
laughed to death, and finally knew why South Korea's fertility rate was low, and Han suspected that the birth anesthesia was canceled in July

author:Unheard of

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laughed to death, and finally knew why South Korea's fertility rate was low, and Han suspected that the birth anesthesia was canceled in July

Recently, South Korea's suspected preparation to cancel the caesarean section to produce child anesthesia has aroused onlookers and heated discussions among the majority of netizens!


Good guy, you have to do housework in the second trimester, and you have to prepare the family's underwear and kimchi in the third trimester, no wonder the Korean girl is reluctant to have a baby~

laughed to death, and finally knew why South Korea's fertility rate was low, and Han suspected that the birth anesthesia was canceled in July

Netizens ridiculed ↓

I remember an interview: "Aren't you worried about extinction if you don't have a baby?" Han Nu replied, worried? Has the state ever worried about me? ”

There are also netizens ridiculing ↓

laughed to death, and finally knew why South Korea's fertility rate was low, and Han suspected that the birth anesthesia was canceled in July

After the video came out, it also aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens, this session of netizens understands comments, I want to die of laughter in the comments:

Otherwise, I made it myself, and now Korean women don't talk about it [embarrassed laughter]

laughed to death, and finally knew why South Korea's fertility rate was low, and Han suspected that the birth anesthesia was canceled in July

I don't know what I think, but cosmetic surgery is still given anesthetic...... [tears run]

laughed to death, and finally knew why South Korea's fertility rate was low, and Han suspected that the birth anesthesia was canceled in July

Indeed, I feel that my daughter-in-law in Han is very tired of having to serve a large family, and now I have this [laughing and crying]

laughed to death, and finally knew why South Korea's fertility rate was low, and Han suspected that the birth anesthesia was canceled in July

Until now, there are still many girls who like South Korea, and most of them are estimated to have been brainwashed by Korean dramas, so they have to recognize the reality~

laughed to death, and finally knew why South Korea's fertility rate was low, and Han suspected that the birth anesthesia was canceled in July

Hahaha, you know how to do housework...... [covers face]

laughed to death, and finally knew why South Korea's fertility rate was low, and Han suspected that the birth anesthesia was canceled in July

They don't think so themselves, you can understand it by looking at the map they promote...... [laughs]

laughed to death, and finally knew why South Korea's fertility rate was low, and Han suspected that the birth anesthesia was canceled in July

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