
Congratulations! Has "succeeded" in reducing the burden on teachers for 5 years. Teachers just need to teach "simply"?

author:Xiao Wang Caijing said

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In today's educational environment, the role of the teacher has gone far beyond traditional lectern teaching. They become generalists, not only transmitters of knowledge, but also counsellors, incident coordinators, security officers, and so on.

This expansion of the role, while highlighting the ability and importance of teachers, also brings unprecedented challenges.

Congratulations! Has "succeeded" in reducing the burden on teachers for 5 years. Teachers just need to teach "simply"?

Sub-heading 1: "Teachers: From Pedagogical to Versatile"

In addition to preparing and teaching lessons, Ms. Zhang is a junior high school Chinese teacher, and in addition to preparing and teaching, she also has to serve as a class teacher, responsible for the overall management of the class, from resolving student conflicts, organizing class activities, to dealing with unexpected safety incidents.

She works almost until 9 p.m. every day, and sometimes even goes home with work. During a recent campus safety drill, Ms. Zhang not only had to make sure the students knew the escape routes, but also had to coordinate with the school security team to ensure that the drill went smoothly.

Such high-intensity work often makes her feel powerless, and in private, she sighs more than once: "I came to teach, how did I become an all-round superman?" ”

Congratulations! Has "succeeded" in reducing the burden on teachers for 5 years. Teachers just need to teach "simply"?

This multi-role play not only has an impact on the professional development of teachers themselves, but may also affect the learning outcomes of students. Teachers are forced to be distracted from non-instructional tasks, which undoubtedly reduces their time and energy for teaching and individual student instruction.

This phenomenon has sparked a lot of discussion in the education community, and people have begun to worry about whether the teacher's job will be eroded and whether the learning experience of students will be fragmented by the overextension of the role of the teacher.

Congratulations! Has "succeeded" in reducing the burden on teachers for 5 years. Teachers just need to teach "simply"?

Sub-heading 2: "Policy and Reality: Thorns on the Road to Burden Reduction"

Educational policies are always full of hopes and ideals, especially those that aim to "lighten the burden" of teachers. However, it always seems like a long and tortuous journey from the highlight headline of the policy to the reality of the campus. The education sector has a loud slogan that promises to reduce the pressure on teachers and get them back to the basics of teaching, but the reality is often different.

Meetings and trainings, sudden increases in documentation...... These are the "landmines" that teachers sometimes step on as they dance between policy and practice.

For example, in one case, schools reduced the number of formal teaching inspections in order to meet the "burden reduction" policy, but at the same time introduced a "monthly teaching quality report", which required teachers to invest a lot of time in preparing data and reports to prove that their teaching efficiency had not decreased as a result of the reduction in inspections.

Congratulations! Has "succeeded" in reducing the burden on teachers for 5 years. Teachers just need to teach "simply"?

As a result, teachers find themselves overwhelmed with new tasks, and the time they should have saved is eaten up by new formats and requirements.

On the one hand, there are differences in management's understanding and implementation of policies. In the gap between ideals and reality, education administrators often try to ensure the quality of teaching by increasing monitoring and reporting mechanisms, mistakenly believing that this will enhance teachers' sense of responsibility.

On the other hand, the problem is compounded by poor communication between schools and the Education Bureau. The EDB may lack an in-depth understanding of the day-to-day operations of the school, resulting in policies that are difficult to address the underlying issues or distorted in the process of implementation.

Congratulations! Has "succeeded" in reducing the burden on teachers for 5 years. Teachers just need to teach "simply"?

There are also some places that have found successful cases on this road to reducing the burden. For example, the education bureau of a city works closely with the school to ensure that the implementation of the policy is more in line with the actual needs of the school through regular return visits and adjustments.

They have reduced redundant documentation and optimized teacher workflows, allowing teachers to truly feel the benefits of reducing their burden. With this flexible, responsive management, teachers are able to focus more on teaching and learning, and the learning experience for students is improved as a result.

Congratulations! Has "succeeded" in reducing the burden on teachers for 5 years. Teachers just need to teach "simply"?

Sub-heading 3: Work-Life Balance for Teachers: A Distant Dream? 》

For teachers, achieving work-life balance can seem like a never-reaching dream. Long working hours, combined with the demands of family responsibilities and personal interests, are a never-ending machine that consumes their time and energy.

The harsh reality is that many teachers find themselves spending far more time in the classroom than they initially expected, while family and personal lives have to be frequently put on the back burner.

For example, Ms. Li is a middle school math teacher who loves to teach, but her daily routine is more than just attending classes. She also needs to prepare lesson plans, mark assignments, participate in parent-teacher conferences, and conduct endless educational training.

Congratulations! Has "succeeded" in reducing the burden on teachers for 5 years. Teachers just need to teach "simply"?

Ms. Li often complained that she was working for various school activities and needs for several weekends on end, and that she had less and less time to gather with her family. Her life is almost entirely occupied by work, and the lines between the two are blurred.

Against this backdrop, teachers try to find that little bit of balance in a variety of ways. Some teachers are experimenting with strict time management techniques, such as using time management apps, or setting clear boundaries between work and breaks, in an effort to stay out of school work at all after hours.

Some schools are beginning to realize the seriousness of the problem and provide some mental health support, such as psychological counseling services, to help teachers deal with the psychological stress brought about by their careers.

Congratulations! Has "succeeded" in reducing the burden on teachers for 5 years. Teachers just need to teach "simply"?

Professional development support is also a way to help teachers achieve work-life balance. By providing teachers with continuing education opportunities, such as academic seminars or teaching skills improvement courses, teachers can continue to grow in their careers, which not only increases their professional satisfaction, but also improves their work efficiency, thus indirectly reducing the erosion of their work on their private lives.

We've walked into the daily lives of teachers and seen how they strive to find a work-life balance while pursuing excellence in teaching.

Congratulations! Has "succeeded" in reducing the burden on teachers for 5 years. Teachers just need to teach "simply"?

Now, I would like to invite you to participate in the discussion: How do you think schools and educational institutions should further support teachers to achieve a better work-life balance? Or, if you have experience, how do you or a teacher you know handle these challenges?

Through sharing and discussion, we can not only understand these problems more deeply, but also explore more possible solutions together, so as to make teachers' work and life more harmonious.

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