
The years are happy, and time goes slowly

author:Lao Wang talked about it

In the long river of years, thousands of sails have passed, leaving behind a faint trace, like a look of resignation between the eyebrows, hiding endless stories and emotions.

The years are happy, and time goes slowly

Time, this silent walker, is always in a hurry and never stops for anyone. However, I sincerely hope that for you, it will slow down. Let every sunrise and sunset be savored, and let every breeze be keenly perceived.

In this noisy world, people are often busy with fame and fortune, chasing those seemingly dazzling but illusory goals. And you always face the disturbances of life with a pure heart, and always maintain that sincerity and kindness.

The years are happy, and time goes slowly

May your time go slowly, so that you can have more leisure to enjoy the blossoms of spring, feel the warmth and splendor of summer, indulge in the golden wheat waves of autumn, and enjoy the warmth of winter. Every change of seasons can become a beautiful memory in your life.

May you enjoy the rest of your life. The so-called Qinghuan is not to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the world, but to find inner peace and peace in the midst of complexity. It is the leisurely content of a book and a cup of tea, the laughter and laughter when gathering with family and friends, and the contemplation and perception of walking alone on the path.

The years are happy, and time goes slowly

The years have passed, and your beauty is as good as ever. I hope that in the days to come, time will be gentle, so that you can spend every moment in tranquility and joy, let Qinghuan become the background color of your life, and paint a gorgeous and colorful picture of life.

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