
The number of undergraduate alumni of 985 universities ranked among the three national awards: 1st among 8 students in Jilin University, and bald heads in 5 schools such as Renmin University

author:Zhihu Zhou Rui talks about university

Source: Network News

The number of undergraduate alumni of 985 universities ranked among the three national awards: 1st among 8 students in Jilin University, and bald heads in 5 schools such as Renmin University

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With the official announcement of the 2023 National Science and Technology Awards, we have been able to get a glimpse of the outstanding achievements of China's 985 universities in talent training. This year, a group of scientists and landmark achievements with outstanding contributions have won the National Science and Technology Award, and their achievements are not only an affirmation of individual efforts, but also the best proof of the quality of university education that trained them.

The number of undergraduate alumni of 985 universities ranked among the three national awards: 1st among 8 students in Jilin University, and bald heads in 5 schools such as Renmin University

Judging from the statistics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology won the crown in the total number of people, and a total of 20 people won the national science and technology award, which undoubtedly demonstrates the outstanding strength of the university in talent training. Xi'an Jiaotong University and Harbin Institute of Technology followed with 19 and 18 respectively, demonstrating their deep heritage in science and technology education and research.

It is worth noting that in the statistics of the number of undergraduate alumni, Jilin University tops the list with the number of 8 students, which is eye-catching. Although the admission score of Jilin University has been sluggish in recent years, and it has even been criticized by some people as the last 985 university, the talents it has cultivated have frequently made remarkable achievements in the field of science and technology, which is undoubtedly a powerful response to the quality of the school's education. In stark contrast to Jida University, none of the five universities with extremely high admission scores, including Renmin University, Nankai University, South China University of Technology and Minzu University of China, made the list in this year's statistics, which also led to deep reflection on the relationship between university admission scores and education quality.

The number of undergraduate alumni of 985 universities ranked among the three national awards: 1st among 8 students in Jilin University, and bald heads in 5 schools such as Renmin University

Further analysis found that about 50 awardees graduated from the same university, which not only reflects the coherence and systematization of universities in talent training, but also shows the advantages of universities in interdisciplinary integration and innovative talent training. Among them, many alumni of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Central South University, Tsinghua University and Harbin Institute of Technology have studied at the university's undergraduate, master's and doctoral levels, and have continued to engage in scientific research in the university or related fields after graduation, and have made remarkable achievements.

The achievements of these laureates are not only a testament to their personal efforts, but also to the quality of education at their universities. By providing high-quality educational resources and scientific research environment, these colleges and universities have cultivated batches of outstanding scientific and technological talents, and have made important contributions to the scientific and technological progress of China and the world.

Of course, we should also note that colleges and universities still face some challenges and problems in talent training. How to further improve the quality of education and scientific research, how to better cultivate students' innovation ability and practical ability, and how to better play the leading role of colleges and universities in scientific and technological innovation and talent training are all problems that we need to think about and solve in depth.

In the future, we expect that universities will continue to strengthen the improvement of education quality and scientific research level, and make greater contributions to cultivating more outstanding scientific and technological talents. We also hope that all sectors of society can give more support and attention to universities and jointly promote the development and progress of China's higher education.

The announcement of the 2023 National Science and Technology Award is not only a recognition of a group of outstanding scientists, but also an affirmation of the achievements of China's entire education system, including 985 University, in talent training. The achievements of these laureates are not only a testament to their individual talents and efforts, but also to the excellence of their universities in science and technology education and research. We look forward to the emergence of more outstanding scientific and technological talents in the future to make greater contributions to the scientific and technological progress of China and the world.

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