
The airport in New Delhi, the capital of India, collapsed, and American netizens commented: That's right, this is indeed very "Indian"

author:Five stars out of the East

Text/Five stars out of the East

Edited / Five stars out of the East

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According to reports, on June 28, a roof collapse accident occurred at Terminal 1 of Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi, the capital of India, resulting in one death and five injuries. The official explanation given by India is that due to heavy rainfall, the terminal building of the New Delhi airport collapsed!

And Indian netizens commented: The infrastructure built by the British in Kolkata, Delhi, and Mumbai 200 years ago is still healthy, while India's newly built infrastructure cannot be maintained for 5 years! Another American netizen commented: This kind of news is very common in India, yes, this is indeed "India"!

Let's take a look at the wonderful comments of netizens:

The bureau said that the Indians had an extra screw in their hands after repairing the plane

The airport in New Delhi, the capital of India, collapsed, and American netizens commented: That's right, this is indeed very "Indian"

Such an India is the India of the perception

The airport in New Delhi, the capital of India, collapsed, and American netizens commented: That's right, this is indeed very "Indian"

A big guy said not to look at the third brother too much, just ignore him and let him play by himself. He can play himself badly

The airport in New Delhi, the capital of India, collapsed, and American netizens commented: That's right, this is indeed very "Indian"

Didn't you say some time ago that the E. coli bacteria assembled in India exceeded the standard, and it can be done like this, and it is not strange that they have any accidents

The airport in New Delhi, the capital of India, collapsed, and American netizens commented: That's right, this is indeed very "Indian"

The Indian dam took several years to build, and guess what, the water was gone

The airport in New Delhi, the capital of India, collapsed, and American netizens commented: That's right, this is indeed very "Indian"

I hope that large American companies and NASA will reuse Indians more

The airport in New Delhi, the capital of India, collapsed, and American netizens commented: That's right, this is indeed very "Indian"

United Kingdom: Fortunately, it was a quick time to withdraw home

The airport in New Delhi, the capital of India, collapsed, and American netizens commented: That's right, this is indeed very "Indian"

It turned out that the Indians were not suitable for the design and construction of major projects

The airport in New Delhi, the capital of India, collapsed, and American netizens commented: That's right, this is indeed very "Indian"

It's up to us to build infrastructure

The airport in New Delhi, the capital of India, collapsed, and American netizens commented: That's right, this is indeed very "Indian"

Is Ah San still turning a blind eye this time? This is the airport in your capital

The airport in New Delhi, the capital of India, collapsed, and American netizens commented: That's right, this is indeed very "Indian"

Magical India, you never know what will happen in the next second

The airport in New Delhi, the capital of India, collapsed, and American netizens commented: That's right, this is indeed very "Indian"

The bureau said that Indians like to meditate, and the construction workers may have gone to meditate at the critical moment when the airport was built, and when the meditation is over, they can't remember what is installed and what is not

The airport in New Delhi, the capital of India, collapsed, and American netizens commented: That's right, this is indeed very "Indian"

Airports in India collapsed, rockets exploded, trains collided, and bridges broke. It's scary to think about

The airport in New Delhi, the capital of India, collapsed, and American netizens commented: That's right, this is indeed very "Indian"

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