
Zhejiang University Yang Jinwen proudly said: Go to "the place where the motherland needs it most"! Action: To the United States!

author:Strategize and point troops

On the youthful stage of Zhejiang University, Yang Jinwen's graduation speech was like a cool breeze in midsummer, blowing into the hearts of every graduate. She affectionately appealed: "Go where the Motherland needs it most!" These sonorous and powerful words, like morning bells and dusk drums, stirred the hearts of countless young people. However, just as her voice was not far away, a piece of news exploded in the ocean of the Internet like thunder - Yang Jinwen had applied to study in the United States and enrolled in the University of Berkeley's law graduate school.

Zhejiang University Yang Jinwen proudly said: Go to "the place where the motherland needs it most"! Action: To the United States!

For a time, the whirlpool of public opinion swept her into it. Some netizens questioned her "inconsistency", thinking that what she said about "going to the place where the motherland needs it most" is just empty talk, and the real choice is to go to the United States. Could it be that in Yang Jinwen's eyes, the place where the motherland needs it most is a foreign country?

However, should we understand the concept of "where the Motherland needs it most" so narrowly? The ancients said: "Read 10,000 books, travel 10,000 miles." "In today's increasingly in-depth globalization, studying abroad has long been no longer a simple "admiration for foreigners", but has become an important way to broaden your horizons and increase your knowledge. Yang Jinwen's choice to stay in the United States is not a betrayal of the motherland, but a hope that through further study, he will bring advanced legal concepts and knowledge back to the motherland and contribute to the construction of the rule of law in the motherland.

Zhejiang University Yang Jinwen proudly said: Go to "the place where the motherland needs it most"! Action: To the United States!

Moreover, we cannot ignore Yang Jinwen's personal pursuits and choices. Everyone has their own dreams and pursuits, and Yang Jinwen chose to study in the United States, perhaps just to realize his dreams. As Lu Xun said: "I hope that the young people of China will get rid of the cold air, just go up, and do not have to listen to the words of those who give up on themselves." Those who can do things do things, and those who can speak up can speak up. Yang Jinwen used his actions to show the world the responsibility and courage of the young generation.

Of course, we can't deny the doubts and worries of netizens. In this era of information explosion, it is easy for people to misunderstand and be biased because of a piece of news. But it is precisely these misunderstandings and prejudices that remind us to remain rational and objective, and not to make conclusions about a person or a thing lightly.

Looking back on Yang Jinwen's graduation speech, her words were full of love for the motherland and expectations for the future. When she said "go to the places where the motherland needs it most", she did not mean a specific region, but those fields that needed talents, knowledge, and innovation. In this sense, whether you stay at home or study abroad, as long as you can contribute to the development of the motherland, you are worthy of respect and appreciation.

Zhejiang University Yang Jinwen proudly said: Go to "the place where the motherland needs it most"! Action: To the United States!

Therefore, we don't have to be too harsh on Yang Jinwen's choice, and we don't have to worry too much about her future. I believe that she will continue to grow and progress on the road of studying abroad, and eventually return to the embrace of the motherland and contribute to the prosperity of the motherland. At the same time, we should also maintain an open and inclusive mind, respect everyone's choices and pursuits, and work together to create a better future.

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