
The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?

author:Brother Chen talks about the ball

In the recent U17 Men's Basketball World Cup, the Chinese team showed their ability to compete with the world's top teams, especially after the comeback victory over France, ranked second in the world, which was not only a victory of the game, but also an affirmation of the Chinese basketball youth system. This victory became the third victory of the Chinese U17 team against France, showing the hope and potential of Chinese basketball in the future. However, the diffusion of this potential at the senior national team level appears slow and limited.

The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?

Although China's youth team has performed well on the international stage, the international results of the senior team have not been satisfactory. This contrast has triggered a deep reflection on the domestic basketball development strategy. Compared to Chinese basketball, players from countries such as France are able to gain valuable experience by participating in the world's top leagues such as the NBA, which not only improves their technical level, but also broadens their international perspectives. In contrast, Chinese players rarely have the opportunity to hone in overseas leagues, which directly affects their competitive level and psychological endurance.

The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?

In order to narrow the gap with the top basketball countries, Chinese basketball must increase exchanges and cooperation with the international basketball community. This includes not only sending players to overseas leagues, but also bringing in an international team of coaches and establishing partnerships with basketball academies in other countries. For example, through cooperation with European and American basketball academies, exchange programs can be set up to give young Chinese players the opportunity to be exposed to the world's high-level training environment and competition system at a young age. At the same time, the introduction of foreign coaching resources can help the local coaching team update training methods and tactical concepts, so as to improve the tactical level and competitiveness of the entire national team.

The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?

Chinese basketball also needs to establish a more systematic and complete player development path, with clear planning and support for each stage from youth development to career development. This includes improving the quality of training at the Academy, setting up more youth competitions and providing career development advice. In addition, sports psychology counselling is provided to young players to help them build strong resilience to stress, which is essential for them to perform well in high-pressure international competitions in the future.

The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?

In terms of basketball management and marketing, Chinese basketball can explore more innovative strategies to improve the attractiveness and international influence of domestic leagues. For example, by cooperating with international brands, we can enhance the brand value of the CBA league and attract more international players and coaches to join. At the same time, the international coverage of TV broadcasts and online live broadcasts will be increased, making the Chinese basketball league and top competitions more accessible and followed by global audiences.

The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?

Technology is playing an increasingly important role in modern sports. Chinese basketball can invest more in sports technology, such as data analysis, exercise physiology monitoring and game simulation, which can help coaching teams better develop training plans and monitor and analyze player performance in real time. In addition, virtual reality technology is used to provide players with an environment that simulates international matches, helping them adapt to the pressure and atmosphere of the international arena in advance.

The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?

If Chinese basketball is to succeed in the international arena, it must be fundamentally reformed. At present, the influence and experience of Chinese players overseas are seriously lacking. Although players like Choi Yong-hee have tried to study abroad, such cases are far from enough. The Chinese Basketball Association and basketball institutions at all levels need to create more opportunities to encourage and support players to develop overseas, so as to gain experience against high-level international players.

The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?

The future development of Chinese basketball must break the traditional thinking of focusing on domestic leagues in the past and actively embrace the international development strategy. This means that the Basketball Association should not only encourage players to go abroad in terms of policies, but also simplify the procedures for going abroad through practical actions, provide language and cultural adaptation support, etc., so as to reduce the threshold and risk for players to go abroad. In addition, consideration should be given to establishing long-term partnerships with overseas basketball academies to provide young players with the opportunity to train and compete in the top basketball environments in Europe and the United States, and cultivate their international vision and competitive ability from an early age.

The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?

Improving the international competitiveness of domestic leagues is also an important way to attract foreign players and coaches and improve the level of local players. The Chinese Basketball Association should consider bringing in more international stars and top coaches, whose participation can not only improve the spectacle and competition level of the league, but also provide opportunities for Chinese players to learn and communicate. For example, a special international player introduction fund can be set up to provide financial support for clubs to bring in foreign players, and at the same time, it can also boost the training enthusiasm and competition strength of local players through these foreign players.

The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?

Reforming the youth training system is fundamental to enhancing the competitiveness of future players. Chinese basketball should start from the basics, reform the existing youth basketball training system, and introduce international advanced training concepts and methods. In addition, in cooperation with internationally renowned basketball schools, exchange games and training camps are held regularly to provide a learning platform for coaches and players, which can not only improve the coaching level of coaches, but also directly improve the practical ability of young players.

The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?

Fostering an inclusive and open sports culture is equally important for the development of basketball. The government and society should give more encouragement and support, whether it is preferential policies or positive guidance of public opinion, and should strive to form an atmosphere that encourages innovation and experimentation. This will not only improve the social status of basketball, but also attract more young people to join basketball, and provide a wider and more diverse talent for Chinese basketball.

The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?

The development strategy of Chinese basketball needs to be more open and international. It is not only necessary to inject more international elements into the youth training system, but also to carry out international reforms in the coaching team, training methods and competition strategies. Through regular exchanges and friendly matches with top international teams, Chinese players can continuously improve their competitive ability and tactical understanding, and accumulate valuable experience for international competitions.

The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?

In order to achieve the goal of basketball internationalization, the Chinese Basketball Association needs to formulate a specific implementation plan, including the establishment of a stable international exchange platform. For example, an annual International Basketball Summit could be set up, where basketball experts, coaches and players from around the world can share their experiences and discuss trends. In addition, the establishment of long-term cooperative relations, such as cooperation with the NBA, the European Basketball League and other institutions, coach training, youth training exchange programs, etc., will bring an international vision and advanced basketball culture to Chinese basketball.

The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?

Chinese basketball also needs to invest in the construction of more high-standard basketball training facilities in China. This includes the introduction of state-of-the-art training equipment, the construction of state-of-the-art gymnasiums and rehabilitation centres, and other facilities to support high-performance training. This will not only improve the training effect of players, but also attract international players and coaches to work and exchange in China, thereby directly improving the training level and competitive status of local basketball.

The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?

The development of Chinese basketball needs to pay attention not only to the progress of the team level, but also to the growth and development of individual players. Tailor-made individual development plans for top players, including technical improvement, physical training, mental adjustment, etc., to ensure that they can perform at their best on the international stage. In addition, young and promising players are provided with opportunities to train and compete abroad, so that they can be exposed to the international high-level basketball environment at a younger age.

The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?

An international basketball strategy also needs to strengthen the popularization of basketball education and culture. This includes promoting basketball in schools and communities to increase youth interest and participation in basketball. Through the cooperation of the education department and sports institutions, join basketball courses and camps to increase the popularity of basketball and cultivate future basketball talents. In addition, enhance media communication and marketing, increase the exposure and fan base of basketball events, and create a healthy basketball viewing culture.

The Chinese men's basketball team is not without strength, U17 killed France three times! Why is it so much abuse everywhere in the senior team?
Although the Chinese U17 men's basketball team has achieved remarkable results in the World Cup, this is only a small step on the long-term development path of Chinese basketball. The real challenge is how to translate the potential of these young talents into competitiveness for the senior national team. This requires continued investment, strategic patience, and a deep understanding of the dynamics of international basketball. The future development of Chinese basketball needs to find new impetus and direction in opening up and reform.

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