
Chinese women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, Zhang Ziyu was powerless, and the defending champion pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger

author:Extremely speaking balls

The U18 women's basketball Asian Cup final officially came to an end, the Chinese women's basketball team encountered unprecedented challenges in the final, Zhang Ziyu was completely suppressed by the Australian team in the first half, at a loss, as the defending champion, the Australian team is fully prepared, knows how to limit Zhang Ziyu, and they have an advantage in height and weight, jumping can interfere with Zhang Ziyu, which makes Zhang Ziyu feel the pressure that he has never had, except for the third quarter of the game Zhang Ziyu played more comfortably, the remaining three quarters of the game Zhang Ziyu played very awkwardly, We experienced unprecedented pressure and it was very difficult to play.

Chinese women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, Zhang Ziyu was powerless, and the defending champion pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger

In this game, the Chinese women's basketball team is still too dependent on Zhang Ziyu, once Zhang Ziyu does not score or is not present, the rest of the players do not seem to be very good at playing, this problem needs our attention. In addition to Zhang Ziyu's position, the rest of the players in the Australian team have an advantage in height and body compared to us, which makes us very passive, and the opponent's rebounding also has an advantage, although their three-point shooting is not very accurate, but they got a lot of opportunities for secondary offense, which created a lot of trouble for us.

Chinese women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, Zhang Ziyu was powerless, and the defending champion pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger

Australia does have a bit of a feeling of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, yesterday's game with the Japanese team, in fact, they didn't play well, there were a lot of mistakes, three points were not accurate, in addition to the height, there didn't seem to be any big advantage, played very personally, the integrity is not particularly strong, but today to play the Chinese women's basketball team, these problems don't seem to exist, except for the three-point shot is not completely shot, the rest are doing very well, the lack of three-point shots can also be made up for with rebounds, and it is indeed very different from yesterday's Australia.

Chinese women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, Zhang Ziyu was powerless, and the defending champion pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger

It's good that we can't go all the way because we lose our motivation to move forward. Zhang Ziyu is indeed our treasure, but not all of us, we have to learn how to play without Zhang Ziyu, especially how to use Zhang Ziyu to bring this game to life, these are all things that we need to overcome.

Chinese women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, Zhang Ziyu was powerless, and the defending champion pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger

This game also gives those who shout every day to let Zhang Ziyu enter the national team more sober, basketball games are not about being tall and can do whatever they want, and they can find a way to subdue Zhang Ziyu in the U18 Asian arena, not to mention that when it comes to the world stage of the senior team, Zhang Ziyu still has a long way to go from the national team.

Chinese women's basketball team 79-96 Australia, Zhang Ziyu was powerless, and the defending champion pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger

Of course, we can't deny Zhang Ziyu's performance, despite losing the game, Zhang Ziyu is still the best player in this game, but the basketball game is not a one-person sport, but five people working together, no matter how strong Zhang Ziyu is, no good teammates, no good tactics are also weak, in fact, Zhang Ziyu is still the best player in this game, but the effect is not the same as the previous game.

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