
Is the "scum" of the United States just one or two projects?

author:Broken Thoughts of the King


The demolition of the temporary wharf built by the United States in the Gaza Strip after only a short period of use was announced, which caused people to be outraged for a while.

Dare to ask how powerful the capital and technology of the US imperialists are, why the wharf built by itself can only be used for a period of time, is it really just a matter of the wharf?

The United States is undoubtedly the most politically savvy country on the planet, but behind the superficial glossy politics, there are all kinds of dark faces.

In the name of humanitarian aid, the United States can only last a few days after the world's most developed and time-consuming large-scale investment of forces.

Are these things really just a matter of this dock, as the US military says?

The U.S. military is mismanaged and absurd.

It is an indisputable fact that the United States is the first in the world, and the United States is so powerful that it is naturally not willing to lag behind, and the funds and energy invested in artificial science and technology are unprecedented and unprecedented.

As the military power of US imperialism as the largest military power, the United States can often easily exceed people's imagination in military spending.

In this regard, there is no shortage of "sky-high procurement" items in the US military, such as the price of an F35 stealth fighter can already reach the price of a best-selling civilian airliner A380 today.

However, the F35 stealth fighter, as a fighter with very good application performance, will naturally be extremely expensive.

But there are also some items in the U.S. military that are not as efficient as the A380 airliner and are expensive.

Is the "scum" of the United States just one or two projects?

According to an investigation report released by the US Department of Defense, there are nearly 1,000 people in the US military, who are helping the US military to confuse accounts every year.

What's going on?

Even the materials used every day have a lot of these confused accounts, and the US military claims to be the strongest in the world, so there are still these confused things?

It is no secret that the US military "fills" its annual expenditures in its accounting, and some of these "filling" materials are not only a matter of confusing accounts, but at the same time, these materials have long ceased to be used in war.

The U.S. military refused to disclose the number of bombs it wanted to blow up in the Persian Gulf, but it did reveal that thousands of bombs disappear in the Persian Gulf every day.

In order to cover up this fact, the U.S. military has already come up with all kinds of foreshadowing, they say that these bombs are "misappropriated" to drop in Afghanistan, but the U.S. military is also eager to obtain the number of these dropped bombs, and there is different news about this.

The U.S. military once claimed to have dropped more than 10,000 bombs in Afghanistan, but in reality, these bombs were used to drop more than 1,000 bombs in the Middle East.

What this contradictory statistic means is that the U.S. military, when it drops bombs, wastes a large part of the time on the number of bombs in military spending.

The number of bombs dropped by the United States in the Middle East over the past six years has reached 21,337, of which only 2,349 are waiting to explode, and the remaining bombs are scattered in the muddy behavior of the US military in dropping bombs.

The hypocrisy of Western countries.

This hypocritical humanitarian act is not limited to the United States, there are many Western countries in which they have huge interests.

In aid, these so-called "humanitarianism" are hypocritical because there is a greater political purpose in aid.

The United States imports and exports in many countries, mainly in trade, but they have made good use of this shareholder trend, so that many countries take it for granted that the United States has given them selfless assistance.

However, this so-called "selfless assistance" is very hypocritical, and the so-called humanitarian assistance of the United States is the use of silver bullets on the one hand, and real help on the other hand.

And this kind of double-dealing behavior of the United States has also broken out in the past.

In South Sudan, for example, the U.S. government claimed to have helped, but the U.S. government found food purchased from the U.S. scattered in the local garbage heap.

The food used by the United States for aid is printed with a five-pointed star and the words "American Help" on the outer packaging, but when these foods are scattered in the hands of the people, it is found that they are all low-quality food, which is undoubtedly a harm to the local people.

This kind of face-saving practice of the United States is obviously deceitful and infuriating.

In Syria, the United States has also distributed "American aid" food with a five-pointed star, and the items used by the United States for distribution have become garbage in the eyes of the public, which undoubtedly raises doubts about the genuineness of its help.

Nowhere is this more evident than in 2010 in China's impoverished areas, when the United States provided many aids to China, and the U.S. aid in China was also a sign of "U.S. aid."

The United States has provided mainly military supplies in China, which has undoubtedly aroused China's vigilance, but the United States has still provided these military supplies to China's impoverished areas under the image of China's great philanthropist.

The price of China-controlled counterfeit goods in China's aid to China in this year is about 12 million US dollars, which undoubtedly makes many Chinese very disdainful of the United States' approach, and such a small amount of money is still compared to the inverted door, which is undoubtedly humiliating the Chinese and belittling China's image.

However, the purpose behind it is very dirty, and the U.S. aid has made China's poor areas feel the warmth of aid, but many people don't know that this practice is undoubtedly humiliating China, so the so-called U.S. aid in China is a real hypocrisy.

Who is the spearhead of the United States' demolition of the dock?

The hypocrisy of the U.S. military has also been widely questioned, but the U.S. seems to show no signs of retrospection, and the U.S. government has mishandled the matter in the case of the demolition of the dock.

At the beginning, when the United States announced the demolition, it did not release the drawings of the wharf, and in the midst of some protests, the United States reluctantly released the drawings of the wharf, and those who watched the drawings were very puzzled.

The drawings show that this wharf is just a small wharf with a construction area of 48,000 square meters, but the United States spent a lot of manpower and materials to build this wharf, and the construction time of this wharf is not very long.

According to the official U.S. disclosure of the wharf stationary time, the United States built and maintained this wharf for a total of 300 working days, and the raw materials used, the United States used a total of 260 million square meters of concrete.

According to the current price of concrete, the United States has invested at least three or four billion dollars in the construction of this wharf.

In addition, the United States has also spent all the money on other construction costs, which is undoubtedly a failure of the US government, and the United States has also made an official explanation for the demolition time of this wharf, and the United States believes that the maximum benefit has been achieved in this wharf that spends money, so it announced the time of demolition.

However, this argument of the United States is undoubtedly untenable, because the United States has already announced the demolition of this wharf not long after it was built, and this is a costly collusion between officials and businessmen, but it is a scam on the grounds of the whole country, and this is undoubtedly the reason why the US government does not make it public.

Even when the United States announced it before, it did not solicit public opinions on the demolition of this wharf, but only issued an order, which undoubtedly created more contradictions and was a non-public act of the US government.

The U.S. government also announced the time of the demolition of the wharf, pointing the finger at Turkey, saying that Turkey was at the port, but the Turkish government also refuted it, and the contradictions between the two countries were about to erupt, which was undoubtedly an act of diverting contradictions by the U.S. government.


The "scum" of the United States this time is not only this dock, but also this angry country, because the US government's series of non-public and irresponsible behaviors have pushed the innocent to a corner, and there are many such hypocritical acts of the United States, and what is even more infuriating is that the spearhead of the aid used by the US government is ultimately aimed at his so-called "financier", which is undoubtedly the ultimate destination of the US bean dregs project.

However, the U.S. government is also very undisclosed and irresponsible in dealing with this time, and the U.S. government still has not announced the start of the investigation into the slag project, which is undoubtedly the protection of the U.S. bean dregs project.

If the United States initiates an investigation into the port that has been demolished, it will face great difficulties in pursuing responsibility, but if it investigates the port that has not been demolished, it will undoubtedly expose the hypocrisy of tearing up garbage before, and the loss will be indispensable whether it is the US government or the people.

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