
Zhang Ziyu wants to win too much! hugged her head and cried on the spot, and after the game, she did not wear a silver medal, and her teammates laughed at her expressionless

author:Poetry says sports

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Zhang Ziyu wants to win too much! hugged her head and cried on the spot, and after the game, she did not wear a silver medal, and her teammates laughed at her expressionless
Zhang Ziyu wants to win too much! hugged her head and cried on the spot, and after the game, she did not wear a silver medal, and her teammates laughed at her expressionless
Zhang Ziyu wants to win too much! hugged her head and cried on the spot, and after the game, she did not wear a silver medal, and her teammates laughed at her expressionless
Zhang Ziyu wants to win too much! hugged her head and cried on the spot, and after the game, she did not wear a silver medal, and her teammates laughed at her expressionless
Zhang Ziyu wants to win too much! hugged her head and cried on the spot, and after the game, she did not wear a silver medal, and her teammates laughed at her expressionless
Zhang Ziyu wants to win too much! hugged her head and cried on the spot, and after the game, she did not wear a silver medal, and her teammates laughed at her expressionless

Zhang Ziyu's glory and tears: the epitome of the U18 women's basketball team

The MVP of the losing side who dominates the game

In the recently concluded U18 Asian Cup women's basketball final, although the Chinese U18 women's basketball team failed to win the championship, a player named Zhang Ziyu became the focus of the court. She scored 42 points and 14 rebounds with an amazing performance and became a veritable MVP of the underdog. However, the player, who is known as the "female Yao Ming", was deeply shocked by her performance after the game. There was no joy of victory on her face, only a deep sense of loss and unwillingness. This strong desire to win and a sense of honor makes her stand out from her teammates.

Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance is not accidental. She is 2.28 meters tall and has excellent physical fitness and basketball talent. In the game, she is almost unbeatable, whether it is a strong attack under the basket or outside shooting, she shows a very high level. However, the game of basketball is a team sport, and the strength of one person does not determine the outcome of the game. There is a certain gap between the Chinese U18 women's basketball team and the Australian team in terms of overall strength, which is also the reason for their final loss.

Despite this, Zhang Ziyu's performance is still admirable. She used her hard work and hard work to win more opportunities for the team. In the game, she not only scored points herself, but also created chances for her teammates on several occasions. Her existence has given the Chinese U18 women's basketball team more possibilities on the court. However, the results of the game were not satisfactory. At the award ceremony, although Zhang Ziyu won the silver medal, she chose to take it off. This move is undoubtedly a portrayal of her true feelings in her heart. What she wants is not only a silver medal, but also a gold medal that represents the highest honor.

A contest of honor and dignity

In the footage after the game, we saw Zhang Ziyu's loss and tears. She hugged her head and cried, as if she wanted to release all her unwillingness and regret. And her teammates, although they also regretted it, seemed relatively calm in comparison. This contrast makes people think: Why did Zhang Ziyu's reaction be so strong when he also lost?

The answer may lie in her quest for honor and dignity. For Zhang Ziyu, every game is a challenge and an opportunity. She is eager to prove herself on the field and to win glory for her country and team. Therefore, when she saw the team lose in the game, the pressure and pain she was under can be imagined. And her teammates may not value honor and dignity as much as she does. They see the competition more as a process of experience and learning, rather than as a battlefield for the pursuit of honor and dignity.

The choice between the team and the individual

Of course, we can't ignore the importance of teams in the game. Basketball is a team sport, and the strength of one person does not determine the outcome of the game. However, in Zhang's case, we see a choice between the team and the individual. Although she is strong, she also needs the support and cooperation of her teammates. However, in the competition, her teammates did not show the same strong desire to win and a sense of honor as she did. This affected the team's overall performance to some extent.

In addition, the coach's decision-making during the game is also crucial. In the final stage of the game, the coach chose to press Zhang Ziyu on the bench, which was undoubtedly a puzzling decision. If the coach could have trusted Zhang Ziyu more and given her more playing time and opportunities, perhaps the outcome of the game would have been different. This also makes us think: how to balance the relationship between the individual and the team in a team game? How can we better leverage everyone's strengths?

Hopes and challenges for the future

Although the Chinese U18 women's basketball team failed to win the U18 Asian Cup, Zhang Ziyu's performance gave us hope for the future. She has excellent physical fitness and basketball talent, but also has a strong desire to win and a sense of pride. In future competitions, she is expected to become one of the important pillars of the Chinese women's basketball team. However, she also faced a huge challenge. How can you better play your role in the team? How to build a better understanding and cooperation with teammates? These are all questions that she needs to think about and solve.

Overall, Zhang Ziyu's glory and tears are the epitome of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team in the U18 Asian Cup. She used her hard work and hard work to fight for more opportunities for the team, and also let us see the hopes and challenges of the Chinese women's basketball team in the future. I believe that in the future games, she will continue to win more honor and dignity for the country and the team.

Fan perspective: The glory and reflection of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup

As a fan who loves basketball and cares about the national team, I have followed the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup throughout the whole process. This final is undoubtedly a visual feast and a baptism of the soul. I witnessed the Chinese U18 women's basketball team under the leadership of Zhang Ziyu and the Australian team, and although they lost in the end, I was deeply impressed by the game.

Zhang Ziyu: A lonely hero

Zhang Ziyu, the 2.28-meter-tall "female Yao Ming", almost single-handedly competed with her opponent in the final. She finished with 42 points and 14 rebounds, showing amazing scoring ability and dominance. However, basketball is a five-person sport, and the strength of one person does not determine the outcome of the game. Despite Zhang's best on the field, her teammates were unable to provide enough support. This situation of "one person carrying the whole team" made me both moved and regretted.

Moved by Zhang Ziyu's fighting spirit and desire for victory. She spared no effort on the court to run, grab positions, shoot, and give her all on every offense and defense. Her sweat soaked the jersey and soaked my heart. I saw an athlete's love and dedication to basketball, and I also saw a young man's loyalty and responsibility to the country and team.

However, I also feel sorry for Zhang Ziyu's teammates. They did not play at the level they should have in this game, and did not give Zhang Ziyu enough support and cooperation. When Zhang Ziyu fought the court, they seemed relatively calm and lacking fighting spirit. This contrast deeply saddened me and made me think: how many individuals do it take for a team to succeed?

Team vs. individual reflections

Basketball is a team sport, and the strength of one person does not determine the outcome of the game. The defeat of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team in the final was not only because of the poor performance of Zhang Ziyu's teammates, but also because of the problems of the whole team in terms of tactical coordination and mentality adjustment.

First of all, from the perspective of tactical coordination, the Chinese U18 women's basketball team lacks tacit understanding and cooperation in the game. They relied too much on Zhang Ziyu's individual ability on the offensive end, and ignored the overall coordination of the team. Defensively, they also failed to effectively limit their opponents' scoring points, resulting in the pace of the game being controlled by their opponents all the time. This kind of team that lacks tacit understanding and cooperation is difficult to win in a fierce competition.

Secondly, from the perspective of mentality adjustment, the Chinese U18 women's basketball team also has problems in the game. When the game entered a stalemate, they did not adjust their mentality in time and stay calm, but appeared impatient and flustered. This fluctuation in mentality not only affects their level of performance, but also the morale of the entire team. In contrast, the Australian team was more composed and consistent, and they were able to remain calm and calm in key moments.

Hopes and challenges for the future

Although the Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost in the final, they still have unlimited potential and hope. First of all, Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance let us see the future stars of the Chinese women's basketball team. She has excellent physical fitness and basketball talent, but also has a strong desire to win and a sense of pride. As long as she can continue to work hard and continue to improve her level, I believe she will be able to become the core force of the national team in the future.

Secondly, the Chinese U18 women's basketball team also showed tenacious fighting spirit and fighting spirit in the game. They did not give up or back down in the face of strong opponents, but persevered and gave their best. This spirit is worth learning and inheriting. As long as they can continue to carry forward this spirit, strengthen teamwork and mentality adjustment, I believe they will be able to achieve better results in the international arena in the future.

Discussion and reflection

This game made me think deeply about the relationship between teams and individuals, tactical coordination and mentality adjustment in basketball. In my opinion, a successful basketball team requires each player to have a strong sense of responsibility and mission, and the whole team needs to maintain a high degree of consistency in tactical coordination and mentality. Only in this way can you be invincible in the fierce competition. At the same time, I also hope that the Chinese U18 women's basketball team can learn the lessons and lessons of this competition, continuously improve their level, and win glory for the country.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

The glory is not finished, and the sword is forward

The mountains are high and the clouds are locked, and the women's basketball team is stronger.

Before Zhang Ziyu walked alone, he pointed to the gold medal and vowed not to return it.

Shake the world with his own strength, and show heroism in forty-two points.

The silver medal is light, and the gold medal in my heart will never disappear.

The teammates watched in unison, and they lost their style when they laughed and talked.

Fighting alone and full of tears, who will solve the pain and hardship?

The stadium is not only a show of skills, but also a real gold of the soul.

Wins and losses are common, only hard work is the most moving.

Tactical coordination requires tacit understanding, and mentality adjustment is also crucial.

Unite to overcome all difficulties, and it is difficult to move forward alone.

Defeat is not discouraged, victory is not arrogant, sharpen the sword and wait for another battle.

The road ahead is long and long, and the ambition to move forward is stronger.

Youth blood is sprinkled on the field, and dreams are flying in the clouds.

The women's basketball team has many ambitions and vows to fight for the glory of the country.

There may be wind and rain on the road ahead, and there will also be rainbows by your side.

Not afraid of difficulties and dangers, just because there is faith in the heart.

The sons and daughters of China are talented, and the heroes are more self-reliant.

Today's defeat is not the end, tomorrow's glory is to be created.

Don't forget the original intention and mission, and forge ahead to write a new chapter.

Why give up if the glory is not finished? Sharpen your sword and move forward!

Sub-heading: Glory is unfinished, sharpen the sword forward

This ancient poem depicts the demeanor and setbacks of the U18 women's basketball team in the Asian Cup final, as well as their indomitable spirit in the face of defeat. The poem focuses on Zhang Ziyu, highlighting her bravery and helplessness in the arena, while also reflecting the different reactions of her teammates and the lack of overall team spirit. Through the depiction of the details of the game, the poem conveys the importance of team-individual relationships, tactical coordination and mindset adjustment in basketball. Finally, the poem uses motivational language to encourage the women's basketball players to brave difficulties, forge ahead, and work hard to achieve greater glory.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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