
Looking at Zhao Liying from Feng Shaofeng's perspective: My ex-wife who "killed all sides" is how good she is now

author:An An said gossip

In 1987, in an ordinary rural village in Hebei, Zhao Liying was born. Who would have thought that this seemingly ordinary girl would shine in the showbiz of the future? The first time I noticed Li Ying was on the set of "Golden Wedding".

At that time, she was just a tricky little actor, but her eyes flashed with love and longing for her acting career. Although we didn't face each other directly, I was impressed by her focused attitude.

Later, I learned that Liying had given up her dream of becoming a flight attendant for the sake of her family and worked as a salesperson in a pipeline antiseptic company in her hometown. The hardships of life have not erased her yearning for an acting career.

In 2006, by chance, she participated in "Yahoo Star Search" and won the championship of Feng Xiaogang's group. This opportunity was like a door, opening the door to showbiz for her. After joining Huayi Brothers, Liying began a difficult career.

Looking at Zhao Liying from Feng Shaofeng's perspective: My ex-wife who "killed all sides" is how good she is now

For six years, she honed her acting skills in various small roles. I've seen her from afar in different crews, and even if it's only a few shots, she's fully engaged.

I can't help but be moved by that kind of focus and persistence. In 2011, the opportunity finally came. played Qing'er in "New Huanzhu Gege", and Liying gained everyone's attention for the first time.

Immediately after 2012, her performance in "Palace Lock Bead Curtain" attracted Yu Zheng's attention. I watched her climb up step by step, and I couldn't help but feel proud of her.

2013 was an important turning point for Liying. I remember that at that time, Yu Zheng tailor-made the drama "The Legend of Lu Zhen" for her. This opportunity finally gave her the opportunity to show her talent, and it also allowed her to gradually enter the public eye.

Looking at Zhao Liying from Feng Shaofeng's perspective: My ex-wife who "killed all sides" is how good she is now

I still vividly remember seeing her on a chance occasion with joy and confidence in her eyes, as if she saw a broader future. However, what really made Liying famous in one fell swoop was "Flower Thousand Bone" broadcast in 2015.

This drama not only broke the ratings record of weekly dramas in Chinese mainland, but also directly pushed Li Ying into the ranks of first-line actors. I once saw her from afar at an awards ceremony, when she was no longer the timid newcomer she used to be, but a confident heroine.

Her eyes were full of determination, and her gestures radiated the light of a star. In the next few years, Liying's career can be said to have soared. She has starred in many hit dramas such as "Qingyunzhi", "Rouge", "The Legend of Chu Qiao", "Do You Know If You Should Be Green, Fat, Red and Thin" and so on.

For every role, she poured all her passion and talent into interpreting the role to the fullest. Although I haven't collaborated with her on these works, every time I see her new drama, I can feel her progress and breakthrough in acting.

Looking at Zhao Liying from Feng Shaofeng's perspective: My ex-wife who "killed all sides" is how good she is now

Watching Liying step by step towards success, I am sincerely happy for her. From a small supporting role to a first-line actress today, she has proved with her own efforts that as long as she sticks to her dreams, she will be able to succeed.

Li Ying's story is not only her personal success, but also an example that inspires countless young people with acting dreams. Looking back on my relationship with Liying, it seems to be a fateful encounter.

Fate has passed us many times before we really get acquainted. Since "Golden Wedding", we have been in the same crew, but we have never been in the same frame. In "Lock Qingqiu", An Yixuan and I are the protagonists, and Liying is just an inconspicuous little girl.

In "Husband and Wife", Huo Siyan and I are the protagonists, but Li Ying plays Huo Siyan's childhood mother. In "Palace Lock Bead Curtain", I made a cameo because of the explosion of "Palace Lock Heart Jade", and Liying is still a supporting role.

Looking at Zhao Liying from Feng Shaofeng's perspective: My ex-wife who "killed all sides" is how good she is now

At that time, we were like two parallel lines, always so close and yet so far away. It wasn't until 2016 that the filming of "Journey to the West: Daughter Country" gave us the first opportunity to officially cooperate.

The Tang Seng I played, and the king of the daughter country played by Li Ying sparked different sparks on the set. I still remember that there was a playful glint in her eyes at that time, and I couldn't help but laugh every time I played.

The intimate interaction on the set also caused us to have a scandal, but at that time, I just chose to be silent and did not respond positively. In 2017, our relationship quietly warmed up. I've flown from Beijing to Shanghai many times just to have a hurried dinner with her, who was busy shooting commercials.

In September of the same year, I went to Beijing to have dinner with her, and hurried back to work the next day. On her birthday, I flew to Hengdian to celebrate her birthday. Looking at her happy smiling face reflected in the cake, I knew that I had fallen deeply in love with this girl.

Looking at Zhao Liying from Feng Shaofeng's perspective: My ex-wife who "killed all sides" is how good she is now

In October, we started the filming of "Do You Know If You Should Be Green, Fat, Red and Thin". The sweetness in and out of the play made our feelings warm up quickly. In 2018, we finally achieved a positive result and officially announced the news of marriage.

In 2019, we ushered in the crystallization of love, and the birth of our son made our family more complete. However, the good times were short-lived. In 2021, we chose to break up peacefully. Even though my marriage came to an end, I still cherish every moment we ever had.

That time was the happiest day of my life, and it also made me deeply appreciate Liying's tenderness and strength as a wife and mother. Although our love fairy tale does not have a happy ending, this experience has made me understand and appreciate Li Ying more as a person.

She is not only an excellent actress, but also a brave and independent woman. Although our relationship was short, it was one of the most precious memories of my life. After the divorce, I saw that Liying was not defeated by emotional setbacks, but worked harder in her career.

Looking at Zhao Liying from Feng Shaofeng's perspective: My ex-wife who "killed all sides" is how good she is now

She started experimenting with different types of roles and constantly challenging herself, and I really admired her spirit. In "Happiness to Ten Thousand Homes", He Xingfu played by Li Ying made my eyes shine.

This character is hardworking and brave, honest and tenacious, and perfectly interprets the image of a young woman in the new era. I can feel her understanding and devotion to the role, and that kind of love and persistence in life seems to be a portrayal of Liying herself.

Looking at her on the screen, I seemed to see the girl who was not afraid of difficulties and moved forward bravely. Xu Banxia in "The Wind Blows Banxia" amazed me even more. Liying has created an image of a female entrepreneur who dares to think and do, showing the tenacity of women in a male-dominated industry.

From picking up scrap to opening up an independent international steel import business, she uses delicate performances to interpret a woman who is forging ahead in the wave of reform. This role seems to be the epitome of Li Ying herself, showing her determination to constantly break through herself.

Looking at Zhao Liying from Feng Shaofeng's perspective: My ex-wife who "killed all sides" is how good she is now

And in "Article 20", Hao Xiuping, a deaf and mute person played by Li Ying, let me see another breakthrough in her acting skills. The image of silently enduring, but strong and unyielding, made countless audiences feel distressed.

Her "God's Reach" has become a classic shot in the film, showing her deep understanding of the role and excellent expressiveness. I knew it was a big challenge for her, but she did it and did it well.

Looking at Liying's performance in these works, I can't help but be proud of her. She is no longer limited to her sweet image in the past, but has the courage to try various types of roles, showing her multi-faceted acting skills.

Each role is like a challenge and transcendence of herself, and she always delivers satisfactory answers. Li Ying's spirit of constantly breaking through herself made me see her infinite possibilities as an actor.

Looking at Zhao Liying from Feng Shaofeng's perspective: My ex-wife who "killed all sides" is how good she is now

She proved with practical actions that as long as you are willing to work hard, there is nothing that cannot be done. This kind of spirit is what I have always admired about her. After the divorce, Liying made a greater breakthrough in her career.

I saw that she not only went further and further on the path of being an actress, but also began to try her hand at the work of a producer. This attitude of diversified development reminds me of the girl who was full of love for acting back then, and now she has grown into an all-round film and television worker.

What makes me feel gratified is that even in the complex environment of the entertainment industry, Liying has always maintained her true colors. She does not rely on scandal hype, does not rely on gossip to enhance her popularity, but speaks with strength and works.

I sincerely admire this kind of professional attitude. I remember one time, I saw her from a distance in public. Despite being a popular star, she still maintains a humble attitude and is polite to every staff member.

Looking at Zhao Liying from Feng Shaofeng's perspective: My ex-wife who "killed all sides" is how good she is now

At that moment, I suddenly understood why she had come to this height. Because she is not only talented, but also has an insatiable and enterprising heart. Liying's career development can be said to be booming.

She has starred in film and television dramas, and each of her works has attracted much attention. And her attempt to be a producer shows her talent behind the scenes. This all-round development made me see her love and pursuit of her career.

Watching her climb to the top of her career step by step, my heart is filled with mixed emotions. There is relief because I have seen her dream come true; There is pride, pride in what she has achieved; There is also a hint of regret that we are not able to share these joys together.

But more than that, it's the anticipation of her future. Liying's success is not only her personal victory, but also an encouragement to all those who have dreams. She used her own experience to tell us that as long as we stick to our dreams and work hard, we will definitely be able to succeed.

Looking at Zhao Liying from Feng Shaofeng's perspective: My ex-wife who "killed all sides" is how good she is now

This kind of spirit is what I have always admired about her. Today's Liying has become a non-negligible member of the entertainment industry. She used her own efforts and talents to interpret what it means to "kill the Quartet".

Every time I see her new work, I am impressed by her performance. I believe that Liying will bring us more surprises in the future. She will continue to challenge various types of roles and push the limits of her acting skills.

Judging from her past growth trajectory, she may get involved in more film and television production fields and become an all-round film and television talent. As a once important part of her life, I am sincerely happy for her.

Even though our marriage is over, I'm still her most loyal viewer and supporter. I'm looking forward to seeing her go further and further in her acting career and create more wonderful works.

Looking at Zhao Liying from Feng Shaofeng's perspective: My ex-wife who "killed all sides" is how good she is now

Liying, my ex-wife, is really good now, and will get better and better. This is the stubborn girl I know, always striving for progress and never giving up. Coming out of rural Hebei, she used her strength to prove that as long as you work hard, there is no dream that cannot be realized.

I believe that the future of Liying will be even more exciting. She will continue to use her talent and hard work to write her own legend in the entertainment industry. As someone who has walked side by side with her, I am proud of her and sincerely wish her a wider and wider path in the future.

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