
The new campus of Qishan No. 1 School carried out anti-drug safety education activities

author:Living in Liaoning

In order to further enhance the concept of the rule of law among young people, continue to do a good job in drug prevention and education among young people, enhance students' awareness and ability to recognize, distinguish and reject drugs, build a solid campus anti-drug defense line, and create a green, healthy, harmonious and friendly campus environment, the police officers of the Shouquan Police Station of Huanggu Branch came to the new campus of Qishan No. 1 School to carry out anti-drug propaganda activities on campus, and gave a wonderful anti-drug education class to teachers and students of our school in the form of lectures.

The new campus of Qishan No. 1 School carried out anti-drug safety education activities
The new campus of Qishan No. 1 School carried out anti-drug safety education activities
The new campus of Qishan No. 1 School carried out anti-drug safety education activities

In the knowledge lecture session, Officer Xu Shuhou of the Shouquan Police Station of the Huanggu Branch explained to the students what drugs are, the types of drugs, the characteristics of drugs, the harm of drugs and how to prevent drug invasion and other aspects of knowledge through easy-to-understand language and vivid cases, and called on teachers and students to actively participate in anti-drug actions, increase vigilance, enhance self-protection awareness, strive to be propagandists of drug resistance and drug prevention, and actively report and expose various drug-related illegal and criminal acts, and jointly create a harmonious and healthy learning and living environment.

The new campus of Qishan No. 1 School carried out anti-drug safety education activities
The new campus of Qishan No. 1 School carried out anti-drug safety education activities
The new campus of Qishan No. 1 School carried out anti-drug safety education activities
The new campus of Qishan No. 1 School carried out anti-drug safety education activities

During the activity, the participating police officers also explained in detail to the teachers and students the characteristics of drug concealment and strong camouflage by displaying the drug simulation model, popularized anti-drug laws and regulations, educated and guided young people to improve their drug identification ability and self-protection ability, and consciously became the "pioneer", "practitioner" and "propagandist" of drug control.

The new campus of Qishan No. 1 School carried out anti-drug safety education activities
The new campus of Qishan No. 1 School carried out anti-drug safety education activities
The new campus of Qishan No. 1 School carried out anti-drug safety education activities
The new campus of Qishan No. 1 School carried out anti-drug safety education activities
The new campus of Qishan No. 1 School carried out anti-drug safety education activities

Through the development of this activity, the teachers and students realized the importance of anti-drug and the necessity of cracking down on drug crimes, and expressed that they would refuse and resist drugs in their daily lives in the future, and at the same time pass on the concept of anti-drug to more people around them. In the future, our school will continue to hold a variety of anti-drug publicity and education activities and drug prevention work, and strive to build a drug-free and healthy educational environment to escort the healthy growth of students.

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