
The real-life version of "Touching the Golden Captain"? Pick up garbage during the day and rob tombs at night! Hundreds of artifacts at home.

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On the night of April 26, 2020, an incredible thing happened on a construction site in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. Under the cover of night, several people are busy digging on the construction site with professional tools, looking sneaky, as if they are characters who have come out of a tomb robbery novel. The scene was filmed by curious residents who called the police. After receiving the alarm, the army chief of the Tianning sub-bureau quickly led a team to the scene and found a pile of scattered coffins and an empty burial chamber. The tombs are located on a construction site adjacent to a canal in Changzhou, a cultural city with a history of more than 3,200 years. Changzhou has a long history, and ancient tombs are not unusual, but this discovery is unusual, uncovering a real version of the tomb robbery case. In real life, some people actually regard themselves as "touching the gold captain", this kind of bold behavior makes people wonder: what kind of motive do these people have for taking risks? What will happen to these excavated artifacts?

The real-life version of "Touching the Golden Captain"? Pick up garbage during the day and rob tombs at night! Hundreds of artifacts at home.

In the face of the sudden police, 58-year-old Zhang Moujie innocently said that he was just a waste collector, and these cultural relics were all picked up. However, there are more than 400 bronze mirrors of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, porcelain plates and bowls of the Ming Dynasty, and ancient coins of various dynasties. This makes one wonder what kind of secret is hidden behind this.

The real-life version of "Touching the Golden Captain"? Pick up garbage during the day and rob tombs at night! Hundreds of artifacts at home.

Things started in March, when Xu, the supervisor of the construction site, found that there would be a few figures on the construction site from time to time, sneaky, but in order to avoid trouble, he chose to remain silent. It wasn't until April 26 that a resident took a video and called the police that Xu had to admit that some cultural relics had indeed been picked up on the construction site. He even took out a Song Dynasty inkstone, claiming that he had picked it up on the construction site. These words surprised everyone present, it turned out that the person in charge of the construction site, who was not good-looking, still had a lot of research on cultural relics.

The real-life version of "Touching the Golden Captain"? Pick up garbage during the day and rob tombs at night! Hundreds of artifacts at home.

With the intervention of the police, the workers also handed over the artifacts they had picked up on the construction site. Some people do it to make money, and some people just think it's good-looking. The police quickly zeroed in on two suspects who were over half a hundred years old, one of whom was known as the "one-eyed dragon". After some investigation, the police found Zhang Moujie and his accomplice Yang Mouguang. These two men make a living by picking up rubbish, but in fact they are engaged in tomb robbing.

The real-life version of "Touching the Golden Captain"? Pick up garbage during the day and rob tombs at night! Hundreds of artifacts at home.

Zhang Moujie and Yang Mouguang still pretended to be innocent in front of the police, but the evidence was ironclad, and there were more than 400 cultural relics found in their homes, and some of the cultural relics that had just been dug up from the construction site still had traces of yellow mud. All evidence points to them being tomb robbers. However, it is obviously impossible to excavate fifty or sixty burials by the two of them alone. The police realized that there could be a larger criminal gang behind this.

The real-life version of "Touching the Golden Captain"? Pick up garbage during the day and rob tombs at night! Hundreds of artifacts at home.

Through the investigation of Zhang Moujie and Yang Mouguang's mobile phones, the police found a group chat, and there were 15 people in the group, all of whom were "like-minded" tomb robbers. When they find the tomb, they will act together and share the "spoils". Following this clue, the police found the hiding place of these people and found a large number of cultural relics, including national second-class cultural relics. In the face of ironclad evidence, Yang Mouguang and others finally admitted that these cultural relics were excavated at major construction sites in Changzhou.

The real-life version of "Touching the Golden Captain"? Pick up garbage during the day and rob tombs at night! Hundreds of artifacts at home.

However, it's not that simple. The Army recalls that on the day of the police call, workers on the construction site stuffed something into snakeskin bags and threw them into the pit. Upon re-investigation, it was found that the snakeskin bags contained tomb robbing tools. This shows that the workers on the construction site are also involved, but there is someone else behind it. The army remembered Xu, a person who had an in-depth study of cultural relics. He knew that someone had robbed the tomb but did not call the police, and after the police came, he took the initiative to hand over the cultural relics, which made people suspicious. In order to test the conjecture, the police pretended to close the case and withdrew, but kept monitoring the construction site. Sure enough, after dark, a figure appeared.

The real-life version of "Touching the Golden Captain"? Pick up garbage during the day and rob tombs at night! Hundreds of artifacts at home.

As the police investigate deeply, the truth gradually emerges. As the supervisor of the construction site, Xu took advantage of his position to work with workers and tomb robbers to turn the construction site into a treasure map for them. Xu is not just a "collector", he is actually the core figure of this tomb robbery gang. Through further interrogation of Xu, the police uncovered a complex network of tomb robbers, involving multiple provinces and cities, and the scale was shocking.

The real-life version of "Touching the Golden Captain"? Pick up garbage during the day and rob tombs at night! Hundreds of artifacts at home.

In this network, everyone has a clear division of labor: there are those who are responsible for digging, those who are responsible for transportation, and those who are responsible for selling stolen goods. Through a combination of modern technology and ancient tomb robbery methods, they use the night to carry out illegal excavations, and then sell cultural relics through various hidden channels to make huge profits. Xu's knowledge of cultural relics and the convenience of his geographical location made him the core planner of the gang.

The real-life version of "Touching the Golden Captain"? Pick up garbage during the day and rob tombs at night! Hundreds of artifacts at home.

However, the French Open is magnificent, but it is not leaky. With the arrest of Xu and others, this tomb robbery gang was put to an end, and the stolen cultural relics were also recovered one after another. Based on the historical and cultural value of these cultural relics, the police carried out detailed identification and records, and many precious cultural relics were returned to the museum and properly protected.

The real-life version of "Touching the Golden Captain"? Pick up garbage during the day and rob tombs at night! Hundreds of artifacts at home.

The exposure of the case has aroused widespread concern in the society, and people's awareness of the protection of cultural heritage has been further enhanced. Through this incident, the government has strengthened its supervision of ancient tombs and heritage sites, and called on the public to actively report similar violations. After all, antiquities are our cultural treasures, representing the memory of history, and any destruction of them is a desecration of culture. Behind this tomb robbery case is a profound revelation of human greed. For the sake of immediate interests, the tomb robbers did not hesitate to take risks, but in the end they ended up with both personal stolen goods. It also reminds us that temptations and pitfalls are everywhere in life, and it is especially important to be vigilant and have a moral bottom line.

The real-life version of "Touching the Golden Captain"? Pick up garbage during the day and rob tombs at night! Hundreds of artifacts at home.

In this contest between good and evil, the police's swift response and professional investigation show the majesty of the law, and also let us see the hope that justice will eventually triumph over evil. This story is not only a case, but also a warning to society: only by protecting our cultural heritage can the glory of history be passed on forever. From this point of view, this tomb robbery storm is not only a violation of the law, but also a test of social morality and legal awareness. May everyone learn from this experience and work together to protect our precious cultural heritage and keep the memory of history alive.


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