
The airbase was hit hard: the outer line of defense was broken through, and the scene was tragic!

author:Fun to talk about the world

In the turbulent international situation, a sudden military action once again shook the world. On June 27, 2024, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that it had launched a devastating strike on an airfield in Ukraine where Western aircraft were planned to be deployed. This news was like thunder on the ground, and it instantly detonated the international public opinion field. The resoluteness of Russia's action and the precision of its strike have undoubtedly demonstrated to the world its strong military strength and determination.

The airbase was hit hard: the outer line of defense was broken through, and the scene was tragic!

It is reported that the Russian operation was carried out jointly by the Black Sea Fleet of the Navy, the tactical aviation of the Aerospace Forces and the UAV unit. They used a variety of high-precision weapons, including Kalibr cruise missiles, Dagger hypersonic missiles, and drones, to completely destroy the secret air base in Ukraine. The targets of the strikes were key facilities such as airport runways, fuel storage depots, hangars, and ammunition warehouses, as well as peripheral air defense and anti-missile facilities such as missile launch vehicles, combat command vehicles, and air defense radars. For a time, this huge investment and meticulous construction of the air base was reduced to ruins.

For Ukraine, the blow was undoubtedly fatal. This air base was originally planned to be used to deploy Western fighters such as F-16 heavy fighters and "Mirage" multi-role fighters, which is an important support for the Ukrainian Air Force to regain air supremacy and turn the situation on the battlefield. However, with the destruction of the bases, these Western fighters also lost their usefulness. The dreams of the Ukrainian Air Force were dashed in an instant, and its combat effectiveness was seriously weakened.

The airbase was hit hard: the outer line of defense was broken through, and the scene was tragic!

Russia's move was not an impulsive move, but a well-thought-out strategic decision. On the one hand, Russia wants to send a clear signal to Ukraine and the Western countries behind it that any attempt to challenge Russia's interests will be dealt with harshly. On the other hand, Russia has also taken this opportunity to demonstrate its strong military strength and the performance of high-precision weapons and equipment, further enhancing its status and influence in the international arena.

This action will undoubtedly have a far-reaching impact on the international situation. First, it will further escalate tensions between Ukraine and Russia, making the already complex regional situation even more confusing. Second, it will also trigger extensive attention and discussion in the international community about Russia's military action, which will have an important impact on Russia's military strategy and foreign policy. Finally, it could also trigger a series of chain reactions, including further international assistance to Ukraine, sanctions against Russia, etc.

The airbase was hit hard: the outer line of defense was broken through, and the scene was tragic!

To sum up, Russia's devastating strike on the Ukrainian air base is undoubtedly a military operation of great significance. It not only demonstrates Russia's military strength and determination, but also has a profound impact on the international situation. For Ukraine, the blow is undoubtedly heavy; And for Russia, it was a successful strategic demonstration. In the international arena in the future, Russia will undoubtedly continue to play an important role and influence. At the same time, we should also realize that peace and cooperation are the fundamental ways to resolve international disputes. It is hoped that all parties will remain calm and restrained, resolve contradictions and differences through dialogue and consultation, and jointly safeguard world peace and stability.

Solemnly declare: The material of the article comes from the official media, as a creator of self-media, he has always commented on current affairs in an objective and rational manner, and there is no bad public opinion guidance. In addition, it is difficult for self-media creators to control the authenticity of the event, so please read it rationally. In addition, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete, thank you!!