
Suspected of being sent to Peking University by the son of a star for basketball? Jiang Ping and Li Xueqin were questioned, and netizens fried the pot

author:Today's chamber


Wang Hongqin, the son of actor Wang Yan, is suspected of being sent to Peking University with his basketball expertise, and this news made netizens explode. Is there some privilege in the education of celebrity children, and is the selection system for special students fair?

Suspected of being sent to Peking University by the son of a star for basketball? Jiang Ping and Li Xueqin were questioned, and netizens fried the pot

Wonderful text:

According to reports, Wang Hongqin, as a basketball specialist, successfully obtained the qualification of Peking University. In the eyes of many people, being able to enter a top university like Peking University is undoubtedly a great affirmation of one's ability.

When this news is linked to the celebrity's children, people can't help but ask: Is this a "privilege game"?

Suspected of being sent to Peking University by the son of a star for basketball? Jiang Ping and Li Xueqin were questioned, and netizens fried the pot

In fact, the selection system for students with special talents has always existed in mainland higher education, aiming to encourage students to give full play to their strengths in sports, arts, etc., and at the same time provide a channel for colleges and universities to select students with special talents.

In practice, however, the system has exposed some problems.

Suspected of being sent to Peking University by the son of a star for basketball? Jiang Ping and Li Xueqin were questioned, and netizens fried the pot

The first question to ask is, are the criteria and procedures for the selection of special students fair and transparent?

In Wang's case, although he holds a first-class basketball player certificate, his performance in some games is not outstanding, and he even sits on the bench for a long time. This raises questions about the criteria for determining a "high-level athlete".

Suspected of being sent to Peking University by the son of a star for basketball? Jiang Ping and Li Xueqin were questioned, and netizens fried the pot

In addition, some netizens pointed out that Wang Hongqin was able to enter a prestigious school like Beijing No. 4 Middle School, and he already enjoyed high-quality educational resources, and then obtained the qualification for escort through sports expertise, is there a double advantage?

The second question to ask is, is the selection of special students really in line with the principle of educational fairness?

In the context of uneven distribution of educational resources, some students with superior family backgrounds are more likely to have the opportunity to select special students. This undoubtedly exacerbates the problem of social class solidification, putting children from ordinary families at a disadvantage at the starting line.

Suspected of being sent to Peking University by the son of a star for basketball? Jiang Ping and Li Xueqin were questioned, and netizens fried the pot

In response to this incident, netizens have expressed their opinions

Most people said that the special students were all taken over by capital, and ordinary people were not recognized if they had special talents, such as "math genius Jiang Ping", only the part of being questioned, didn't I hear that the domestic famous universities gave admission channels?

Suspected of being sent to Peking University by the son of a star for basketball? Jiang Ping and Li Xueqin were questioned, and netizens fried the pot

Some people also believe that this incident has exposed the injustice and loopholes of the selection system for special students, and it needs to be paid close attention to by relevant departments.

Suspected of being sent to Peking University by the son of a star for basketball? Jiang Ping and Li Xueqin were questioned, and netizens fried the pot

It mainly depends on the school, such a famous school actually has this type of specialty to enter the school, and properly open a channel for capital.

Suspected of being sent to Peking University by the son of a star for basketball? Jiang Ping and Li Xueqin were questioned, and netizens fried the pot

Speaking of which, I have to mention that Li Xueqin, a son of Peking University who was questioned some time ago, is another case of an ordinary person being questioned.

Suspected of being sent to Peking University by the son of a star for basketball? Jiang Ping and Li Xueqin were questioned, and netizens fried the pot

Finally, I would like to say:

In fact, the selection system for specialty students is not without merit. In many cases, it does provide a stage for students with special talents to showcase themselves. However, we should also be aware of the problems and controversies that exist in the practice of this system.

Suspected of being sent to Peking University by the son of a star for basketball? Jiang Ping and Li Xueqin were questioned, and netizens fried the pot

As a part of higher education, the fairness and impartiality of the selection system for special students have always attracted much attention. We should improve and refine it in many ways to ensure that every student with potential and dreams can receive fair opportunities and treatment.

Suspected of being sent to Peking University by the son of a star for basketball? Jiang Ping and Li Xueqin were questioned, and netizens fried the pot

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