
"E-illiteracy" or "outstretched party"? Looking at contemporary Internet culture from the Steam installation service

author:The game game even digs Brother Chang
"E-illiteracy" or "outstretched party"? Looking at contemporary Internet culture from the Steam installation service

Personal opinion, don't spray if you don't like it, thank you!

Driven by the wave of digitalization, our lives are increasingly connected to electronic devices. However, this has also brought about some interesting phenomena, such as the controversy between "electronic illiteracy" and "outstretched out-reaching" parties.

"E-illiteracy" or "outstretched party"? Looking at contemporary Internet culture from the Steam installation service

Recently, the experience of the well-known UP master of station B @ Zhuang is impure, as well as the installation service on the Steam platform, which provides us with a window to observe and reflect on this phenomenon.

"E-illiteracy" or "outstretched party"? Looking at contemporary Internet culture from the Steam installation service

First of all, we need to clarify the difference between "electronic illiteracy" and "outstretched out party". E-illiteracy usually refers to people who are unfamiliar with the operation of electronic devices, software and networks, and may be confused when faced with electronic operations due to factors such as age, education or environment. The "outstretched party" refers to those who have the ability and conditions to learn and explore, but choose to rely on others and are unwilling to do it themselves.

"E-illiteracy" or "outstretched party"? Looking at contemporary Internet culture from the Steam installation service

In Zhuang Buchun's case, we see more of the figure of the "Reaching Out Party". When sharing the demo version of the game "Zombie Girl vs. Zombies" that he made, the talented creator has already clearly hinted at how to decompress the resource pack, and emphasized that it can be decompressed locally for free after downloading.

"E-illiteracy" or "outstretched party"? Looking at contemporary Internet culture from the Steam installation service

However, there are still some netizens who rashly accuse him of advertising for other platforms without any attempt, and even maliciously insult him. This behavior not only hurts the enthusiasm of the creators, but also exposes the mentality of "reaching out to the party".

"E-illiteracy" or "outstretched party"? Looking at contemporary Internet culture from the Steam installation service

Similarly, we can see a similar phenomenon on Steam. As one of the largest game platforms in the world, Steam provides rich game resources and convenient download services. However, some players choose to purchase the "Steam Installer Service" and let someone else help them complete the download and installation of the game. Although this kind of behavior seems convenient, it actually deprives oneself of the process of learning and exploration, and also promotes the mentality of "reaching out to the party".

"E-illiteracy" or "outstretched party"? Looking at contemporary Internet culture from the Steam installation service

Why is this happening? On the one hand, with the popularity and convenience of the Internet, people are increasingly inclined to get answers and solutions quickly. This fast-paced mindset has made some people less willing to take the time to learn and explore.

"E-illiteracy" or "outstretched party"? Looking at contemporary Internet culture from the Steam installation service

On the other hand, the popularity of social media has also exacerbated this phenomenon. On social media, people can easily share their problems and experiences, which also makes some people more dependent on others for help.

"E-illiteracy" or "outstretched party"? Looking at contemporary Internet culture from the Steam installation service

However, this mentality of "reaching out to the party" not only hinders the improvement of individual ability, but also affects the innovation and development of the whole society. In the digital age, we need more independent, autonomous and creative people. Only in this way can we continue to promote the progress of science and technology and the development of society.

"E-illiteracy" or "outstretched party"? Looking at contemporary Internet culture from the Steam installation service

Therefore, we should cherish every opportunity to learn and explore. When we encounter a problem, we should not rush it, but we should calm down and try to search, learn, and solve it ourselves. At the same time, we should also respect the fruits of others' labor and refrain from rashly blaming and insulting others. Only in this way can we work together to create a good network environment and make the digital era better.

"E-illiteracy" or "outstretched party"? Looking at contemporary Internet culture from the Steam installation service

In short, electronic illiteracy is only a superficial phenomenon, and the real question is whether we are willing to learn, to explore, to try. In this digital age, let's work together to become a more independent, autonomous and creative person.

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