
Shocking! Hua Xiaolong joined hands with Nicholas Tse, a shocking collision between the self-discipline circle and the entertainment industry

author:Tingting loves to share


Hua Xiaolong's successful case of leading Internet celebrities to self-discipline has attracted much attention, and his cooperation with Nicholas Tse has sparked a lot of discussions, and there is speculation about whether there are more stories behind the cooperation between the two. In the show, Hua Xiaolong was nervous, while Nicholas Tse was relaxed and comfortable, and his self-discipline ability also became a hot topic, and the cooperation between the two looked quite interesting. Netizens are also full of curiosity and surprise about the cooperation between the two, the intersection of the self-discipline circle and the entertainment industry, the cooperation between Hua Xiaolong and Nicholas Tse may be just a microcosm of many intersections, and there will be more wonderful cooperation in the future.

Shocking! Hua Xiaolong joined hands with Nicholas Tse, a shocking collision between the self-discipline circle and the entertainment industry

A successful case of Hua Xiaolong with Internet celebrity self-discipline

Shocking! Hua Xiaolong joined hands with Nicholas Tse, a shocking collision between the self-discipline circle and the entertainment industry

Recently, Hua Xiaolong and Nicholas Tse cooperated in filming a "Fengwei" program, in the video, Hua Xiaolong was so nervous that he was sweating, probably the first time to shoot a variety show, Nicholas Tse said with a relaxed face: "It seems that you are a little self-disciplined." ”

Shocking! Hua Xiaolong joined hands with Nicholas Tse, a shocking collision between the self-discipline circle and the entertainment industry

In fact, Hua Xiaolong has been leading Internet celebrities to self-discipline for the past two years, and they have all exercised with Hua Xiaolong, like Li Paoer, Chen Ze, Zhang Baiqiao and others, many netizens still think that as long as they learn from Hua Xiaolong, they will definitely lose weight successfully.

Shocking! Hua Xiaolong joined hands with Nicholas Tse, a shocking collision between the self-discipline circle and the entertainment industry

Especially Zhang Baiqiao, at the beginning, he was really as fat as a big fat pig, and after a few months, he lost a lot of weight, and his small waist was directly hooked out.

Shocking! Hua Xiaolong joined hands with Nicholas Tse, a shocking collision between the self-discipline circle and the entertainment industry

It can be seen that Hua Xiaolong still has a very good set of leading people, but several of them are Internet celebrities and have a certain ability to resist pressure.

Shocking! Hua Xiaolong joined hands with Nicholas Tse, a shocking collision between the self-discipline circle and the entertainment industry

Otherwise, like ordinary people, they would have been tortured half to death by their training a long time ago.

Shocking! Hua Xiaolong joined hands with Nicholas Tse, a shocking collision between the self-discipline circle and the entertainment industry

Nicholas Tse's performance on the show

This time, Hua Xiaolong and Nicholas Tse cooperated, but many netizens saw the clues.

The previous Internet celebrity self-discipline circle and entertainment industry were still fighting separately.

Unexpectedly, Hua Xiaolong and Nicholas Tse collided together this time, and Nicholas Tse seemed to have benefited a lot.

In the video, it can be seen that Hua Xiaolong is so nervous that he is sweating, and the sweat stains under his armpits have already rushed up.

It seems that during this time, the two of them not only exercised together, but even cooked their meals with Hua Xiaolong.

Shocking! Hua Xiaolong joined hands with Nicholas Tse, a shocking collision between the self-discipline circle and the entertainment industry

And it's a particularly healthy kind.

It can be said that Hua Xiaolong's cooking skills are highly affirmed.

Netizens speculated and discussed the cooperation between Hua Xiaolong and Nicholas Tse

However, the cooperation between Hua Xiaolong and Nicholas Tse has not been officially confirmed.

Shocking! Hua Xiaolong joined hands with Nicholas Tse, a shocking collision between the self-discipline circle and the entertainment industry

It was only exposed through the video.

Many netizens also expressed curiosity and surprise at this: "The Internet celebrity self-discipline circle and the entertainment industry have finally collided together. ”

"I'm so happy to watch this issue, I've finally waited for it."

"Actually, Hua Xiaolong and Nicholas Tse are put together because they are both very self-disciplined."

"One is in the self-discipline circle, and the other is in the entertainment industry, but self-discipline is very important for people in any field."

After Hua Xiaolong retired from the military training camp, he began to go further and further on his own path.

Not only did he insist on exercising, but he also pulled his friends into a fast pace.

It can be said that he is a typical "brain-burning boy", once the goal is determined, he will go all out to complete it.

And Nicholas Tse is a legend in the entertainment industry.

Since his debut in the early 90s, he has been able to stick to his original intention after the turmoil.

Whether it is a concert or filming, as long as there is an arrangement, it will be in place on time.

It can be said that he is a model student in the entertainment industry.

It's no wonder that the two were able to work together happily on the show.

I don't know what other self-discipline circles and figures in the entertainment industry will meet next?

Shocking! Hua Xiaolong joined hands with Nicholas Tse, a shocking collision between the self-discipline circle and the entertainment industry


The collaboration between Hua Xiaolong and Nicholas Tse is so interesting! not only showed their respective charms, but also triggered the hot public opinion of netizens. Self-discipline is the key to success, and whether it is in the self-discipline circle or the entertainment industry, you can see the flash of this quality. I hope to see more people from the self-discipline circle and the entertainment industry meet in the future, which will bring us more surprises and inspirations. Come and leave a comment to share your thoughts on self-discipline and cooperation!

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