
Patriotic performance artist? Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University, and the "slogan loyal minister" of the battle of the Ming Dynasty

author:Bullhead Lakers

When the hot search on Weibo "Zhejiang University tyrant gave up a high salary to study in the United States" swiped the screen, who would have thought that this would be the beginning of an earth-shattering reversal?

In the summer of 2022, Yang Jinwen, an outstanding graduate of Zhejiang University, stood on the podium of the graduation ceremony and impassionedly called on the students to "go to the place where the motherland needs it most". Her eyes were firm, and her tone was sonorous and powerful: "The most difficult road is the road that Zhejiang University people need to take the most." The audience applauded thunderously, as if they had seen the epitome of youth in the new era.

However, fate always likes to joke. Just when people were still immersed in the touching deeds of this "patriotic girl", a study abroad notice quietly changed the direction of things.

Patriotic performance artist? Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University, and the "slogan loyal minister" of the battle of the Ming Dynasty

It turned out that the "most difficult road" in Yang Jinwen's mouth was actually a transpacific route; She called on her classmates to build the west, but she chose to build the west; She called for a better country, but pinned her future on a foreign land.

As soon as the matter spread, it immediately fermented. Some were outraged, some were disappointed, and many more were deeply confused: what was it that made such a dramatic turn for a once generous "patriotic youth"?

On that hot summer, Yang Jinwen stood on the podium, his eyes like torches. Every word she says is like an oath engraved in her heart, and every gesture seems to be drawing a beautiful blueprint for the motherland. However, who can see through the contradictions and struggles hidden under the surface?

Perhaps, it was at that moment that the seeds of choice had been planted in Yang Jinwen's heart. She knew very well that she was about to face a major decision in her life: to stay in China and fulfill her impassioned vows; Or do you follow your heart's desire to explore the wider world?

Patriotic performance artist? Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University, and the "slogan loyal minister" of the battle of the Ming Dynasty

This contradiction is not unique to Yang Jinwen. Today, with China's rapid development, more and more young people are facing a similar dilemma. They are eager to contribute to the development of their country and to make a difference on the global stage. Under this double pressure, everyone is looking for their own balance.

Looking back at history, it is not difficult to find similar cases. During the Battle of Jingjing in the Ming Dynasty, four Jiangxi ministers were martyred in the country. However, when the crisis really came, only Tanhua Wang Gen kept his promise and committed suicide by taking poison. Others are either anxious to take refuge in their new owners or are busy preserving their family fortunes. Isn't this absurd drama the best portrayal of the complexity of human nature?

Yang Jinwen's choice may be a modern interpretation of this complexity. Her inconsistencies reflect the general confusion of contemporary youth: how to find a balance between personal ideals and social responsibilities? How can we broaden our horizons in the tide of globalization without losing our hearts?

Patriotic performance artist? Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University, and the "slogan loyal minister" of the battle of the Ming Dynasty

Some people may say that Yang Jinwen's behavior is hypocritical and betrayal. But should we look at this with a more tolerant lenient lens? Perhaps, she chose to study abroad precisely to learn advanced technologies and concepts, in order to make greater contributions to the development of her motherland in the future. After all, in this era of rapid change, it is no longer possible to meet the needs of national development behind closed doors.

Should we reflect on why we are so sensitive to a young person's choices? Are we too narrow about what we mean by "patriotic"? Shouldn't true patriotism include criticism, questioning, and even temporary departure in search of better opportunities for development?

Patriotic performance artist? Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University, and the "slogan loyal minister" of the battle of the Ming Dynasty

Yang Jinwen may have taught us a vivid life lesson. It tells us that the path of life is never a straight line, and everyone has the right to make choices based on their own judgment. It's not what you say that matters, it's what you end up doing.

At the same time, this incident has also triggered us to think about education. Is our education putting too much emphasis on superficial patriotism and neglecting the ability to develop independent thinking and critical thinking? Should we encourage young people to explore the world instead of sticking to a corner?

Finally, let's go back to that summer's graduation ceremony. When Yang Jinwen said that "the most difficult road is the most important road for Zhejiang University people to take", perhaps she had foreseen the challenges she was about to face. Perhaps, for her, choosing to study abroad is the most difficult path to take.

Patriotic performance artist? Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University, and the "slogan loyal minister" of the battle of the Ming Dynasty

In any case, we should respect Yang Jinwen's choice. Because in this complex world, everyone is finding answers in their own way. Maybe one day, when she returns with a full load, we will find that the road she walked, although tortuous, is also the only way to the ideal.

If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan. But life is not just the first sight, it is a long journey. In this journey, each of us is constantly growing and adjusting our direction. The important thing is that no matter where we go, we never forget our original intentions and the promises we once made.

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