
Russia may be in a two-front combat dilemma, can Japan take advantage of the fire to rob and succeed?

author:Strategize and point troops

In today's changing world, Russia seems to be in the midst of turbulent waves in the big chess game on the international stage. This side of the car is fighting fiercely with Ukraine in Eastern Europe, and the other side of the car is facing another big threat in the Far East. Japan, the former old enemy, now seems to have found the right time to take advantage of the fire to rob.

Russia may be in a two-front combat dilemma, can Japan take advantage of the fire to rob and succeed?

The situation that Russia is in now is just like Liu Bang when Chu and Han were fighting, the battle on the battlefield in front has not ended, and a new beacon fire has been ignited in the rear. The sanctions imposed by the United States and the West have shackled Russia's financial resources like a shackle, making it difficult for it to go every way. The war in Ukraine has caused Russia to invest a lot of troops and resources, and if it divides its forces against Japan in the Far East at this time, won't it put itself in the quagmire of fighting on two fronts and repeat the mistakes of Germany? After all, Germany was ultimately unable to support itself in the dilemma of fighting on two fronts, and Russia had to be cautious about such a lesson from the past.

Russia may be in a two-front combat dilemma, can Japan take advantage of the fire to rob and succeed?

And what about Japan? It was announced that it would hold joint military exercises with Germany and Spain in Hokkaido, near the Russian border, from July 19 to 25. This move is undoubtedly plucking the feathers from the tiger's mouth and blatantly provoking Russia. Japan's move is like South Korea's vain attempt to challenge the strong Qin during the Warring States Period, and behind its inability is the extreme expansion of its ambitions. On the one hand, Japan covets Russia's South Kuril Islands, believing that the confrontation between Russia and the North will reduce Russia's attention to the South Kuril Islands, and thus sees the opportunity of the so-called "recovery of the four northern islands"; On the other hand, they want to demonstrate their strength and demonstrate to Russia through military exercises with NATO countries.

However, Russia is not a soft persimmon to be manipulated. Russia's national character is like a pine in the cold winter, tenacious and unyielding. Back then, Napoleon led a large army to attack, and finally returned with a feather; During World War II, Hitler's iron cavalry also failed to conquer the land. In the face of Japan's provocations and threats, Russia will surely respond with a thunderbolt. Just like the ancient Huo Qubing fought against the Huns, "The Huns have not been destroyed, why should they be at home?" "Russia will not hesitate to take countermeasures in order to safeguard its national sovereignty and dignity.

Russia may be in a two-front combat dilemma, can Japan take advantage of the fire to rob and succeed?

Having said that, can Japan's joint military exercises with Germany and Spain really bring it substantial benefits? Germany and Spain may simply use Japan as a pawn to use their geographical location to contain Russia. Japan, on the other hand, naively thinks that by hugging NATO's thighs, it will be able to realize its ambitions. But don't forget, "the agency is too clever and mistakes the life of Qingqing", once the situation gets out of control, Japan will probably become the first victim.

In short, in this complex international game, can Russia skillfully deal with it and break the dilemma of fighting on two fronts; Whether Japan will be able to realize its ambitions, or whether it will ultimately suffer the consequences, is still unknown. However, what is certain is that peace and stability are the common aspirations of the people of the world, and any attempt to gain benefits through war and provocation will be judged by history and spurned by the people!