
Experts refute rumors! France says that the lunar soil composition obtained by China and the United States does not look like the same moon?

author:Today's chamber


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Why is the topic of "France says that the composition of lunar soil in China and the United States is different" that is hotly discussed on the Internet? However, after in-depth research and clarification by experts and scholars, this statement has been confirmed to be a misunderstanding.

Experts refute rumors! France says that the lunar soil composition obtained by China and the United States does not look like the same moon?

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There is a rumor circulating on the Internet that the data released by the French space agency shows that the lunar soil samples brought back by China and the United States are very different in composition, and the similarity is even less than 25%. This news quickly sparked heated discussions and speculation among netizens. Some have questioned the authenticity of lunar soil, and some have speculated whether this means that there are unknown geological differences on the moon.

Experts refute rumors! France says that the lunar soil composition obtained by China and the United States does not look like the same moon?

As the incident deepened, this statement was confirmed to be a misunderstanding. In fact, this data comparison chart does not come from the French space agency, but from a research paper published by Chinese scholars in the international academic journal Joule in 2022.

This paper mainly explores the potential of the lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-5 in extraterrestrial photosynthesis, rather than comparing the composition differences between the Chinese and American lunar soils.

Experts refute rumors! France says that the lunar soil composition obtained by China and the United States does not look like the same moon?

In response to this misunderstanding, experts and scholars have come forward to clarify

They pointed out that the differences in the composition of lunar soil were mainly due to differences in the collection sites. The surface topography of the moon is complex, and the geological structure and composition of different regions may differ. Therefore, the difference in the landing sites of the probes in China and the United States may lead to differences in the composition of the lunar soil samples brought back.

Experts refute rumors! France says that the lunar soil composition obtained by China and the United States does not look like the same moon?

Specifically, the lunar soil samples brought back by Chang'e-5 came from relatively young geological regions on the Moon, rich in iron- and magnesium-based components, while the lunar soil samples brought back by the Apollo mission came from older geological regions on the Moon, with a large proportion of silicon-based and aluminum-based components. This difference does not mean that there is a problem with the authenticity of the lunar soil, but rather reflects the geological characteristics of different regions of the moon.

Experts refute rumors! France says that the lunar soil composition obtained by China and the United States does not look like the same moon?

In addition, the controversy over the moisture in the lunar soil has been clarified. Scientific studies have confirmed that the water content in the Chang'e-5 landing area is consistent with the samples obtained by the Apollo mission and the results of orbital observations, and there is no significant difference. This discovery is of great significance for the construction of future lunar bases and the development of lunar resources.

Experts refute rumors! France says that the lunar soil composition obtained by China and the United States does not look like the same moon?

In the controversy among netizens, there is no shortage of misunderstandings and speculations

Some have questioned the authenticity of lunar soil, arguing that it may be the result of human tampering. This claim lacks scientific basis and is not consistent with the rigor of scientific research.

Experts refute rumors! France says that the lunar soil composition obtained by China and the United States does not look like the same moon?

As the closest natural satellite to the Earth, the geological structure and composition of the Moon have always been the focus of scientists' research. By comparing and analyzing lunar soil samples from different sources, scientists can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the formation and evolution of the Moon.

Experts refute rumors! France says that the lunar soil composition obtained by China and the United States does not look like the same moon?

In summary:

The difference in the composition of lunar soil between China and the United States is not a fact, but stems from misunderstanding and speculation, and the foreign media know that they fabricate facts and want to report that "the mainland moon landing is fake", but unfortunately we really have the strength, and it is completely completed by the mainland's own efforts, unlike some countries, which will only fabricate facts, and we are not shadowy!

Experts refute rumors! France says that the lunar soil composition obtained by China and the United States does not look like the same moon?

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