
Huang Wei pardoned until his death and resolutely did not forgive this person! said that the most bullish tiger regiment of the 12th Corps was killed by this person!

author:Gazing at history, the quicksand is ten thousand feet

In November 1948, the battle of encircling and annihilating the Huang Wei Corps (Kuomintang 12 Corps) on the Huaihai Battlefield officially began, the Huang Wei Corps is one of the most elite American weapons regiments of the Kuomintang Army, with 120,000 people in 4 armies, and as many as 200,000 troops besieging the Huang Wei Corps at this time, but the 200,000 troops almost did not defeat the Huang Wei Corps, until the appearance of a person made the 12 Corps have a big gap.

Huang Wei pardoned until his death and resolutely did not forgive this person! said that the most bullish tiger regiment of the 12th Corps was killed by this person!

Huang Wei, commander of the 12th Corps of the Kuomintang

Coupled with the support of Su Yu's East China Field Army, Huang Wei's corps was completely wiped out, and Huang Wei, the commander of the corps, was captured, and only the deputy commander Hu Lian escaped in a tank.

However, after Huang Wei was imprisoned in the last batch of amnesty in Gongdelin, when he met that person, he had a disdainful and cold face, and he didn't say a word to this person until he died, and never paid attention.

So who is this person? When Huang Wei's corps was destroyed, what did this person do to make Huang Wei hold such a grudge?

The 12th Corps of the Kuomintang Army, commonly known as the Huang Wei Corps, was one of several U.S. weapons regiments of the Kuomintang

In 1948, after Huang Baitao's Seventh Corps was completely wiped out by the East China Field Army in the area of Nianzhuang, our army then aimed at the Twelfth Corps of Huang Wei, the elite of the Kuomintang.

This Huang Wei is the first phase of Huangpu, and he once performed bravely in the Battle of Luodian in the Battle of Songhu, but this person also has a nickname called "nerd".

Chiang Kai-shek's handing over to him the 12th Corps, the Kuomintang's most elite American Weapons Corps, was considered by many to be a rather ill-considered decision.

It wasn't until later that Hu Lian was dispatched to assist as the deputy commander, which made everyone think that the 12th Corps might escape the siege of the People's Liberation Army.

Huang Wei pardoned until his death and resolutely did not forgive this person! said that the most bullish tiger regiment of the 12th Corps was killed by this person!

Deputy Commander Hu Lian

At that time, the Huang Wei Corps had 120,000 people in four armies, all of which were the Kuomintang Central Army's descendant U.S. weapons troops, of which the 14th Army was stationed in Shenzhuang and Xiaozhangzhuang, the 10th Army was stationed in the area of Xiaomazhuang, the 85th Army was stationed in Shuangduiji, which was also the place where the command post of the Huang Wei Corps was located, and the 18th Army, one of the five most powerful main forces of the Corps, was deployed in the area of Dawangzhuang and Jiangudui.

At that time, Huang Wei and Hu Lian, the two principal and deputy commanders, their idea was to deploy the 18th Army in Dawangzhuang, in order to cover them and break through in this direction.

The deployment of Dawangzhuang is not simple, because the 33rd Regiment, a core main force of the 118th Division of the 18th Army, is deployed here, and this 33rd Regiment is known as the Tiger Regiment.

During the War of Liberation, it was equipped with a full set of American weapons and equipment, and the number of this regiment reached as many as 3,000, which was a proper reinforced regiment at that time.

Huang Wei and Hu Lian were surrounded and gathered, and Liao Yunzhou of the 110th Division suddenly rebelled

At this time, on the periphery, the Central Plains Field Army had already surrounded Huang Wei's regiment in the area of Shuangduiji and Dawangzhuang, and Huang Wei and Hu Lian had realized that the situation was extremely urgent, and they tried to break through near the tiger regiment in Dawangzhuang.

At the time of the war, Huang Wei was a nerd, and everyone said that he would not be able to command, but at this time, Hu Lian was dispatching troops, and they arranged many lines of defense in the area of Dawangzhuang, including trenches to resist the periphery and dig the depth of defense.

And these trenches and the so-called Zimu bunkers were all dug by Hu Lian.

Huang Wei pardoned until his death and resolutely did not forgive this person! said that the most bullish tiger regiment of the 12th Corps was killed by this person!

Hu Lian had fought with General Su Yu in the Nanma area last year before the battle began, and the East China Field Army suffered a lot at that time.

At this time, when the 12th Corps was at stake, Hu Lian did such a thing again.

He ordered people to dig many similar bunkers around Dawangzhuang, and equipped the most advanced American equipment at that time with this tiger regiment.

The attacking forces on the side of the PLA are the seventh column of the East China Field Army and the sixth column of the Central Field Army, forming a force advantage of up to 5:1.

At this time, if Dawangzhuang is lost, then Huang Wei and Hu Lian and the headquarters of the entire 12th Corps will become a turtle in the urn.

The 12th Corps has reached the final juncture, and the East China Field Army and the Central Field Army are also confident that they will be completely wiped out!

But in the process of stubborn resistance, Huang Wei and Hu Lian suddenly got a piece of news:

That is, Liao Yunzhou, the commander of the 110th Division under the jurisdiction of the 85th Army, suddenly led the whole division to revolt.

Huang Wei pardoned until his death and resolutely did not forgive this person! said that the most bullish tiger regiment of the 12th Corps was killed by this person!

Direction of the Spike

This 110th Division is a combat unit with quite strong combat effectiveness in the 85th Army, but the division commander at that time, Liao Yunzhou, had too much contact with our side a long time ago, but in fact, his real identity is our worker.

Liao Yunzhou joined the Communist Party in 1927, and then was arranged to enter the Kuomintang troops, although he was on the side of the Kuomintang, but he always maintained close contact with our side, and then was qualified to be the commander of the 110th Division of the 85th Army because of his meritorious service.

After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the main officers of the 110th Division have been replaced one after another by our side.

Many of their officers were already members of our party, and at that time, the 110th Division, as a main division of the 85th Army, had basically all the senior officers, including adjutants, been replaced.

When Huang Wei's corps was besieged, they relied on a full set of American weapons and equipment, and they did not conduct a lot of battles with the Central Field Army, so the equipment, personnel and structure were basically complete.

At this time, if Huang Wei's corps concentrates in one direction to break through, it is very likely that he will take out this pocket formation.

Subsequently, Liao Yunzhou immediately contacted our side, and reported in detail to the leaders of the East China Field Army and the MCC Field Army the direction of the breakthrough of Huang Wei's corps and the deployment of the opponent's troops.

Huang Wei pardoned until his death and resolutely did not forgive this person! said that the most bullish tiger regiment of the 12th Corps was killed by this person!

Liao Yunzhou, commander of the 110th Division

And he also told everyone to rest assured that he would find a way to plug that gap.

Subsequently, he led the 85th Division of the 110th Army to declare an uprising.

At that time, Liao Yunzhou's 110th Division was also one of the main divisions to break through, and his behavior soon caused a huge shock to Huang Wei's breakthrough strategy.

Liao Yunzhou's 110th Division quickly succeeded in its uprising, and he wanted to crush Huang Wei's plan to break out at all costs.

This time, Huang Wei and Hu Lian panicked directly!

The Tiger Regiment in Dawangzhuang has been fighting fiercely with the seventh column of the East China Field Army.

With its tenacious will to fight and sophisticated weapons, it seems that this tiger regiment will be difficult to defeat.

At this very critical time, if it were not for the temporary uprising of Liao Yunzhou of the 110th Division that disrupted Huang Wei's deployment, then the support of the 33rd Regiment would most likely force the positions around Dawangzhuang to be broken through.

Huang Wei pardoned until his death and resolutely did not forgive this person! said that the most bullish tiger regiment of the 12th Corps was killed by this person!

On the night of November 26, the 110th Division held a secret meeting, and they and Huang Wei deliberately discussed a breakthrough in one direction, but at a critical time, the division commander Liao Yunzhou suddenly ordered several of his regiment commanders to counterattack on the spot, and then expanded the results.

At about 6 o'clock in the morning on November 27, Huang Wei's corps was finally surrounded by the Central Plains Field Army and the East China Field Army, and the operational headquarters was also besieged.

Huang Wei was finally captured by our army. As for the deputy commander Hu Lian, he drove a chariot to break through.

After Huang Wei's amnesty, he never paid attention to it, thinking that he wasted the final counterattack of the 33rd Regiment of the Tiger Regiment

Huang Wei was imprisoned in Gongdelin and devoted himself to the study of perpetual motion machines, and he was the last person to be pardoned, and his attitude was very stubborn at that time.

But after the amnesty, he greeted many people with a smile, but after seeing Liao Yunzhou, he immediately disdained it and stopped talking to him.

Until after his death, Huang Wei never said a word to him.

In his later reminiscences, Huang Wei said that if Liao Yunzhou's 110th Division had not disrupted his breakthrough plan in a temporary uprising, the 12th Corps would not have been destroyed.

And the more than 2,700 most elite living forces of the 33rd Tiger Regiment, which they had high hopes for at that time, will not be completely wiped out in Dawangzhuang.

Huang Wei pardoned until his death and resolutely did not forgive this person! said that the most bullish tiger regiment of the 12th Corps was killed by this person!

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