
An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

author:Kageshi Qiji
An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

Looking at the unfamiliar hospital in front of him, Mujahid woke up to a sea change in his life. What is even more unbelievable is that he voluntarily entered the hospital, and this sudden change made Mujahid unable to accept it for a while.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

In a country of great diversity, India is full of jaw-dropping things happening every day. Recently, there was another story that can be called a TV series, a 20-year-old man was tricked by a friend, and underwent an incredible sex reassignment operation, and finally was forced to marry this friend.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

How could the 20-year-old Mujahid get involved in this? Was this voluntary or premeditated?

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

Incomparably ridiculous sex reassignment surgery

On June 23, according to local media reports in India, a 20-year-old Indian man claimed that he was tricked by his male friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment surgery in the name of health check-up on June 2.

Mujahid claimed that he was usually very close to his friend, but it was also this relationship that made Mujahid trust him immensely. But it was because of this trust that I did something I regretted for the rest of my life.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

Mujahid believed the friend's words and went to the hospital for a health check-up. Mujahid thought it was just a simple health operation, but after being given anesthetics, Mujahid gradually lost consciousness. After the operation, he noticed the pain in the lower half of his body, and then the doctor said a sentence that made him very painful, and the sex reassignment surgery was very successful.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

Hearing the doctor's words, Mujahid was very remorseful and could not believe what he was seeing. But the words of this male friend later made Mujahid feel that his life was in darkness.

The postoperative surgery for sex reassignment has been done, and Mujahid can no longer be a normal man. But the male friend directly invited the lawyer over and threatened this transgender "woman" to marry him.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

Such a ridiculous thing actually happened in real life. No wonder they say that TV series don't dare to act like this, I treat you as a brother, but you want me to be your partner. It seems that anything really can happen in India.

I believe that Mujahid's life will not be easy in the future, which also reminds us that we must keep our eyes open in our daily lives. It's ridiculous, but in India, all sorts of ridiculous things happen every day.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

Child marriage is customary in India

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

Everyone knows that Indian culture is very strange, and all kinds of absurd things emerge one after another. In this country with ancient religious beliefs, there is a phenomenon of "child marriage", which refers to the fact that local girls are married when they are just 10 years old, whether the woman wants to or not.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

If a girl is not married at the age of 12, she will be drugged, so in India, it is common to see a 7-year-old girl marrying a 60-year-old man. Such a custom seems to be an iron lock that locks the fate of women.

Even many girls are under the threat of religious superstition, because in the religion of India it is mentioned that "girls should marry before they grow up, and after the death of their parents, they can ascend to heaven".

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

According to this custom, for a period of time, it was said that girls could marry at the age of four, and such a strange religious custom was also very confusing. It is as if the fate of the girl has been fixed since birth, and there is no choice at all.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

Although we also have the custom of child marriage in China, this custom only existed in ancient society and did not last long. Although the status of women was relatively low at that time, with the gradual development of Chinese society, this custom was abandoned by the world.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

However, as far as India is concerned, child marriage has existed for a very long time, and the area involved is very widespread, and the harm of such customs to women is also very great, even without such a custom, the status of women in India is very low, and it is often materialized as a commodity.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

Child marriage in India began in the Vedic period before 2000 AD, when the ancient Manu Code clearly stated that a 30-year-old man should marry a 22-year-old woman, and a 24-year-old man should marry an 8-year-old girl. This kind of ignorance still exists today.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

Although the Indian government passed a law prohibiting child marriage in 1929, the law has not yet been implemented. After all, there is a huge gap with local customs, especially in remote areas, where child marriage is not banned, but more prevalent.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

In the western Indian state of Rajasthan, more than 10,000 children were married on May 17, 1983. At the end of April 1993, more than 500 children in the Jaipur region of India were married as children, a testament to the harm this practice has on women.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

Even if there are legal restrictions, there is no deterrent effect on customs. Although the law prohibits the existence of child marriage, this phenomenon continues to be prohibited.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

The phenomenon of preference for sons over women in India has also made the ratio of men and women in India more and more unbalanced. According to statistics, the ratio of men to women in India in 2018 is about 152:100, and the number of men is nearly 7, while the number of women is only about 650 million. Despite the imbalance in the number of men and women, the status of women in India is still declining.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

In response to this situation, there have been some changes in recent years, but most of them are based on local customs, and if they want to completely change the current situation, they should still make the local people aware of the dangers and actively correct them in order to completely eliminate similar things.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

Indian train rear-end collision

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

In the eastern part of India, a serious rear-end train crash occurred, and an investigation revealed that the driver did not notice the traffic lights to cause the tragedy. The incident quickly attracted media attention, and at least 15 people have been confirmed dead and at least 60 injured in this phase of the accident.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

According to videos and photos from the scene, containers on freight trains are scattered on the tracks, and a knot of carriages on passenger trains is almost vertical. The local police also quickly received information that the death toll may be further up, and it is unclear how many people were on the passenger train at that time.

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

Just because you didn't notice the change in the traffic lights, it caused such serious consequences. The loss of material and financial resources, as well as the time to restore traffic, are all costs. You should still pay more attention to this matter, after all, when you are traveling, any small accident will cause serious consequences.


"Indian Man Was Tricked Into Hospital by Friend to Transgender and Forced to Marry

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

Qilu Evening News:

"15 people have died in a rear-end train collision in India because the driver didn't notice the traffic light"

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

The Paper:

Why is child marriage repeatedly banned in India? 》

An Indian man was tricked by a friend into going to the hospital for sex reassignment, and then he was forced to marry, which is simply appalling!

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