
In 2014, the guy who spent 160,000 yuan for bone breaking surgery to grow taller regrets it now?

author:Good dreams
In 2014, the guy who spent 160,000 yuan for bone breaking surgery to grow taller regrets it now?

I heard that the people who pay attention to me, the God of Wealth prefers a few points! If you want to have a lot of money, start by paying attention! Good luck with your money!

The brutal collision of dreams and reality: a helpless choice under height anxiety

Li Yanuo, a boy born in Beijing in 1994, should have a brilliant and carefree youth, from childhood to adulthood, excellent grades are the source of his self-confidence, the love of his parents weaves a better future for him, fate seems to play a cruel joke on him, so that in the process of growing up, he is gradually troubled by height anxiety

In 2014, the guy who spent 160,000 yuan for bone breaking surgery to grow taller regrets it now?

The shadow of adolescence: height becomes a lingering inferiority

Northerners, in everyone's impression seems to be born with the word "tall", after entering high school, Li Yanuo, who is 1.67 meters tall, looks particularly "short" among his peers, adolescent boys, self-esteem is as sensitive and fragile as a mimosa, in the face of the "superior" figure of his classmates around him, he began to feel inferior, and his originally cheerful personality gradually became taciturn

In 2014, the guy who spent 160,000 yuan for bone breaking surgery to grow taller regrets it now?

Seeing that the classmates in front of him were all 1.8 meters and 1.75 meters, his heart was mixed, and what made him even more difficult to let go was that a boy with a height of 1.71 meters in the class always joked about his height from time to time, and even called him "Zunzi" in front of the whole class, although he knew that it was just an inappropriate joke between classmates, but the accumulated verbal attacks still left an indelible shadow in his heart

The blow of broken dreams: the last straw that crushed my heart when I failed to recruit civil aviation

In the third year of high school, civil aviation came to the school for enrollment, Li Yanuo, who had the dream of flying, resolutely signed up for the selection examination, he was full of confidence, thinking that with his excellent results, he would be able to pass smoothly, contrary to his wishes, he finally failed, and was selected, a classmate with a height of 1.8 meters

In 2014, the guy who spent 160,000 yuan for bone breaking surgery to grow taller regrets it now?

Li Yanuo was unwilling, he found the teacher to ask the reason, but the answer was "height is not qualified", although the enrollment brochure clearly stated that the height of boys must not be less than 1.65 meters, but he was still rejected by this reason, the ridicule of his classmates around him, and the sighs of his parents who hated iron and steel, were intertwined, completely shattering the last line of defense in his heart

Obsession and paranoia: Broken bone augmentation surgery is a big gamble of risk and cost

In order to grow taller, Li Yanuo began to try various methods, he insisted on exercising every day, adjusted his diet, and even went to the hospital to consult a doctor, but what he got was the cruel reality that the bone line had been closed and could not grow taller

In 2014, the guy who spent 160,000 yuan for bone breaking surgery to grow taller regrets it now?

This surgery was originally designed to treat leg deformities caused by polio or accidents, and the principle is to break the closed bone, and then install an extender, and increase it by constantly stretching the bone space, which was banned by the state as early as 2006 due to the extremely high risk of surgery and many postoperative complications

Li Yanuo was convinced of this, he thought that this was his only chance to change his fate, he ignored the opposition of his parents, and even forced him to die, and finally persuaded his parents to take out all the savings of the family, and borrowed a lot of money from relatives and friends to make up enough for the operation of 160,000 yuan

Unbearable pain: postoperative torture and long recovery periods

In 2014, on Li Yanuo's birthday, he was pushed into the operating room, the pain of the operation process, he still remembers it vividly, after the anesthetic subsided, the pain in his leg was unbearable, and for a long time after the operation, he could only rest in bed, unable to take care of himself, and needed the careful care of his parents every day

In 2014, the guy who spent 160,000 yuan for bone breaking surgery to grow taller regrets it now?

In order to be able to grow taller, he endured severe pain, gritted his teeth every day and insisted on bone stretching, and every time the wound was about to heal, he would ruthlessly tear it open, this kind of unimaginable pain for ordinary people, he actually endured dozens of times

The price of the dream: 7.2 centimeters of height in exchange for irreparable pain

After more than a year of lengthy treatment, Li Yanuo finally removed the extender on his leg, and the measurement showed that he had grown 7.2 cm taller, which made him ecstatic, and this joy did not last long, and the sequelae of the operation began to appear

In 2014, the guy who spent 160,000 yuan for bone breaking surgery to grow taller regrets it now?

As a result of the forced stretching of the bones, Li Yanuo's legs were severely deformed, the symptoms of the O-shaped legs became more and more severe, and it became more and more difficult to walk, and to his despair, the doctor told him that the situation was almost irreversible

The Torture of Reality: A Re-examination of Height and the Value of Life

Today's Li Yanuo, can no longer walk like a normal person, can only rely on a wheelchair to live, recalling the crazy move he made in order to grow taller, he regretted it, he admitted frankly, if he was given another chance to choose, he would never go for broken bone augmentation surgery again

In 2014, the guy who spent 160,000 yuan for bone breaking surgery to grow taller regrets it now?

Li Yanuo's experience has sounded the alarm for all people who are deeply suffering from height anxiety, height is only one of the criteria for measuring a person's external conditions, and it cannot determine a person's value and achievements

Wu Yanzu of 1.8 meters and Ma Yun of 1.6 meters, I believe that most people will choose the latter without hesitation, because what really determines a person's height is his talent, ability and character, not height

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