
Xiao Zhan is either in the crew, or on the way to the crew? Netizen: At this speed, is it going to take off?


Xiao Zhan's trip to Hangzhou: Fashion and busyness coexist


1. Brother Zhan in black appeared in Hangzhou

The sun is just right, the breeze is not dry, Xiao Zhan suddenly appeared on the streets of Hangzhou in an all-black look, as if he was a model who came out of a fashion magazine. His appearance immediately attracted the attention of passers-by, some took out their mobile phones to take pictures wildly, and some whispered about the latest developments of this handsome male star!

Xiao Zhan is either in the crew, or on the way to the crew? Netizen: At this speed, is it going to take off?

Speaking of this black outfit, it really shows Xiao Zhan's temperament to the fullest. The black trench coat swings in the wind, the black shirt is simple and elegant, and with the black leather shoes, it is simply a walking fashion textbook. His steps were calm and unhurried, and his eyes were firm, as if to tell everyone that no matter where he was, he was the most dazzling Xiao Zhan.

Second, seamlessly enter the group, and the big guide cake comes one after another

Xiao Zhan's busyness in the entertainment industry is obvious to all. As soon as he finished finishing from the crew of a big director, he received an invitation to another big production and joined the group seamlessly, which made people have to admire his professionalism. Moreover, these big directors and big productions are all leaders in the industry, and being able to cooperate with them is enough to prove Xiao Zhan's strength and status in the industry.

Xiao Zhan is either in the crew, or on the way to the crew? Netizen: At this speed, is it going to take off?

Imagine Xiao Zhan being busy in the crew, not only having to face complex character building, but also working with many excellent actors and crew, such a challenge is undoubtedly huge for him. But it's challenges like this that have made him grow and become the star he is today.

3. Business trip, the trip to France is beautiful

In addition to his busy crew work, Xiao Zhan was also invited to France to participate in business events. There, he had in-depth exchanges with many international brands, not only showing his fashion taste, but also bringing the latest fashion information to the domestic audience.

Xiao Zhan is either in the crew, or on the way to the crew? Netizen: At this speed, is it going to take off?

On the streets of France, Xiao Zhan seems to have become a beautiful landscape. He was dressed in a delicate suit, stepping on designer leather shoes, and walked so calmly and confidently with every step. He communicated cordially with the brand's senior executives, showing his professionalism and international vision.

Xiao Zhan is either in the crew, or on the way to the crew? Netizen: At this speed, is it going to take off?

This kind of Xiao Zhan not only makes people see his fashion charm, but also makes people see his responsibility and responsibility as a star.

Fourth, just returned to China and went to Hangzhou, Brother Zhan was really busy and couldn't stop

Xiao Zhan, who had just returned from France, had not had time to rest well, and then embarked on a journey to Hangzhou. Such an intensity of work makes people have to sigh at his perseverance and energy. But Xiao Zhan didn't seem to feel tired, but enjoyed it. He enjoys every opportunity to work and strives to bring out the best in himself.

Xiao Zhan is either in the crew, or on the way to the crew? Netizen: At this speed, is it going to take off?

At the work site in Hangzhou, Xiao Zhan still maintains a high degree of focus and professionalism. He listened carefully to the director's requests and worked closely with the staff to ensure that every detail was perfect.

Xiao Zhan is either in the crew, or on the way to the crew? Netizen: At this speed, is it going to take off?

Such Xiao Zhan not only makes people admire his professionalism, but also makes people sigh at his professionalism and professionalism.

5. Netizens are hotly discussed: Xiao Zhan is too busy, what should we do?

As the news of Xiao Zhan's trip to Hangzhou spread rapidly on social media, netizens left messages expressing their views and feelings. Some netizens expressed their envy of Xiao Zhan's busy life and felt that he was really hardworking;

Xiao Zhan is either in the crew, or on the way to the crew? Netizen: At this speed, is it going to take off?
Some netizens are worried about his physical condition and hope that he can rest well; Some netizens ridiculed: "Xiao Zhan is so busy, what should we do?" Shouldn't I give him some tonic or massager? ”
Xiao Zhan is either in the crew, or on the way to the crew? Netizen: At this speed, is it going to take off?

Seeing these messages, I couldn't help but think of the saying: "Behind success is endless dedication and hard work." "The reason why Xiao Zhan was able to become a high-profile star is precisely because he put in more effort and sweat than others. As his fans and supporters, we should cherish his efforts and achievements, cheer him on and send blessings.

6. The focus of controversy: Does busyness equal success?

However, while netizens are hotly discussed, they can't help but think about a question: Does busyness equal success? For Xiao Zhan, his busyness has indeed brought more opportunities and achievements, making him a high-profile star. But for ordinary people, does being busy necessarily lead to success?

Xiao Zhan is either in the crew, or on the way to the crew? Netizen: At this speed, is it going to take off?

Some people believe that busyness is one of the necessary conditions for success. Only with enough effort and time can we achieve better results and higher achievements. But there are also those who believe that busyness does not equal success. Sometimes being too busy can lead to a loss of direction and purpose, and even lead to physical and mental exhaustion and inaccomplishment.

Xiao Zhan is either in the crew, or on the way to the crew? Netizen: At this speed, is it going to take off?

Everyone has their own opinion and answer to this question. But in any case, we should understand one truth: success does not happen overnight, it requires enough effort and time. At the same time, we should also learn to arrange our time and life reasonably, and maintain physical and mental health and a positive attitude. Only in this way can we find our own direction and goals in our busyness, and realize our dreams and pursuits!

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