
Most Europeans buy miniature cars, why do Chinese buy big cars when they are small? It's realistic

author:Watermelon rambling

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Most Europeans buy miniature cars, why do Chinese buy big cars when they are small? It's realistic

Today let's talk about a very interesting topic: why Europeans are generally tall but prefer to buy mini cars, while we Chinese, relatively small, often like to choose large cars?

Most Europeans buy miniature cars, why do Chinese buy big cars when they are small? It's realistic

I read an article translated on the Internet, and the Germans are envious of the Audi Volkswagen in China, saying that all the good things are given to foreigners, and their own people use them poorly.

The Americans said, your China is still too small, according to me, your SUV has to be expanded two more times? What's not to stop? My parking in the United States is all from the front of the car to the inside, and it is not easy for you to park in the garage? What? Europe? Don't all Europeans drive smart?

The captain is really here, he used to drive an A-class broken manual and wanted to stop where to stop, and he got in, but now the captain has to look left and right for a long time when he goes in.

Most Europeans buy miniature cars, why do Chinese buy big cars when they are small? It's realistic

Yes, it's funny to see a bunch of people talking about face, as if foreigners don't love face, and the Yankees are famous for their love of big cars.

The rear row of the Toyota series is getting smaller and smaller, not only is no one spraying, but because of the "original", it is deeply loved by keyboard warriors.

That's the case.,Special M's online ruo wisdom is still blowing there.,Blow a yarn blow.,Those people are typical of eating foreign and have to find ways to say fragrant.

Most Europeans buy miniature cars, why do Chinese buy big cars when they are small? It's realistic

This is the real situation, we live in China, there is really no need to refer to how to choose a car.

That's right, in my rural area, the roads are rotten on rainy days, and the puddles are very deep, and I really have to buy a big car, and I think about buying a car is a very real problem.

"At the end of the day, the car is not bought for you alone, but for the whole family to use together, and the family structure in China determines the size of the car."

That's the real point! Also, Why do some bosses buy big luxury cars? On the one hand, it is a matter of face, and on the other hand, because of the influence of national tax policies and regulations, the depreciation of the car can be deducted from taxes.

Most Europeans buy miniature cars, why do Chinese buy big cars when they are small? It's realistic
Most Europeans buy miniature cars, why do Chinese buy big cars when they are small? It's realistic

As a joke, Japanese people love K-Cars because they are environmentally friendly.

Many people say that Europeans like crockpots, Europeans understand cars, the European car market is mature, Chinese like extended cars, like SUVs, so Chinese do not understand cars, China's car market is immature, every time this time I want to dump them.

The United States is an emerging country, an emerging city, with a large land and abundant resources, and a wide road, which must be a prosperous car, similar to Australia and Canada. Lao Maozi's road conditions are rotten, and the price of oil is cheap, and the SUV with good passability is also because of the poor buying second-hand in Japan and South Korea. Japan, South Korea, and Europe are similar, densely populated, expensive land, relatively narrow roads, small cars are prevalent, and who will be developed at the same time, good road quality allows drag racing, so you can play with cars with good handling.

Actually, there is no one set answer to this question. It involves cultural, social, economic, personal and other factors. However, through today's discussion, it is not difficult for us to find that whether it is a mini car or a large car, it is a rational choice made by people according to their actual situation and needs.

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