
Now that the filming of the film and television drama has been completed, why is it called "finishing"? What does green mean?

author:Good luck comes with you

Hello everyone, today let's talk about a common word in the film and television industry - "finishing". Every time a drama or movie finishes the last shot, the director gives an order, the actors call it a day, and the staff cheers, what is this mysterious "finishing"? Let's find out.

Now that the filming of the film and television drama has been completed, why is it called "finishing"? What does green mean?

First of all, we have to understand that "green" does not refer to the color of greens or youth. In ancient times, the ancients used bamboo slips to write characters, and the surface of the bamboo slips had a layer of green called "green skin", which was bright in color when it was not dry. When the bamboo slip is full of content, it must be dried, and this process is called "finishing". Later, the word was used to describe the completion of writing or production, like the process of bamboo slips from wet to dry, and works of art from creation to forming.

Now that the filming of the film and television drama has been completed, why is it called "finishing"? What does green mean?

In the modern film and television industry, "finalization" means that the filming of a drama or movie has officially ended, and all the scenes and shots have been filmed and entered the post-production stage. It's like the capping of a big project, marking the temporary end of the hard work of the creators, but it also indicates that a new challenge is about to begin.

Now that the filming of the film and television drama has been completed, why is it called "finishing"? What does green mean?

I remember the famous director Zhang Yimou once said: "The movie is a magic trick of light and shadow, and the finale is the curtain call of the magician." Each piece is a work of art carved by the artists, and at the moment of completion, they seem to say, "Look, this is our masterpiece, and now it's up to you to enjoy." ”

For actors, the finale is also the end of their character journey, saying goodbye to the costumes and stories on the set, they can unload their fatigue and prepare for a new role. As actor Wu Jing said: "The finale is the end of hard work and the beginning of a new story." ”

Now that the filming of the film and television drama has been completed, why is it called "finishing"? What does green mean?

As for the audience, every time they hear the word "finale", they will have some expectations in their hearts. They look forward to how those wonderful images will come to life in the hands of the editors, and how the actors' performances will shine on the screen. Just like the screenwriter Ms. Qiong Yao once said: "The script is the starting point, the completion is the end, and the process in the middle is the miracle of creation." ”

Therefore, whenever we see the news of the completion of a film and television drama, we might as well applaud these behind-the-scenes heroes, because they have spent countless days and nights turning the "green" bamboo slips into vivid works, giving our lives more color and expectations.

Now that the filming of the film and television drama has been completed, why is it called "finishing"? What does green mean?

This is the "finalization" in film and television shooting, a word that carries countless efforts and expectations. The next time you hear this word, you might as well sigh with emotion, behind every drama, there is a group of people who have made silent efforts, and their "completion" is the "reunion" in our hearts.

Forward it to your friends and family and let them experience the charm of this film and television art together! Because every "finale" is the perfect ending of a story, and it is also our common memory.

Now that the filming of the film and television drama has been completed, why is it called "finishing"? What does green mean?

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