
Israeli-Palestinian War: Israel is in a bitter battle in Gaza, with three booby traps and bombings in 24 hours

author:Poetic sesame sauce XRN

On the Palestinian-Israeli-Gaza border, Israel has not been able to deploy troops in an unfavorable manner, and although it has repeatedly increased its troops and deployed defenses, it has achieved little success, the war situation has reached a stalemate, the morale of the army is unstable, and there have been repeated defeats. In particular, on June 29, it suffered a major blow, with three soldiers killed and many seriously wounded. At the same time, rescue forces were also under artillery fire, and more than 40 mortar shells landed. Such incidents have seriously dampened the will of the Israeli army and revealed the flaws in its combat strategy.

A fatal blow to the tunnel booby trap tactics

The Palestinian guerrillas have successfully resisted numerous Israeli attacks through the skillful use of underground tunnel tactics, notably in two cave strikes carried out on the Rafah front in the Gaza Strip, which have left the Israeli army in a difficult position. His strong strategic ability and highly flexible strategic thinking are eye-catching. In contrast, Israel's ground forces have shown room for improvement in intelligence gathering and in the decision-making process for combat. In an attempt to rescue the besieged soldiers, Israel attempted to carry out widespread infiltration bombing, but this action did not have a noticeable effect, and instead caused more innocent people and friendly troops to be injured, and the situation escalated.

Israeli-Palestinian War: Israel is in a bitter battle in Gaza, with three booby traps and bombings in 24 hours
The mystery of the casualty figures Tactical escalation of the Palestinian resistance

After months of fighting, the Palestinian resistance has relied on innovative strategies to increase its combat capability and resilience. In the face of the powerful offensive of the Israeli army, they used tactics such as sparrow warfare, mine warfare, and tunnel warfare to carry out surprise attacks. The addition of new members has added strength to the Gaza defenders. In addition to the Mango Brigades, other armed groups have also come to the aid of the Gaza death squads, demonstrating their courage and great command.

Israeli-Palestinian War: Israel is in a bitter battle in Gaza, with three booby traps and bombings in 24 hours
The Israeli army's plight and helplessness

By contrast, Israel's response to the conflict has been somewhat inadequate. Despite their foresight, military pressure led them into residential areas of Gaza, where they were targeted by air strikes. In the face of such a predicament, Israel has not taken strong measures to prevent such incidents, but has only focused on reducing its losses. It is reported that the clash has caused tens of thousands of casualties, but the official military death toll is less than 700. This information cover-up seriously affected the military's reputation and further deepened the public's aversion to the war.

Humanitarian atrocities committed by the Israeli army
Israeli-Palestinian War: Israel is in a bitter battle in Gaza, with three booby traps and bombings in 24 hours

In the events of 29 June, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) deliberately burned down humanitarian relief warehouses, violating the principles of humanity and human rights and the international legal order. This is not only irresponsible, but also the result of planning and careful planning by its leadership. Moreover, the destruction of agricultural facilities by the Israeli army has made the social and economic damage of this armed struggle even more serious.

Israel's genocidal attempts

It is precisely because Israel's genocide and expulsion of Palestinian civilians in Gaza violate international law and human rights norms that it has attracted global attention and condemnation. However, instead of easing local tensions, this act has exacerbated and perpetuated regional tensions.

Israeli-Palestinian War: Israel is in a bitter battle in Gaza, with three booby traps and bombings in 24 hours
The cruelty and helplessness of war

The dire state of affairs in Israel, littered with rubble and shattered families, is undoubtedly a profound legacy of military woes and strategic missteps on a thriving society. The protracted war has brought the problem to the fore, the hostility has intensified, and the confrontation has worsened.

Reflections on war and calls for peace
Israeli-Palestinian War: Israel is in a bitter battle in Gaza, with three booby traps and bombings in 24 hours

After experiencing the trauma of war, it is even more important to ask: can war really become a viable means of resolving disputes? For example, in the recent military conflict in the Gaza Strip, countless innocent Israeli and Palestinian people have lost their lives. Therefore, we urgently hope that the two sides will be peace-oriented, seek solutions to disputes through consultations on an equal footing, and jointly create a harmonious and stable future.

End of article:

In the predicament of this protracted war, we must think deeply about whether war can truly resolve conflicts. At a time when society is suffering and suffering greatly, we sincerely call on all parties to immediately stop the exchange of fire, engage in peaceful dialogue and seek a way to live together. How, then, can a lasting peace agreement be ensured? We sincerely invite you to share your unique insights in order to gain recognition and discuss together, so as to promote deeper attention and research.

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