
The 65-year-old man forced the girl to give up her seat in the subway, netizens: Administrative detention is too light, and it should be criminally detained

author:Enlighten Wisdom Pavilion
The 65-year-old man forced the girl to give up her seat in the subway, netizens: Administrative detention is too light, and it should be criminally detained

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What are the deep social problems reflected in the incident of the old man in the subway who forced to give up his seat?

An incident in the Beijing subway where an elderly man forced a young girl to give up her seat has aroused widespread concern and heated discussions among netizens, although the elderly involved have been administratively detained by the police, but the social problems exposed by the incident are far from being covered by a penalty notice

The 65-year-old man forced the girl to give up her seat in the subway, netizens: Administrative detention is too light, and it should be criminally detained

Let's first review the incident, according to the online video, an elderly man in the subway car, forcibly asked a young girl to give up his seat, after being refused, the old man not only did not stop his unreasonable demand, but intensified, verbally insulted the girl, and even tried to attack the girl's legs with crutches

"The bad guys get old"? How to look at the delinquency of the elderly

This incident quickly fermented on the Internet, and netizens expressed their indignation at the behavior of the elderly, and many people pointed the finger at the old man's "relying on the old and selling the old" and "disrespecting the old", thinking that some old people rely on their age to act recklessly in society, and even call them "bad people have become old"

It is undeniable that in recent years, with the increasing number of elderly people in the mainland, the phenomenon of the elderly breaking the law and committing crimes has also shown an upward trend, from blackmail, to insulting and beating others, to cutting in line to seize public resources, similar incidents are not uncommon, which not only damages the image of the elderly themselves, but also brings many unstable factors to the society

The "spiral of silence" effect? How to break the girl's dilemma

In addition to the condemnation of the elderly's behavior, many netizens also expressed sympathy for the girl's experience, believing that the girl seemed isolated and helpless in the face of the elderly's unreasonable demands, In fact, in public, in the face of similar moral kidnapping, many people often choose to swallow their anger, because they are afraid of causing trouble, or for fear of being accused of "disrespecting the elderly" by those around them

This "spiral of silence" effect makes victims often afraid to speak out, while perpetrators are emboldened, and in the long run, it will only contribute to the bad atmosphere in society and make more people become victims

What else do we need to do outside of the law?

In response to the question raised by netizens that the "punishment is too light", people in the legal circles pointed out that the current laws and regulations on the illegal and criminal acts of the elderly in the mainland are not perfect enough, and there is also a tendency to "deal with them lightly" in the process of law enforcement

How to effectively punish the illegal and criminal behaviors of the elderly while safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly is an important topic before us, which requires the relevant departments to further improve the laws and regulations, clarify the law enforcement standards, and at the same time strengthen the legal education for the elderly, and improve their awareness of the law and social morality

Only when the elderly feel the warmth from the society, they will cherish their feathers more, consciously maintain social morality, and live in harmony with others

Building a harmonious society requires the joint efforts of you and me

"The old and the old, the young and the young", this ancient adage expresses the respect and care that people should have, respecting the old and loving the young is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, but this does not mean that we should unconditionally condone all the behaviors of the elderly

The 65-year-old man forced the girl to give up her seat in the subway, netizens: Administrative detention is too light, and it should be criminally detained

Right is right, wrong is wrong, we can't be treated differently because of age, only when each of us can stick to the principles and bravely say no to unreasonable behavior, can we jointly create a fair, just and harmonious social environment

This subway seat turmoil may be just a small wave in social life, but it reflects a lot of questions worthy of our deep thought, how to build a better society, is the direction that each of us needs to think about and work towards

How to guide the society to form an atmosphere of respecting the elderly but not getting used to the elderly?

The incident of the elderly in the subway forced to give up their seats has once again triggered the public's discussion on the topic of "respecting the elderly", which is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, but in recent years, similar incidents have occurred frequently, which has also triggered people's reflection on the boundary between "respecting the elderly" and "habitual elderly".

The 65-year-old man forced the girl to give up her seat in the subway, netizens: Administrative detention is too light, and it should be criminally detained

Some people believe that some elderly people rely on the old and sell the old, relying on their age, they can do whatever they want, and even do things that violate the law and discipline, which has constituted a kind of "moral kidnapping", which is not conducive to the formation of a real atmosphere of respect for the elderly in society

How to balance the relationship between the rights and interests of the elderly and social morality?

In fact, there is a delicate boundary between respect for the elderly and habitual aging, and true respect for the elderly should be based on respect, understanding, and care, and we should respect the life experience and wisdom of the elderly, but at the same time, we should also guide them to abide by social morality and not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others

The 65-year-old man forced the girl to give up her seat in the subway, netizens: Administrative detention is too light, and it should be criminally detained

For those who do not respect the elderly, or even violate the law and discipline, we should not blindly tolerate and accommodate, but should take a clear-cut stand to criticize and educate, and even investigate their legal responsibility in accordance with the law, only in this way can we truly safeguard social fairness and justice, and can the traditional virtue of "respecting the elderly" be better inherited and carried forward

Start from yourself to build a harmonious society

To build a harmonious society, we need each of us to start from ourselves, from little by little, as the younger generation, we must respect and care for the elderly, more understanding and tolerance; As an elderly person, we should also set an example for the younger generation with our words and deeds, and jointly create a social environment full of love and warmth.

The 65-year-old man forced the girl to give up her seat in the subway, netizens: Administrative detention is too light, and it should be criminally detained

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