification of anti-cancer vegetables can be as follows:

Eat more of the four vegetables

1. Cross flower:

This kind of vegetables are mostly eaten with their stems and leaves, such as Chinese cabbage, baby cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower, rape, etc. This kind of vegetable contains indole derivatives, which can induce the activity of a variety of enzymes, play an anti-cancer role, and contain trace elements molybdenum and zinc. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the sexual taste is more cool, and the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying is obvious.

2. Root vegetables:

Several foods that cancer cells are "most afraid of" are recommended by oncologists to eat often, and they are worth reading!

Radish, carrots, bamboo shoots, sweet potatoes, etc., some also belong to the cruciferous family, but they are eaten in the underground rhizomes, which contain carotene, etc., to prevent cancer. It contains a lot of fiber, and traditional Chinese medicine says that it is beneficial to the diaphragm and the intestines, and has the effect of reducing adversity and regulating qi.

3. Seaweed Plants:

Such as kelp, seaweed, kelp and other foods. Polysaccharides can be extracted from it to improve immune function to prevent cancer, and it is high in iodine to maintain normal thyroid function. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the sexual taste is mostly salty and cold, and has the function of softness, firmness, and dissipation, and elimination of gall and accumulation.

4. Edible mushrooms:

Such as shiitake mushrooms, straw mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, black fungus, white fungus, etc., are rich in polysaccharides and ribonucleic acid, which promote cellular immunity and the production of interferon. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it is multi-sexual, flat and sweet, and has the effect of replenishing qi and dissolving phlegm, and often has both the effect of strengthening the right and dispelling evil.

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