
J-6 Transaction Doubts: China Collects Debts Seven Times, What Is the Outcome?

author:Fun to talk about the world

In the sky in the 60s of the 20th century, a fighter affectionately known as the "Sixth Master" was born, which not only achieved great results in China, but also shined on the international stage. This is the Chinese J-6 fighter, a fighter known for its high quality and low price, and its export process is full of legends.

J-6 Transaction Doubts: China Collects Debts Seven Times, What Is the Outcome?

First, the birth and glory of the J-6

In the 50s of the 20th century, supersonic fighters became the focus of research and development in various countries. New China also aspired to have advanced supersonic fighters, but this goal was particularly difficult when the industrial base was weak at that time. However, with the return of overseas scientists and engineers and the assistance of the Soviet Union, China's industrial level began to pick up. Despite the help of Soviet specialists, the independent design and development of a jet supersonic aircraft faced great challenges. In the end, China decided to introduce the MiG-19 production line, and on this basis, the J-6 was developed.

The emergence of the J-6 not only fills a gap in the continental fighter, but also shows its excellent performance in many actual battles. In 1964, the J-6 shot down the RF101 in a supersonic flight over Zhejiang, creating the first supersonic shootdown record in the history of world air combat. In the following four years, the J-6 created a 22-0 record against US-made fighters in the mainland's airspace, which impressed Western countries.

J-6 Transaction Doubts: China Collects Debts Seven Times, What Is the Outcome?

Second, the export and challenges of the J-6

The brilliant achievements of the J-6 have not only won domestic praise, but also attracted international attention. The first country to buy the J-6 from the mainland was Pakistan, which played an important role in the war with India. However, in the export process of the J-6, it was not all smooth sailing. After purchasing the J-6, the small African country of Somalia defaulted on the final payment for various reasons, and the mainland failed to collect debts seven times.

In the face of Somalia's "defaults", China did not choose to give up, but put forward a proposal to exchange "waste products" for them. In Somalia, the continental delegation found a large number of dilapidated Su-22 aircraft engines. These engines have important reference value for Continental's self-developed engines. After 12 rounds of negotiations, the mainland finally sold for $33.1 million, including four Su-22 engines in exchange for four J-6s.

J-6 Transaction Doubts: China Collects Debts Seven Times, What Is the Outcome?

3. The legend and enlightenment of the J-6

The export process of J-6 is not only a legendary military sales past, but also a witness to the rise of China's aviation industry. From the "Sixth Master" to the best-selling product for export, the J-6 has won an international reputation for its high quality and low price, and its leather durability. At the same time, the export of the J-6 also faced challenges and difficulties, but China, with its wisdom and patience, finally won the due reward.

The legend of the J-6 tells us that independent research and development and innovation are the key to enhancing national strength and international status. In the face of dilemmas and challenges, we need to remain calm and wise and seek the best solutions. At the same time, we should also realize that international arms sales are not only commercial activities, but also a manifestation of a country's strength and foreign policy.

J-6 Transaction Doubts: China Collects Debts Seven Times, What Is the Outcome?

The J-6 has been removed from service in the continental forces, but its saga will always be remembered. Today, China's space industry has taken off, and our position on the international stage is also increasing. Looking back on the export process of the J-6, we can't help but be proud of the rise of China's aviation industry. At the same time, we should also learn from the wisdom and courage in the J-6 legend, continue to move forward, and create more brilliance on the international stage. In the future, China will continue to adhere to independent R&D and innovation, continuously enhance its national strength and international status, and make greater contributions to world peace and development.

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