
Laughter! Yu Shi's emergency withdrawal and bicycle show-off at the premiere, netizens: This wave of operation 666

author:Linlin said entertainment


blurted out embarrassment

At a movie premiere, an impromptu speech by actor Yu Shi became the focus of the audience. He originally wanted to use the phrase "NB" to express his appreciation for something, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly realized that the word was not appropriate in public. So, he hurriedly changed his words, "I'm sorry!!" This can't be broadcast. ”

Laughter! Yu Shi's emergency withdrawal and bicycle show-off at the premiere, netizens: This wave of operation 666

Before he could finish speaking, he was already jumping on the spot in a hurry, as if he wanted to erase the words from the air. The scene was captured by the audience and quickly sparked heated discussions on social media. Some netizens ridiculed: "Is Yu Shi performing the live version of the 'emergency withdrawal'?" Haha, that's so cute! ”

Laughter! Yu Shi's emergency withdrawal and bicycle show-off at the premiere, netizens: This wave of operation 666

Yu Shi's reaction not only shows his sensitivity to the occasion, but also makes people see his humorous and cute side. At the tense premiere, such a vignette undoubtedly added a bit of a relaxed atmosphere to the scene.

Laughter! Yu Shi's emergency withdrawal and bicycle show-off at the premiere, netizens: This wave of operation 666

Netizens have said that this kind of Yu Shi is more down-to-earth, and people can't help but want to know more about his daily interesting things. Some netizens commented: "Yu Shi's jump has jumped into the hearts of many people!" ”

Premiere of Cycling


At the same premiere, another move by Yu Shi also became a topic. He chose to enter by bicycle, and this ingenious way of appearing was eye-catching.

Laughter! Yu Shi's emergency withdrawal and bicycle show-off at the premiere, netizens: This wave of operation 666

On the occasion when many celebrities choose luxury cars to appear, Yu Shi's move is particularly fresh and refined. He rode his bicycle and shuttled across the red carpet, as if to tell everyone: "This is what I am, simple and real." This scene was jokingly called "the first person to enter the movie premiere by bicycle" by netizens, which sparked widespread discussion and praise.

Laughter! Yu Shi's emergency withdrawal and bicycle show-off at the premiere, netizens: This wave of operation 666

Controversial summary


Yu Shi's two actions at the premiere won a lot of applause and laughter, but also caused some controversy. Some people believe that such behavior is too casual,

Laughter! Yu Shi's emergency withdrawal and bicycle show-off at the premiere, netizens: This wave of operation 666

not dignified enough; Some people also feel that this kind of Yu Shi is more real and can attract the attention of young audiences. In any case, Yu Shi's actions undoubtedly add more color to his image and further expand his influence among young audiences.

Laughter! Yu Shi's emergency withdrawal and bicycle show-off at the premiere, netizens: This wave of operation 666
Laughter! Yu Shi's emergency withdrawal and bicycle show-off at the premiere, netizens: This wave of operation 666
Laughter! Yu Shi's emergency withdrawal and bicycle show-off at the premiere, netizens: This wave of operation 666

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