
Zhao Liying's real ceiling has never been anyone else, but Feng Shaofeng, who has been divorced for three years

author:Rite meow

In a flash, Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng's marriage has been over for three years, and many people are still looking forward to their combination CP, but I didn't expect that the marriage only lasted for three years, and it didn't even last for three years, it ended in more than two years, but it was announced to the public at that time, more than three years after the divorce, let's look at Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng's affairs, and we will find one thing, that is, Zhao Liying may understand that Feng Shaofeng is her ceiling, or the ceiling.

Zhao Liying's real ceiling has never been anyone else, but Feng Shaofeng, who has been divorced for three years

Some people may say, who is Zhao Liying? That's a popular spicy chicken, all kinds of massive resources and connections, can partner with all kinds of big-name stars, the most important thing is Zhao Liying's resources, that is really at the level of Wang Fang, a status that others can barely reach after more than ten years of hard work, and people can get it in three or two clicks, is Zhao Liying still a parallel import, don't you say it, and what about Feng Shaofeng? People are holding up to death, which is just a large version of the article, how did it become Zhao Liying's ceiling?

Zhao Liying's real ceiling has never been anyone else, but Feng Shaofeng, who has been divorced for three years

In fact, many people think that Zhao Liying is very strong, but in the final analysis, Zhao Liying's strength is based on traffic, in the final analysis, she is hot and has traffic, which gives Zhao Liying the capital to be able to film with other big names, but if Zhao Liying loses these foundations one day, Zhao Liying can really leave not much left, especially the age issue, the biggest killer of female stars is age, once age comes up, various resources will appear Waterloo.

Zhao Liying's real ceiling has never been anyone else, but Feng Shaofeng, who has been divorced for three years

However, Feng Shaofeng does not have such a problem, although Feng Shaofeng's resources and coffee position may be a little inferior to Zhao Liying, but from the follow-up situation, Feng Shaofeng's situation is obviously better than Zhao Liying's, why? Because the situation of boys is often several times better than that of girls, many people don't understand why? The reason is very simple, that is, Feng Shaofeng is a typical high-quality boy, such a boy is a fragrant fruit, as long as he does not die like some celebrities, there is no problem.

Zhao Liying's real ceiling has never been anyone else, but Feng Shaofeng, who has been divorced for three years

Let's talk about marriage again, girl, once divorced, then her situation will take a sharp turn for the worse, even if she is Zhao Liying now, Zhao Liying's conditions are very good, but her marriage conditions are not generally poor, and her age has also come up, she is 36 years old this year, and she has given birth to a child before, the most terrible thing is that her conditions are still so good, it is impossible to be backward compatible, therefore, it is likely that it will be difficult for her to find a satisfactory object in all aspects.

Zhao Liying's real ceiling has never been anyone else, but Feng Shaofeng, who has been divorced for three years

Because of high-quality boys, they are unlikely to consider an older woman with a second marriage with a baby, they have no shortage of objects, at this time, Feng Shaofeng is Zhao Liying's best ceiling, the standard she can reach, that is, people like Feng Shaofeng, however, the problem is that people like Feng Shaofeng, the situation can be completely reversed, because boys like Feng Shaofeng, the girls they need are often not lacking, so to speak, understand!

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