
Rescued 17 people in two years From "child king" to "negotiator", Lu Junjie, a special police officer born in the 90s, unlocked more life roles

Rescued 17 people in two years From "child king" to "negotiator", Lu Junjie, a special police officer born in the 90s, unlocked more life roles

Cover News

2024-06-29 11:49Cover News official account

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Lu Junjie, a post-0190s special police officer, successfully rescued 17 people in distress in two years and was known as a "rescue expert".

02 When Lu Junjie served as the village secretary, he cultivated good empathy skills, which enabled him to better understand each other and create rescue opportunities.

03 Through strict self-discipline and exercise, Lu Junjie successfully lost 50 pounds and became a weight loss model in the SWAT team.

04 In addition to his work in the SWAT team, Lu Junjie also likes to fish, play basketball, and accompany his 7-year-old daughter in his spare time.

05 Lu Junjie hopes that more people will understand the diverse roles of young police officers and praise them.

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Cover News Reporter Wu Yong

"Our SWAT car is very beautiful, have you ever been in it, take you to the police car."

"Don't worry, uncle is behind your back."

On the afternoon of May 28 this year, Lu Junjie, a member of the first team of the special police detachment of the Deyang City Public Security Bureau in Sichuan Province, sat on the 17th floor of a community and had a conversation with a girl who committed suicide.

After 30 minutes of psychological tug-of-war, he finally convinced the girl and stretched out his hands to pull her back. In two years, this young man who retired from the army in 93 and successfully rescued 17 people.

"Rescue experts": 17 people saved in two years

The reporter's first impression when he saw Lu Junjie was that he was dark-skinned, tall and strong, honest and honest, and looked very reliable. During the interview, he was not as talkative as when he rescued people in the law enforcement camera, but he was deeply impressed when he recalled the details of the rescue again and again.

Recalling the rescue on May 28 again, Lu Junjie was a little afraid. On the same day, he and his colleagues received a report from the masses during the patrol that a crowd had jumped off the building on the 17th floor of a community.

"At that time, the suicide girl was sitting on the terrace outside the 17th floor, very emotional, half of her body was hanging outside, and she could jump down at any time." Lu Junjie immediately turned over the windowsill and sat down with the girl head-on.

In the next nearly 30 minutes, Lu Junjie looked for topics from hobbies, travel, games, etc., trying to persuade the girl back, but the girl's emotions were repeated and the effect was not ideal. However, the careful Lu Junjie has found that every once in a while during the conversation, when talking about a topic she is interested in, the girl will have a moment of relaxation, and finally, in an opportunity, Lu Junjie stretched out his hand and quickly pulled the girl back.

Due to the urgency of the situation, Lu Junjie didn't have time to tie the safety rope, and the two sat on the balcony on the 17th floor for more than 30 minutes, and their feet were already a little stiff.

"At that time, the situation was too urgent, it would be a pity if I jumped, I didn't have time to think too much, and the leader also criticized me after I was successfully rescued." Lu Junjie told reporters that the rescue situation is varied, and it is necessary to make a judgment based on a calm analysis of the situation at the scene.

Rescued 17 people in two years From "child king" to "negotiator", Lu Junjie, a special police officer born in the 90s, unlocked more life roles

Lu Junjie persuaded the suicide on the top floor

During the police dispatch, Lu Junjie used on-the-spot reactions many times to save people. took advantage of the moment to hand the lighter to the man who jumped off the building; Wrapped a towel in his hand and rescued a woman who jumped off a building with a kitchen knife in hand...... In the past two years, he has rescued a total of 17 people in need.

"The ability to empathize is necessary, and we have to understand each other in order to create rescue opportunities." Lu Junjie said that this empathy ability is a good habit he cultivated when he served as the village secretary from 2018 to 2021.

"Children's King": The work in the village has been affirmed

Lu Junjie's father was a soldier, influenced by his father since he was a child, he had a dream of being a military policeman, signed up for the army in high school, and after being a car soldier for 5 years, he returned to the local area in 2016 to work in the Deyang Public Security Bureau.

In July 2018, Lu Junjie took the initiative to apply to participate in the poverty alleviation work, and served as the first secretary of Bayi Village, Union Town, Zhongjiang County, and the leader of the village-based work team, until 2021, when he returned to the unit.

Changing from a police officer to the first secretary of the village was a big challenge for Lu Junjie. In addition to going home in a hurry, Lu Junjie has been in the village for a long time, from fighting for help funds to solving trivial matters of the villagers.

"At that time, there were many elderly people and left-behind children in the village, and they came to play with me after school, probably because of my identity as a police officer, and they had a natural trust in me." Sometimes, there will be a scenery on the country roads of Bayi Village, and the children will follow Lu Junjie from house to house after school, and the sky above the village will be surrounded by the laughter of the children like silver bells.

Rescued 17 people in two years From "child king" to "negotiator", Lu Junjie, a special police officer born in the 90s, unlocked more life roles

Lu Junjie served as the first secretary of Bayi Village

After three years of work experience in the village, Lu Junjie has exercised good eloquence, up to his eighty-year-old mother-in-law, to a child who knows the way, he can chat a few words, and he is even more familiar with the village, "When I walk to the village, the dog wagged its tail when it saw me." ”

During the period of poverty alleviation, he helped more than 40 poor households to repair and renovate their houses, and actively sought more than 60 yuan of funds from the higher authorities to develop collective economic construction and transform village roads.

"Self-disciplined man": lose 50 pounds in three months

Lu Junjie, who wears a police uniform, is a "rescue master" and performs well. After taking off his police uniform, he is also extremely self-disciplined in life, and he is a man who has successfully lost weight.

Lu Junjie used to be a "fat man" who weighed about 190 pounds. Once on the roof of Deyang Wanda Plaza to rescue the jumping person, you need to go through a simple staircase made of iron sheets, when Lu Junjie climbed the stairs, every time he went up, he would step on the iron sheet, and finally although he successfully rescued the person, Lu Junjie felt very ashamed.

Rescued 17 people in two years From "child king" to "negotiator", Lu Junjie, a special police officer born in the 90s, unlocked more life roles

Lu Junjie before weight loss

"From that moment on, I was determined to lose weight and be as flexible as possible for the next rescue." Exercising every day and controlling his diet, in just three months, Lu Junjie lost weight from 190 pounds to 140 pounds, becoming a model of successful weight loss in the squadron.

Speaking of Lu Junjie, the teammates in the SWAT team all gave a thumbs up, and their admiration was overflowing. "He is too self-disciplined, and he is very down-to-earth."

Rescued 17 people in two years From "child king" to "negotiator", Lu Junjie, a special police officer born in the 90s, unlocked more life roles

Lu Junjie after losing weight

Outside of work, Lu Junjie also likes to go fishing, play basketball, and accompany his 7-year-old daughter in his spare time. This post-90s special police officer is unlocking more roles in his life, and he also hopes that more people can understand more "labels" for young police officers.

(Photo courtesy of Deyang Public Security)

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  • Rescued 17 people in two years From "child king" to "negotiator", Lu Junjie, a special police officer born in the 90s, unlocked more life roles
  • Rescued 17 people in two years From "child king" to "negotiator", Lu Junjie, a special police officer born in the 90s, unlocked more life roles
  • Rescued 17 people in two years From "child king" to "negotiator", Lu Junjie, a special police officer born in the 90s, unlocked more life roles
  • Rescued 17 people in two years From "child king" to "negotiator", Lu Junjie, a special police officer born in the 90s, unlocked more life roles

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